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My God Why have you forsaken me


Veteran Member
May not have meaning to you but it does to me.

If we are of the same beliefs on the born again experience, meaning he and I, then we should be in tandem.
I believe perhaps a little more information on his part would be helpful, hence my questioning.

I come from a staunch born again believing views and have witnessed changes in people's lives due to it.

It is not like I don't know enough to discern a person's understanding what it really means.

"A new born babe in Christ" is a term discribing a newly reborn believer in their infancy of the gospel of Christ, verses a seasoned, tried and true believer grown in spiritual maturity.

A lack of understanding perhaps?

When we first learned to drive a car, we could drive, no doubt about it.
But not necessarily know all the rules of the road when encountering storms, snow, heavy traffic and types of roads.

Have you driven in snow before? (Experienced it)Why should I question you if you already know how to drive?
Silly of me to ask , you think?

Blessings, AJ

you are just using your faith to justify why you are judging people...
your assumption that you are in the right is arrogant....period.


Veteran Member
If we are of the same beliefs on the born again experience, meaning he and I, then we should be in tandem.
I believe perhaps a little more information on his part would be helpful, hence my questioning.

I come from a staunch born again believing views and have witnessed changes in people's lives due to it.

It's a very big world .. have you travelled north, east, south and west? Have you sacrificed your life, your wealth, your family?

I'm not personally saying that it's strictly necessary, but to claim that you "know it all", is a bit unrealistic.

None of us know it all .. knowledge is vast, and those who close their minds to rational theological study, cannot make spiritual progress.
Having said that, the most important thing is your heart.
ie. your intention


Veteran Member
None of us know it all .. knowledge is vast, and those who close their minds to rational theological study, cannot make spiritual progress.
Having said that, the most important thing is your heart.
ie. your intention

Curious why you say 'most important thing is your heart' ?

Jeremiah wrote that we should Not trust our hearts.
Our hearts are treacherous and deceitful........[Jer. 17v9]
So, the intentions of our hearts can mislead us.

Jeremiah also wrote that we can Not direct our step. [10v23]
We were Not created to find guidance from within without God's Word.
[Psalm 119v105]
That is why Jesus could say at Matthew [15v19] out of the heart proceeds wrong thoughts.
Instead of using his heart as a guide, Jesus, as a guide, based his teachings on logical reasoning on Scripture as religious truth.
[John 17v17]


Veteran Member
Curious why you say 'most important thing is your heart' ?

Jeremiah wrote that we should Not trust our hearts.
Our hearts are treacherous and deceitful........[Jer. 17v9]
So, the intentions of our hearts can mislead us.

Naturally .. that's why "your heart" is so important.
For example, without a whole heart, we won't have a true moral conscience .. we might 'fudge' the truth etc.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
you are just using your faith to justify why you are judging people...
your assumption that you are in the right is arrogant....period.

Jesus' faith, not mine justifies me of which I accept as the gift for life eternal.

That same faith, Jesus' faith, is what saves us all.

Were it not that God placed all our sins on Him and forsook Him at the cross, payment for our death penalty would otherwise, never have been paid and our freedom would have remained as it was, under bondage and dead!

My judgment is only in my ability to discern the difference between what is spiritually and what is not.

The judgment of a persons soul was on Jesus, thus I have nothing to do with it.

Arrogant? Absolutely when it comes to my stand on the solid foundation laid by Jesus as the solid rock.

But, in all humility when it comes to my brothers and sisters who may not know or experience the same faith of Jesus as their own.

Apart, from what I believe, there is no other form/way/path/truth, by which mankind can become saved while yet in the flesh.

It be hard pressed for you to understand my meaning without sounding "higher than thee" attitude.

In all honesty, your views offer me no hope in which I could trust/rely/ and live a life worth the living.

For what hope is there beyond this life?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It's a very big world .. have you traveled north, east, south and west? Have you sacrificed your life, your wealth, your family?>>>Mohammad_isa

I have done none of the above.

I'm not personally saying that it's strictly necessary, but to claim that you "know it all", is a bit unrealistic.

I've made no such claim, rather you assumed it.

I do know first hand my rebirth experience, of which I gladly testify. My encounter with the presence of His Holy Spirit as real an genuine of which nothing in this world can compare.
The blessings received through out my journey in the learning process, in trials and tribulations of this life.

I can only speak as one who has been blessed above and beyond my worthiness.

Who am I, I petitioned, that God should even consider my very existence as important to Him that He would send His Son in my place to suffer my death penalty?

That, my friend is true appreciation, worth giving my life up for, as He thought so great my soul, that He took my place in death to give me life!

