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My "Christian" friends


Christians love to point out that faith is a verb to them.
If it is OK for them to go proactive then it is OK for you too.
I think you should go ahead and ask them why they are any different than you, since you all do the same things. If they get ****** then so be it.
Jesus never preached the faith alone doctrine. He also kept the Law.
R. C. Sproul said : "If you don't have imputation, you don't have sola fide (faith alone), and if you don't have sola fide, you don't have the gospel."
What chutzpah!

Jesus brought the kingdom; it aborted; and the apostles substituted an institution, the church. This would make more sense than the Pauline tradition.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
This is a very interesting thread, especially reading all the comments by non-believers and atheists. I think it is pretty common now to see or know people who claim to be Christians, but act and live like everyone else. Many churches now are seeker-friendly, social clubs and teach only a feel-good message. It may be preached that Jesus is one's ticket to heaven, but other than that He makes little difference in one;s life. Non-Christians have no trouble seeing the hypocrisy of this.

I don't think you can always judge whether a person is a real Christian by their behavior at any given moment because true Christianity is not about keeping a set of rules. But seeing on-going questionable behavior does and should cause one to wonder because a real relationship with Jesus Christ transforms a person's life.

If you have seen consistent behavior in your friends over a long period of time that makes you question what difference Jesus makes in their lives I think asking your questions is definitely valid. Maybe your questions will cause them to look more closely at whether or not they really are living for Christ or self. Maybe your questions will even be used by God to get them "saved" if they are not already.
My intent is not to judge these guys. If what you suggest happens, and they no longer drink, smoke, curse, gamble, and see R-rated movies, then we won't have anything to do together. :shrug:


I just noticed that asterisks were used to substitute a word in my post.
The word I used is quoted at least 5 times in 1st Samuel in the KJV, DRB, JPS and others.
The Bible uses the word as a verb; I used it as an adjective. What is the difference?
I can be sarcastic, yes. But I am not a crude individual.
I resent words in the Bible being edited! Dystopia!

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
I think you should go ahead and ask them why they are any different than you, since you all do the same things. If they get ****** then so be it.
That's kind of where I'm headed. And I'm seriously thinking of doing the "<close eyes> Ok, I've done it. Now I'm saved. Pass me a beer and cigar, and deal the ********** cards!" thing. I always like demonstrating a point over trying to explain it.


That's kind of where I'm headed. And I'm seriously thinking of doing the "<close eyes> Ok, I've done it. Now I'm saved. Pass me a beer and cigar, and deal the ********** cards!" thing. I always like demonstrating a point over trying to explain it.

Well it worked for me.:cool:


Veteran Member
I just noticed that asterisks were used to substitute a word in my post.
The word I used is quoted at least 5 times in 1st Samuel in the KJV, DRB, JPS and others.
The Bible uses the word as a verb; I used it as an adjective. What is the difference?
I can be sarcastic, yes. But I am not a crude individual.
I resent words in the Bible being edited! Dystopia!
As it's probably dawned on you, some Bible talk simply isn't suitable for polite conversation.


My intent is not to judge these guys. If what you suggest happens, and they no longer drink, smoke, curse, gamble, and see R-rated movies, then we won't have anything to do together. :shrug:

Do you have any non-Christian friends? Why do you hang out with Christians?


Active Member
They are not following their religion. In Egypt, the church tells our christian brothers not to smoke , get drunk, not to practice sexual relations outside marriage, not to say bad words, not to steal , etc.
If they don't follow their religion, it's their own business and that doesn't mean there is a problem with religion itself. I actually agree with most of the christian beliefs as a muslim as I believe Christianity was originally from God as a religion but we have some arguments about the nature of jesus and the crucifixion. We share most of the morals and we live with each others in a very good manner. We love each others, play ,study, eat together and even I can pray at their homes. So, I don't think the problem is with Christianity itself, I think the problem is with the people who practice it. They are not bounded truly to their religious morals.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Do you have any non-Christian friends? Why do you hang out with Christians?
I met all these guys indirectly through my wife. She's friends with all their wives through the same church and as I said, we all have kids about the same age, so all of us get together and hang out quite a bit. Over the years, us husbands/dads have become good friends.

And yes, I do have non-Christian friends as well.


