it is a sad state of affairs right now.
Muslims around the world are not following the creed as it is designed to be followed. they refuse to modernize and adapt to modernity. i am going to be bashed by other Muslims for saying this, but it's the truth. i see it every day; people judging others on outward one is "good enough"...they're cheating their own people (and these are who we are to befriend)...they're stealing, lying, manipulating Shariah law to suit their political and dominating purposes...
it's a disaster right now. NOT the religion, its people. i used to say that you don't judge a religion by its people, but that's an insider looking out. as an outsider, what other example to they have?
if you don't know good, honest, humble, loving, tolerant Muslims (they ARE out there, in the MILLIONS, by the way)...and what you DO see is shown on CNN, FOX, etc., and if what you DO see is extremism eating at the core of Islam, then why on earth would anyone take Islam seriously?
for G-d's sake, we have fatwas in Saudi telling us we can't take flowers to the sick, and that we can't be "the same kind of friends" with non-Muslims as we can be with Muslims...we have religious police (albeit a small minority) hitting women for not covering "properly" and men for not having "a proper Shar'i beard. did Allah ordain this? NO. did our Prophet ordain the religious police to do these acts? NO. where did this nonsense come from? what has happened to us as a practicing people? why are we so focused on what others do and NOT on ourselves and setting a good example?
what do we expect non-Muslims to find appealing about our religion when they see misogyny, hatred for everyone outside of Islam, hatred for many WITHIN Islam, etc.? our religion does not teach these things, yet it's the most prevalent problem out there.
it's time for Muslims around the world to WAKE UP and realize that the rest of the world won't be bullied into accepting Islam as a respectable religion, let along THE religion...if we don't accept modernity (within certain boundaries as all religions have and need boundaries)...and adapt accordingly.