I know no better.

None of us know it all .. knowledge is vast, and those who close their minds to rational theological study, cannot make spiritual progress.
Having said that, the most important thing is your heart.
ie. your intention

Your correct in saying that none of us knows it all! But one thing I do know is what I have experienced and thus speak boldly.

Spiritual progress comes in many levels and that according to the blessings of the Holy Spirit who is our teacher.

The trials and tribulations through sufferings brings us to God, when we learn of Him and come to Him is our decision to make.

Ref: Rom 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Rom 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
Rom 5:4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
Rom 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Naturally .. that's why "your heart" is so important.>>>muhammad_isa

Mat 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

The "heart must be converted, that is our spirit by which the good things of God are manifested.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
well for me faith, as in a belief with out evidence, isn't rational

Joh 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Therein lies the conversion of the heart in faith to believe!

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Joh 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Therein lies the conversion of the heart in faith to believe!

Blessings, AJ

i think it's applying a double standard...
as one makes uniformed decisions about social issues concerning other people
while making informed decisions when it comes to making investments for one self.


Rogue Theologian
Curious why you say 'most important thing is your heart' ?

Jeremiah wrote that we should Not trust our hearts.
Our hearts are treacherous and deceitful........[Jer. 17v9]
So, the intentions of our hearts can mislead us.

Jeremiah also wrote that we can Not direct our step. [10v23]
We were Not created to find guidance from within without God's Word.
[Psalm 119v105]
That is why Jesus could say at Matthew [15v19] out of the heart proceeds wrong thoughts.
Instead of using his heart as a guide, Jesus, as a guide, based his teachings on logical reasoning on Scripture as religious truth.
[John 17v17]

Good up to the last line.
He was guided by the spirit.
Angels did minister unto Him.

You weren't referring to scripture as you know it...were you?
The scripture He knew was quite different that yours.
And He didn't quote that scripture very often.
His primary teachings were more spontaneous....from His mind and heart.

So can you learn from your heart?
If you keep your mind true in form....yes.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
i think it's applying a double standard...
as one makes uniformed decisions about social issues concerning other people
while making informed decisions when it comes to making investments for one self.

Uninformed as in not having information available to make a decision verses informed and having made a decison either or.

In which case, as mine, I have faith to believe in what I have not seen, but heard about the Son of God that He took my place (was forsaken in my place) so that I not having to taste spiritual death but rather have life.

That is the difference between a believer and a none believer, life.

There is no excuse for not being informed, information is readily available everywhere, on the radio, tv and books.
The only thing lacking is faith to believe.
Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
There is no excuse for not being informed, information is readily available everywhere, on the radio, tv and books.
The only thing lacking is faith to believe.
Blessings, AJ

you are right...biased information isn't information...there is no excuse for that. none.
it's circular logic.

so yes making uniformed decisions about birth control, same sex marriages and euthanasia with out seeking unbiased information is adhering to a double standard for one would not apply such reckless abandon when dealing with their selves...

i call that being a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
you are right...biased information isn't information...there is no excuse for that. none.
it's circular logic.

so yes making uniformed decisions about birth control, same sex marriages and euthanasia with out seeking unbiased information is adhering to a double standard for one would not apply such reckless abandon when dealing with their selves...

i call that being a hypocrite.

Double talk? -biased/unbiased, informed/uninformed

Biased information?

I don't see how, it's there for everyone to read, seek or find.

If you like it fine, and if you don't? fine to.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Double talk? -biased/unbiased, informed/uninformed

Biased information?

I don't see how, it's there for everyone to read, seek or find.

If you like it fine, and if you don't? fine to.

Blessings, AJ

heard the term, 'preaching to the choir....'
there are plenty of "news" outlets that feeds certain views...biased information

and for those that claim to want to seek the truth
are really seeking out their own subjective truth...it is hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
heard the term, 'preaching to the choir....'
there are plenty of "news" outlets that feeds certain views...biased information

and for those that claim to want to seek the truth
are really seeking out their own subjective truth...it is hypocritical.

Are you a member of the chior?
Yes, there are pleanty of religious information venues, the good thing about all that is.......
that one doesn't have to listen to any of it.

What you are proposing is that all of it is nonsense. Discrediting all of it in other to suit your views.

Now, as for my view, you may keep your views and I won'judge you for it.
And.......and.....I won't demean your character in any way.

You are as important to God as I am, in my view, which makes us brother or sister.

Who is my brother or sister?

The bible states that if I don,t love my brother or sister, I don' love God.

Does your none belief in God claim the same thing?

Blessings, AJ