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New age movement


Miss Independent
I don't think it's an organization at all, actually. I think it's just some silly urban myth boogyman. Who are it's leaders and members? Where is the evidence? People who fancy themselves as some sort of divine superheros needed a supervillain to complete the fantasy, so they pulled the whole thing out of their ***.

I very much doubt it. Perhaps you could cite a source showing the U.N.s official endorcement? Btw, I googled Benjamin Creme and it just came up with a bunch of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory sites, but nothing remotely credible.

So what? So is Christianity (which is far more dangerous, anyway.)

But it's not a singular, homogenous new age religion. Something with no centralization or organization can't "try" to do anything, especially not anything that would go against its very nature. It's obvious you know abolutely nothing about new age and eastern religions, so you need to cease your slander.

What you call "denial" I call rational skepticism. I'm the kind of guy who demands solid evidence, which you've failed to provide. It's your kind of mentality that lead to the Jim Jones massacre.

I think that you are a cameleon. And i think that you underestimate my intelligence.

This is my thread. I started it...and i would like to talk about the new age momevent and how it influences the world, and christians and people in general.

Its not about you....:slap:

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

Perhaps you should consider worrying about real world issues like war, poverty, famine, disease, bigotry, oppression and injustice. You know, things that's actually matter instead of conspiracy theories, urban myths and other fabricated absurdities?


Miss Independent
If there is anybody that can spread the message of the new age philosophy better than oprah?

According to Oprah Winfrey's introduction page on the world-wide-web, the Oprah Winfrey Show is the highest-rated talk show in television history, seen by 15-20 million viewers each day in the U.S. in 205 television markets, and in 132 countries. In fact, it has been the number one talk show for 12 consecutive seasons. Since it's beginning in 1986 it has received 32 Emmy awards.
In 1996, Oprah began Oprah's Book Club designed to get America reading again. Each of the books selected has become an instant bestseller averaging sales of over 1 million copies each.
In 1997, Oprah was named Newsweek's "Most Important Person" in books and media, T.V. Guide's "Television Performer of the Year," the People's Choice Award for "Favorite Television Performer," and in 1996, Time Magazine recognized Oprah as one of America's "25 Most Influential People."
Recent Gallup polls demonstrated how true this is when it asked Americans to list and rank the most influential women in recorded history. Oprah Winfrey ranked fourth! There is a common recognizable refrain that "When Oprah speaks, people listen."

Oprah as you all know have a book club. She promoted the book 'The new earth' by Eckhart Tolle, the author of the best selling book 'power of now'. The book is about awakening to your life's purpose. The book touches on various new age concepts.

New consciousness
A new heaven and a new earth
The illusory self

Its not as hard core as other books though. Its not like oprah sits in a room with magic crystals, or sees herself in the trees. But she has recently had more and more new age and UU members on her show.

I dont think she means bad. At all. But if your looking for influence...there you have it. Oprah can influence millions of people in one show. She had online discussion about this for a few days...i think it was ten days or so...where she and Eckhard went into detail about the contents of the book.

There must have been thousands of people buying the book if not millions. I even bought it! And i read it. The only thing that struck me, was that it brought many christian concepts together with its own ideas, but never gave god any glory. God wasnt in this plan. God was neutralised. Being in all of us. We have untapped unlimited potential. There is the notion that jesus didnt come to tell us he is god, he came to show us how to be gods. The book also touches on the concept of the ego. And talks about the body as a 'pain body'. And how the body can influence your mind. Many things ring true, and have a christian equivalent. But god is not in it.



Miss Independent

Perhaps you should consider worrying about real world issues like war, poverty, famine, disease, bigotry, oppression and injustice. You know, things that's actually matter instead of conspiracy theories, urban myths and other fabricated absurdities?

I must be on to something.



Well-Known Member


Miss Independent

Is that an alien or are you ON something.;)


Well-Known Member
There is the notion that jesus didnt come to tell us he is god, he came to show us how to be gods. The book also touches on the concept of the ego. And talks about the body as a 'pain body'. And how the body can influence your mind. Many things ring true, and have a christian equivalent. But god is not in it.

John 10:31, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?

Jesus' words. Maybe that's what he was trying to get across to us and we just ignored that important message?


Miss Independent
John 10:31, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?

Jesus' words. Maybe that's what he was trying to get across to us and we just ignored that important message?

Yes the children of god are gods. Its not something that they lust for, its something that they are. The idea of being a god does not stir any emotions of superiority, or power, or self-glory. Its just a matter of fact. Being a child of god, would necessitate that you are a god as well. This state of godliness...is found within the spirit.

On the other hand, if your not a child of god, then your a creature of the flesh, and that flesh, will definitely be enticed by the concept of being a god, having power and glory. The idea of having unlimited power and potential ready to be tapped and to change the world...hmmm...sounds like some jedi knight. Or like superman...or like you can become the superhero you have always wanted to be. This state of godlikeness...is found in and nurtured by the mind. Which is why mind control is so important in this movement. Its necessary to clean the mind out..so that other concepts can plant themselves into it. It a matter of taking those old self-debilitating thoughts and surplanting them by a superhero mentality. That doesnt sound bad. But....its all happening in the soul, and not in the spirit. Satan IMAGINES himself to be god. He IMAGINES himself to be able to usurb god. He really does. Hes not only the master of delusion, he is the ultimate deluded being. There is absolutley no doubt in his mind that he is the ultimate superhero. His spirit is real as well...but it is dead. As dead as a door nail. He is incapable of showing loving emotions. He can fake a loving emotion though. Its called seduction. He is unable to have a proper relationship. That is why the new age movement says that..'god is impersonal'. So people can expect to have spiritual experiences but they must not look for comfort or love or security from this impersonal god, because if they expected that, it would become obvious that its not real.

