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My views on homosexuality

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Are you actually reading any of my posts? It doesn't seem like you are.

I'm in a hurry so let me sum it up for you... there are things in life that are immoral because of the effects they have upon other people and or things.

Now go back and read my earlier posts to see what I stated is the effect of homosexuality.
heterosexuality has had negative effects too!:D Isn't this where scripture from a holy text would come in handy?:D
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Since thebigpicture does not seem to be a serious poster, I am just going to start posting gay pictures:

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Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
Homosexuality is wrong because as I stated before it is not the way the Creator intended us to be and it is an unnatural thing that can upset the balance of nature. If you do not believe there is a Creator, we are already on a different page so nothing I say is going to make sense to you.

What do you base these assertions about "the Creator" on since you claim to reject the Bible? Do you accept some other holy book that you think condemns homosexuals? If not, what do you base this idea of "the Creator" on?

The fact that some heterosexual couples can’t have babies is the result of something medical not because it is impossible for heterosexual couples to have babies. That is a fact.

Then he comes again with the double standard :facepalm:

We are not animals. So to try to use animals as a reason for homosexuals to be homosexual isn’t valid. There are some things that animals do that was intended for them to do. It’s how they were created to be. Just because they were created to be that way does not mean we were created to be that way as well. Some animals are two genders in one. Is it a natural thing for a human being to be two genders in one? No. If it were, hermaphroditism would be the norm; not the abnormality.

Not only did you offer no evidence that humans are not animals, but you compared being homosexual to being a heramaphrodite. Good job. :facepalm:

The behavior of homosexuality is the thing that is immoral; just as some heterosexual behaviors are immoral. It’s the behavior itself. A person can be homosexual and never act upon it.

Why shouldn't they act upon it if it's who they are? Does it hurt somebody?

As for the bible...if there were never a such thing as the bible, I would still know that homosexuality is an unnatural thing. It’s clear to see. And I’m not one of those

Obviously it's only clear to you, though for reasons you've yet to put forth. You've put forth assumption and personal bias, but nothing substantial yet.


I don't believe that all homosexuals are gay by choice because I've seen so many gay people explain how they knew they were gay at a very young age. That they even exhibited traits of homosexuality at a young age.

:confused: What the hell is this even about? I have no idea why you quoted me in order to say this. My only remark on this entire thread has been to clarify that I believe bisexuality is just as natural - meaning based on the scientific laws of nature - as hetero or homosexuality.


Yes, I choose a like or dislike of a food based on taste, not on genetics. The operative word here is choice. Do I choose what foods? Yes, I choose which foods.

You choose not to eat the foods that you dislike, but your taste is not a choice.


Active Member
What do you base these assertions about "the Creator" on since you claim to reject the Bible? Do you accept some other holy book that you think condemns homosexuals? If not, what do you base this idea of "the Creator" on?

Look up at the sky or just stay where you are and just breathe. Or lift your arms when you want to or talk when you want to. That's what I base my ideas of the Creator on.

Then he comes again with the double standard :facepalm:

And how is this a double standard?

Not only did you offer no evidence that humans are not animals, but you compared being homosexual to being a heramaphrodite. Good job. :facepalm:

Sit a donkey down and teach him how to manufacture a computer and then sit back and watch him do it. Donkey can't. Human can. Just one way to tell the difference. Plain enough?

I compared a homosexual to an hermaphrodite because they are both abnormalities.

Why shouldn't they act upon it if it's who they are? Does it hurt somebody?

So if consenting incest wouldn't hurt anyone directly involved in the incestuous affair, should that be acted upon as well?


Active Member
:confused: What the hell is this even about? I have no idea why you quoted me in order to say this. My only remark on this entire thread has been to clarify that I believe bisexuality is just as natural - meaning based on the scientific laws of nature - as hetero or homosexuality.

First let me say that my post was supposed to include both your quote and the the quote (which was left out) you were responding to. Sorry, if the omission confused you. But in any case,

Why is there a problem with me quoting you to make the point I made? Your topic was about whether or not someone chooses to be gay, bi or whatever. And, if I'm not mistaking, you wrote this in the middle of a conversation I was having with other posters. So naturally I decided to respond to your post because it brought about a point I, myself wanted to make at that time about choice. So I wrote:

I don't believe that all homosexuals are gay by choice because I've seen so many gay people explain how they knew they were gay at a very young age. That they even exhibited traits of homosexuality at a young age.

I don't see why this caused a problem for you or why you were offended by it. It's not like I jumped in and attacked you in any way.


Active Member
What on earth is wrong with you people? Are you even reading all my posts? I’ve had this exact conversation with people before and they understood every word that came out of my mouth -- the first time around. They didn’t all necessarily agree with what I said (some did; some didn’t). But one thing --all of them most certainly understood it. I can’t understand why you guys can’t get what I’m saying even though I keep repeating it over and over. How more plain can I make my views for you to understand? Here’s what I’ll do, I’ll ask you a question and maybe you’re get the idea of it.