Rogue Theologian
They are not following their religion. In Egypt, the church tells our christian brothers not to smoke , get drunk, not to practice sexual relations outside marriage, not to say bad words, not to steal , etc.
If they don't follow their religion, it's their own business and that doesn't mean there is a problem with religion itself. I actually agree with most of the christian beliefs as a muslim as I believe Christianity was originally from God as a religion but we have some arguments about the nature of jesus and the crucifixion. We share most of the morals and we live with each others in a very good manner. We love each others, play ,study, eat together and even I can pray at their homes. So, I don't think the problem is with Christianity itself, I think the problem is with the people who practice it. They are not bounded truly to their religious morals.

Not bound to their beliefs?....a charge of hypocrisy?

I've seen at least one report....
as a believer stood up to a microphone and did profess....
"Islam is not a religion of peace."

The audience turned on him immediately, the sound of disapproval was loud.

Another report, from a convert leaving Islam to Christian faith.... the radicals are the ones who practice Islam, as presented in their scripture.

In in all fairness...the Carpenter is quoted...
"I have not come with peace...but with a sword...."

Now, in all fairness, again...
Some quotes are meant to be literal...some not.

I have found fault with all 'religion' at some point.
So I am a rogue theologian.
I follow no congregation.

I also suspect...strongly so....no prophet is favored.

Religion fails at the point of exhalation.
Your mentor greater than mine?


Active Member
Another report, from a convert leaving Islam to Christian faith.... the radicals are the ones who practice Islam, as presented in their scripture.
I'm not a native english speaker so I didn't understand what u mean, please clarify


Rogue Theologian
explain Why please and I'll answer you if God wishes so.

The report I was watching was televised in form of a one hour documentary.
Three different speakers were given time before an audience to express their faith and practice of Islam.

The first fellow was dressed in white.
He seemed firm in conviction and will that all men should be Muslim.
He did not advocate violence.

The second wore everyday casual, jeans and jacket.
He denounced strongly the killing of others.
Let all men find God peacefully.

The last fellow (the one I mentioned in previous post) wore all black.
He seemed convinced that only Islam can be tolerated.
"Islam is not a religion of peace."

But of course, these convictions are shared in all faiths.
Not one greater than another.

If you have found peace on your prayer rug.....so be it.

Peace first.


Active Member
The report I was watching was televised in form of a one hour documentary.
Three different speakers were given time before an audience to express their faith and practice of Islam.

The first fellow was dressed in white.
He seemed firm in conviction and will that all men should be Muslim.
He did not advocate violence.

The second wore everyday casual, jeans and jacket.
He denounced strongly the killing of others.
Let all men find God peacefully.

The last fellow (the one I mentioned in previous post) wore all black.
He seemed convinced that only Islam can be tolerated.
"Islam is not a religion of peace."

But of course, these convictions are shared in all faiths.
Not one greater than another.

If you have found peace on your prayer rug.....so be it.

Peace first.

Yes , peace first and one can't believe in a religion if it doesn't call 4 peace. But , why do u think Islam doesn't call 4 peace? May be I mis-understad you.


Active Member
The first rule about Islam dealing with other faiths is that everybody has the right to choose his religion and to worship what he wants even if Islam doesn't confirm his opinion. I don't know if anybody says something against this but if he does so he's wrongful. You have total liberty to choose your religious beliefs according to the Islamic dogma. Even the Jihad idea is concerned with allowing the Muslims to call for their religion and to tell others about it because Muslims believe their responsibility is that the whole world should know about their message. However, Islam doesn't forbid others to believe in a contradicting faith. And if you think that Muslims will enter wars against the western community to make people believe in their religion so u r wrong. We won't enter a war like this because now there's freedom of talking about religion and adopting any religious belief so there is no need for Jihad now. And What Bin Laden had done is considered totally against Islamic beliefs and he's considered a terrorists by most Muslims. And if you think Muslims believe their religion is the true religion so all persons do so. However , we agree with most morals and beliefs christian and Jews adopt. We differ in few things, however we have many things and beliefs in common.


Rogue Theologian
Yes , peace first and one can't believe in a religion if it doesn't call 4 peace. But , why do u think Islam doesn't call 4 peace? May be I mis-understad you.

My last post was only a report, of what other Muslims say of their faith.

Your last post speaks well of you and your faith.

I prefer your approach.