So satan can give spiritual experiences to anybody that looks for it. But he's not going to stick around for a relationship. He wants control of you, and he cant be bothered to get personal. So....there you have the new age movement, making the statement that this god...in us...is impersonal. Satan cant be satisfying billions of people all day long. Hes not present everywhere.



Miss Independent
Again, this is not true. New Age people are very open to the Bible and God.

In what way do you think they are open to the bible and god? Can you give me a few examples?

I know that they use many phrases in the bible...like 'light', and 'the veil' and 'I AM' and 'unity' and stuff like that...but i get the idea they dont assign the same meaning to those concepts as christians do.



Will to love

Well, that's pretty good! Did you do this just by looking at the photo, or did you do some kind of overlay?


Miss Independent


and this is the same picture:

Originally Posted by 3.14
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3:14 ....thats cool.


Miss Independent
By the way, my settings are so that i dont download picutures automatically. They appear as links...i have to click on them to see the picture.

But when i was off line and looked at this thread i realised what the 3.14 picture was all about.

Thats really amazing...do come and tell us how you do that...we can new age afterwards.:D


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If there is anybody that can spread the message of the new age philosophy better than oprah?

Oprah as you all know have a book club. She promoted the book 'The new earth' by Eckhart Tolle, the author of the best selling book 'power of now'. The book is about awakening to your life's purpose. The book touches on various new age concepts.

New consciousness
A new heaven and a new earth
The illusory self

Its not as hard core as other books though. Its not like oprah sits in a room with magic crystals, or sees herself in the trees. But she has recently had more and more new age and UU members on her show.

I dont think she means bad. At all. But if your looking for influence...there you have it. Oprah can influence millions of people in one show. She had online discussion about this for a few days...i think it was ten days or so...where she and Eckhard went into detail about the contents of the book.

There must have been thousands of people buying the book if not millions. I even bought it! And i read it. The only thing that struck me, was that it brought many christian concepts together with its own ideas, but never gave god any glory. God wasnt in this plan. God was neutralised. Being in all of us. We have untapped unlimited potential. There is the notion that jesus didnt come to tell us he is god, he came to show us how to be gods. The book also touches on the concept of the ego. And talks about the body as a 'pain body'. And how the body can influence your mind. Many things ring true, and have a christian equivalent. But god is not in it.


So what's the problem? I don't see anything that warrants alarm and hysteria. How is some cheesy self help book going to lead to a global totalitarian dystopia? I mean really...
And so what if something doesn't "give god glory"? How exactly is that a sign of a secret satanic agenda? And why does good need glory, anyway? Is he so insecure that he needs to have his ego perpetually stroked? And isn't a need also a weakness and an imperfection, thus making your god not very godlike at all?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
In what way do you think they are open to the bible and god? Can you give me a few examples?

I know that they use many phrases in the bible...like 'light', and 'the veil' and 'I AM' and 'unity' and stuff like that...but i get the idea they dont assign the same meaning to those concepts as christians do.


I've walked into stores that are all about New Age, and they feature books and stuff that are all about God.

Heck there's a pagan store near where I live that sells images of the Virgin Mary.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I must be on to something.


You need to decode all of Dr. Seuss' books, for within the words are hidden Illuminati riddles that reveal the diabolical plan for world conquest. As for me being a "chameleon", you're correct. I'm actually an undercover operative working for the Elders of Zion. My duty is to monitor this message board and squelch God's Children from revealing the truth about the NWO.I'm paid well and am rapidly ascending the hierarchy.
John 10:31, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?

Jesus' words. Maybe that's what he was trying to get across to us and we just ignored that important message?

I think Heneni answered well. If I may add two cents to ponder:

“I said, you are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men, And fall like any one of the princes.” (Ps 82:6,7 NASB)

Theologians disagree about who God is addressing as "gods" in the passage. He may be referring to angels as gods -not humans. Note the language “you will die like men,”

Also note, except where the phrase is written in all capitals in the NASB, my versions use a small “g” -gods.

Nevertheless, Christians are called the “bride of Christ” (see Revelations and the marriage of the Lamb). Thus, by marriage the bride and Christ become “one” which would seem to imply “she” inherits His deity. Now watch, someone will accuse me of blasphemy.


Miss Independent
I think Heneni answered well. If I may add two cents to ponder:

“I said, you are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men, And fall like any one of the princes.” (Ps 82:6,7 NASB)

Theologians disagree about who God is addressing as "gods" in the passage. He may be referring to angels as gods -not humans. Note the language “you will die like men,”

Also note, except where the phrase is written in all capitals in the NASB, my versions use a small “g” -gods.

Nevertheless, Christians are called the “bride of Christ” (see Revelations and the marriage of the Lamb). Thus, by marriage the bride and Christ become “one” which would seem to imply “she” inherits His deity. Now watch, someone will accuse me of blasphemy.

It makes perfect sense. :cool:


Miss Independent
I've walked into stores that are all about New Age, and they feature books and stuff that are all about God.

Heck there's a pagan store near where I live that sells images of the Virgin Mary.

Are you saying that there are many bookstores that sell both new age books and christian books? Yes thats true...if that is what you are saying...

But is that all you mean by they are open to god and the bible?

Im thinking that they are not open to the idea of jesus christ and that god is the not an individual entity, but rather a packet of smarties distributed among all of us, with no unique identity. Not even different colours.;)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Are you saying that there are many bookstores that sell both new age books and christian books? Yes thats true...if that is what you are saying...

But is that all you mean by they are open to god and the bible?

Im thinking that they are not open to the idea of jesus christ and that god is the not an individual entity, but rather a packet of smarties distributed among all of us, with no unique identity. Not even different colours.;)
You really seem taken aback by the fact that not all religions hoist your Krishna knock-off upon a pedestal.