If your adult kids came and told you that they were having an incestuous affair with each other, would you give them your blessing and say, “Hey! You’re not hurting anyone, so go for it! You should sleep with whomever you want to sleep with.” Furthermore, if they told you that they always had that “special” bond with one another and just never told you about it, would you say, “That’s perfectly fine! If that’s the natural way you’ve always felt for each other then there’s nothing wrong with it. You can’t help that you feel that way. Get married if you want. You have my blessing!” Is that how you would feel?


If your adult kids came and told you that they were having an incestuous affair with each other, would you give them your blessing and say, “Hey! You’re not hurting anyone, so go for it! You should sleep with whomever you want to sleep with.” Furthermore, if they told you that they always had that “special” bond with one another and just never told you about it, would you say, “That’s perfectly fine! If that’s the natural way you’ve always felt for each other then there’s nothing wrong with it. You can’t help that you feel that way. Get married if you want. You have my blessing!” Is that how you would feel?
Incest? What next? Are you going to compare homosexuality to pedophilia?


If your adult kids came and told you that they were having an incestuous affair with each other, would you give them your blessing and say, “Hey! You’re not hurting anyone, so go for it! You should sleep with whomever you want to sleep with.” Furthermore, if they told you that they always had that “special” bond with one another and just never told you about it, would you say, “That’s perfectly fine! If that’s the natural way you’ve always felt for each other then there’s nothing wrong with it. You can’t help that you feel that way. Get married if you want. You have my blessing!” Is that how you would feel?

It is worse if the kids are of different sex, since the results of incestuous pregnancy have a decent chance of being disastrous. Beyond that, I am highly sceptical of incestous relationships for a number of reason. One is that they usually coincide with a host of other psychological problems, which is not the case with homosexuality. For parent-to-child incest Dr. Ken Eisold sums it up pretty well: "Freud argued that the reason we prohibit incest is that we are so powerfully tempted by it. That's why it's taboo, not just illegal. We have to erect barriers of horror and disgust to prevent ourselves from succumbing to temptation. That has to be part of the argument. Children need to be protected from sexual exploitation by parents, because it is all too easy for them to be abused. Parents are strong and lustful, but children are weak and vulnerable. And we know all too well the life-long damaging effects on children who are exploited by those on whom they are dependent. Their capacity to trust others is impaired if not destroyed. So we need laws and customs and taboos - whatever it takes -- to preserve the trust that children need to have in their caregivers. That trust is not only the basis for their future relationships with others. It's the basis for the confidence they need to be responsible adults and citizens." Beyond that psychologists such as Mark Erickson have argued that "the lives of both the perpetrators and victims of incest are marked by rejection and emotional deprivation during childhood."


Admiral Obvious
What on earth is wrong with you people?
NOthing wrong with me.
I just find your claims unsuported.
Even when asked to support them you merely spew more unsubstantiated claims.

Are you even reading all my posts?
Yes I am.
Why are you avoiding mine?
Oh yeah, you tucked your tail and ran.
I forgot.

I’ve had this exact conversation with people before and they understood every word that came out of my mouth -- the first time around. they didn’t all necessarily agree with what I said (some did; some didn’t). But one thing --all of them most certainly understood it.
Are you under the mistaken impression that I do not understand what you have posted?
I understand what you have posted.
I also understand that you are merely making a bunch of unsubstantiated claims to support your unsubstantiated claims, then running tail tucked when flat out asked to substantiate them.

I can’t understand why you guys can’t get what I’m saying even though I keep repeating it over and over. How more plain can I make my views for you to understand?
Regardless of how many times you do it, merely jumping up and down screaming "It Is Wrong!" does not in the least bit help your argument.

What I do not understand is why you continuously avoid answering questions.
Even to the point of tucking your tail and running.

Here’s what I’ll do, I’ll ask you a question and maybe you’re get the idea of it.
Oh great, yet another blatant diversion tactic...:rolleyes:

If your adult kids came and told you that they were having an incestuous affair with each other, would you give them your blessing and say, “Hey! You’re not hurting anyone, so go for it! You should sleep with whomever you want to sleep with.” Furthermore, if they told you that they always had that “special” bond with one another and just never told you about it, would you say, “That’s perfectly fine! If that’s the natural way you’ve always felt for each other then there’s nothing wrong with it. You can’t help that you feel that way. Get married if you want. You have my blessing!” Is that how you would feel?
You are confusing personal bias with morality.
But then, people grasping at straws tend to do things like that.


Veteran Member
If your adult kids came and told you that they were having an incestuous affair with each other, would you give them your blessing and say, “Hey! You’re not hurting anyone, so go for it! You should sleep with whomever you want to sleep with.” Furthermore, if they told you that they always had that “special” bond with one another and just never told you about it, would you say, “That’s perfectly fine! If that’s the natural way you’ve always felt for each other then there’s nothing wrong with it. You can’t help that you feel that way. Get married if you want. You have my blessing!” Is that how you would feel?

why did you use a deviant trait to make your point? can you see how offensive this comes off as?