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Muslims: Keeping the wife "in line"

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Wonder Woman
I have read his posts, the idea is almost similar to a D/s relationship and it's erotic to a lot of people including me :D

It's one thing in bed to play dominant/submissive roles. It's an entirely different thing to say a man is supposed to beat his wife for leaving the house without permission or refusing to have sex with him when he wants. One is bedroom games and the other is abuse. I should think that should be clear.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Jeez, what's wrong with being submissive to the husband? I find the idea of a passive submissive partner... sexy

I have read his posts, the idea is almost similar to a D/s relationship and it's erotic to a lot of people including me :D

That's perfectly fine for people that want it to be that way -- it's their choice. But it's one thing to have people willingly enter such an arrangement, and quite another thing for people to be coerced into it unwillingly.

As you can see, many women wouldn't want that sort of relationship -- including Muslim women. Since there are clearly many different ways to interpret the verses Godobeyer is operating on, it's important to discuss the issue so that women who don't want a role of passive submissiveness in their relationship can't be falsely coerced into something they don't want.

I'd also judge it fairly serious to have someone who believes it's okay to beat women -- however "lightly" -- to critically think on this before someone gets hurt. As Draka pointed out before this edit, it's one thing to get rough by mutual agreement; but quite another for someone to hit someone who doesn't want to be hit.
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Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
It's one thing in bed to play dominant/submissive roles. It's an entirely different thing to say a man is supposed to beat his wife for leaving the house without permission or refusing to have sex with him when he wants. One is bedroom games and the other is abuse. I should think that should be clear.

Also, this.

Thanks Draka :)


Veteran Member
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I have read his posts, the idea is almost similar to a D/s relationship and it's erotic to a lot of people including me :D

As long as you're both OK with that, that's great. :D I wouldn't like that, so I have every right to not live that way.

I just happen to be of the opinion that religion doesn't need to dictate a consensual relationship...especially in private matters. Sure, guidelines can be there, but I don't think people need to be told to respect each other. :sarcastic


It's one thing in bed to play dominant/submissive roles. It's an entirely different thing to say a man is supposed to beat his wife for leaving the house without permission or refusing to have sex with him when he wants. One is bedroom games and the other is abuse. I should think that should be clear.

Earth mother, to a lot of people, BDSM is more than a play, it's a lifestyle. Maybe Godobeyer was trying to justify his fetish through Quranic verses and
I think he really shouldn't do that. :D


The Creator
its time for quran scholars to verify quran translations in minor languages, in the website quran.com/4, when viewed the translation in my local language it clear says 'to hit', no other meaning it can have.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
As long as you're both OK with that, that's great. :D I wouldn't like that, so I have every right to not live that way.

I just happen to be of the opinion that religion doesn't need to dictate a consensual relationship...especially in private matters. Sure, guidelines can be there, but I don't think people need to be told to respect each other. :sarcastic
Indeed. I don't think I have ever seen the passages rendered as "slap and tickle". :facepalm:


Veteran Member
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its time for quran scholars to verify quran translations in minor languages, in the website quran.com/4, when viewed the translation in my local language it clear says 'to hit', no other meaning it can have.

Well I guess that solves it then. You found that translation, so that MUST be the only one out there. :rolleyes:

Well, I happen to disagree (as do many Muslims), so where does that leave it?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
its time for quran scholars to verify quran translations in minor languages, in the website quran.com/4, when viewed the translation in my local language it clear says 'to hit', no other meaning it can have.
you absolutly right .
of course the translation should be almost had the meaning , Arabic is my languge , that mean i already know it in arabic , and I verified all the hadiths and verse of Quran in english are the same meaning .

arabic meaning = english meaning ; i have two eyes and two same meaning .

and all the translations in english are "beat them , strike theam , sourge them "
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What do you mean?
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die (Prov. 23:13)

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him (Prov. 13:24)

And wife beating goes without saying:

Col 3:18
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
you absolutly right .
of course the translation should be almost had the meaning , Arabic is my languge , that mean i already know it in arabic , and I verified all the hadiths and verse of Quran in english are the same meaning .

arabic meaning = english meaning ; i have two eyes and two same meaning .

and all the translations in english are "beat them , strike theam , sourge them "
So, are you really saying that Muslim wives must be beaten, struck and scourged for resisting their loving husbands profound understanding?
One wonders what your future wife thinks about this. No doubt, she is good with it all and can hardly wait.

Let the smacks of love begin, eh.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So, are you really saying that Muslim wives must be beaten, struck and scourged for resisting their loving husbands profound understanding?
One wonders what your future wife thinks about this. No doubt, she is good with it all and can hardly wait.

Let the smacks of love begin, eh.
in one case "insubordinate wife " and by "soft beat" .


Well-Known Member
for exemple ?
Example? In what way is an example needed? Respect is earned, not given, if he doesnt earn her respect then he does not deserve it. Simple as that.

But since you wanted examples... If he doesnt treat her with respect, if he is a selfish ******* whos only interest in her is sex, if he cheats with other women, and so on.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Please let these people speak for themselves. They're fully capable.
ah , who tell that they are not capable .I guess they are responsible to God and capable to show you the people the true meaning of the Hadiths .
because i said it's already clear ,knowing in english to you , but they know the meaning in arabic .
Sure, but just because they say so doesn't mean I HAVE to accept that obey means what you think it does.
ok I am waiting Badran and Debater to retranslate to you the meaning of Hadiths
from Arabic source to english :)
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