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New age movement

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
While we all know Jesus was not a Christian, Was Jesus a new ager?

He preached the coming of a new era and a kingdom of God similar to the arrival of the age of Aquarius.
His God is said to be Love and he preached unselfish love
He preached non judgment and non condemnation
He preached peace
He was a healer
like the new age movement he rejected dogma and doctrine in many ways.

I don't think the book paints him as a new ager. I think, from what I can tell in the NT, that he was trying to get his people to go back to a time when they were truly observing the laws but then there's the other side of the biblical Yeshua where he preached peace and love and forgiveness. He bucked the system because his people were deviating from "their path"..... I think everything he spoke about can be found throughout the OT. His messaage wasn't new or had changed from the OT. You have to look to Paul for the deviation and change in what Yeshua taught.


Agnostic Pantheist
I don't think the book paints him as a new ager. I think, from what I can tell in the NT, that he was trying to get his people to go back to a time when they were truly observing the laws but then there's the other side of the biblical Yeshua where he preached peace and love and forgiveness. He bucked the system because his people were deviating from "their path"..... I think everything he spoke about can be found throughout the OT. His messaage wasn't new or had changed from the OT. You have to look to Paul for the deviation and change in what Yeshua taught.
See FH's previous post for further information about the motive and substance of my post ;)


Miss Independent
While we all know Jesus was not a Christian, Was Jesus a new ager?

He preached the coming of a new era and a kingdom of God similar to the arrival of the age of Aquarius.
His God is said to be Love and he preached unselfish love
He preached non judgment and non condemnation
He preached peace
He was a healer
like the new age movement he rejected dogma and doctrine in many ways.

Its not really a compare the christian religion to that of the new age religion thread, but to answer your question, jesus wasnt trying to take over the world when he was here and he wasnt brainwashing people. If he was there would be less mobs trying to kill him.

Judas, which was the rebellious one among them, didnt change after being in the presence of jesus for three years. So i dont think that jesus was using brainwashing.

But as i have said before...there are many new age concepts which have been taken directly from the bible. Even some of the terminology used is from the bible, but they dont have the same meaning as they do in the bible though.


Agnostic Pantheist
jesus wasnt trying to take over the world when he was here
while I find it comicals to think that new agers are conspirators in taking over the world, Jesus did speak of a bringing and ruling a new kingdom
and he wasnt brainwashing people. If he was there would be less mobs trying to kill him.
obviously like some think new agers are brainwashing people today, the religious authorities and the Roman authorities deemed Jesus a brainwasher and social threat as well.

But as i have said before...there are many new age concepts which have been taken directly from the bible. Even some of the terminology used is from the bible, but they dont have the same meaning as they do in the bible though.
there are many Christian concepts which have been taken directly from the Jewish bible. even some of the terminology used is from the bible, but they dont have the same meaning as they do in the bible though. :flirt:


Through the Looking Glass
4. Deal with the anxiety and responsibility of your godhood by resorting to fantasy and mystical experience.
I think you've got that backwards. That's what believers and followers do.

5. Eventually encounter and submit control of your life to spirit guides and alien beings
Sometimes, but generally not.

6. Anticipate fullfillment in this life and in future lives through reincarnation.
Sometimes, but generally not.

How do these concepts contradict/support the message of jesus christ?
The ones you didn't misrepresent are quite compatible with the message of jesus christ.

Why do these concepts appeal to so many people?
Because they find them to be true.

What are the dangers if any of accepting these concepts?
They undermine the authoritarian structure of tribal social institutions like nationalist governments and religious thought control systems.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
jesus wasnt trying to take over the world when he was here and he wasnt brainwashing people.

No, just his followers.

And are you a robot? We've already gone over this - "new age" isn't a single religion, but a category of different (silly yet innocent) beliefs and practices. It's not centralized or organized in any way, and the idea that it's out to control or brainwash anything goes against everything it's supposed to stand for. You go ahead and continue to wallow in ignorance and hypocrisy. No one here is going to take your absurd drivel seriously. It boils down to nothing more than trashy tabloid spam.
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Through the Looking Glass
And of course, the Jesus character in the Gospels is definitely a "New Ager." He's a guy who claims a unity of identity with "God" and through that reconciliation claims he can usher in a new age of peace, love and wholeness by replacing the law and sin with grace and unending forgiveness.


Will to love
doppelgänger;1384737 said:
And of course, the Jesus character in the Gospels is definitely a "New Ager." He's a guy who claims a unity of identity with "God" and through that reconciliation claims he can usher in a new age of peace, love and wholeness by replacing the law and sin with grace and unending forgiveness.

I thought he was a Hippy. Or are all Hippies also New Agers?


Miss Independent
New agers believe in a impersonal god. Jesus only taught what his father told him to say.

He did as his father wanted. If god was an impersonal god, then jesus was a new ager.

But jesus never preached about taking over this world. There are some christians who believe that they, the christians, have been destined to take over this earh, before jesus will return. I guess that is also why so many christians believe that there is nothing wrong with the new age movement.

The new age movement does not see god as an individual, personal, sovereign god.
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Miss Independent
doppelgänger;1384737 said:
And of course, the Jesus character in the Gospels is definitely a "New Ager." He's a guy who claims a unity of identity with "God" and through that reconciliation claims he can usher in a new age of peace, love and wholeness by replacing the law and sin with grace and unending forgiveness.

Can you show me where in the bible jesus taught that god was an impersonal god?



Miss Independent
Your God's words, not mine. You're not calling God a child, are you? I just don't want to see you cast into hell for dishonesty is all.

SUFFER...the little ...CHILDREN...to come unto me. :D.

Satan, is getting a lot of free mileage out of you. :angel2:


Miss Independent
HA HA HA....William...ill have to blame you for 'going' to hell then.

The new age movement talks a lot about the age of aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius
"The Fulfillment of the New Age Aspiration?
</B>The goal of the New Age Movement has consistently been to bring in the Age of Aquarius when all will recognize "the God with themselves". A major step towards this in the words of the New Age prophetess Alice Bailey, is "the regeneration of the churches." Her vision was that "The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished." In a word, she desired the time when the "Christian churches" would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization. The New Age plan to bring in world peace cannot fully establish the Golden Age of Aquarius until Biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed.

I think that Alice Bailey is perhaps a bit of a fanatic new ager, and she probably wont do the movement much good.

But there are many christian churches who preach the doctrine of taking over the world. A slight adjustment i.t.o sharing that 'power' with new agers, or new agers sharing that power with them, might just prove to be a good move for these groups. A way to gain momentum.

I think that this movement is far more than just a passing fad. It has definitely in my opinion, the underlying footprints of significant spiritual forces and its not going to go away.