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New age movement


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Are you saying that there are many bookstores that sell both new age books and christian books? Yes thats true...if that is what you are saying...

But is that all you mean by they are open to god and the bible?

Im thinking that they are not open to the idea of jesus christ and that god is the not an individual entity, but rather a packet of smarties distributed among all of us, with no unique identity. Not even different colours.;)

Have you ever asked?

I'm a pagan and I read the Bible very often, and find that Jesus was very wise. (but you knew that ;)) While I don't consider myself a member of the New Age movement, my basic beliefs are very much pagan in root.


Miss Independent
Have you ever asked?

I'm a pagan and I read the Bible very often, and find that Jesus was very wise. (but you knew that ;)) While I don't consider myself a member of the New Age movement, my basic beliefs are very much pagan in root.

I believe that at some point, and it is different everybody that seeks to feel united to the universe, something happens and they just 'know' they are part of it all.

I know someone who felt part of the universe for the first time, while she made a cheese sandwich. The feeling, or the experience feels very much the same as some kind of sexual high. Though its not about sex.

Some people feel this while in nature...there could be MANY different ways.

What is interesting though..is the fact that it is likened to a sexual feeling. Very much falls in line with the seducing spirit that satan used on eve.

Any thoughts on this?


Liebe ist für alle da
I think it's funny that you know truly nothing about any New Age religion, and have been corrected on it by people that do know about it. But don't wish to listen to them, and you keep going on about it being evil, satanic, or taking over the word...... it seem that this is just one more way or some one to make a loophole so that they can take down and lame and other peopled religious believe without getting into much trouble. :areyoucra

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think it's funny that you know truly nothing about any New Age religion, and have been corrected on it by people that do know about it. But don't wish to listen to them, and you keep going on about it being evil, satanic, or taking over the word...... it seem that this is just one more way or some one to make a loophole so that they can take down and lame and other peopled religious believe without getting into much trouble. :areyoucra

I know. Didn't the Bible say something about not bearing false witness?


Miss Independent
Azakel...its very easy to say somebody does not have a clue about the new age movement when they dont actually post what they themselves know about it.

I think your just another one of those people who like to diss the person instead of talking about the issue at hand.

I have no interest to talk to people who cant engage in an adult conversation.

I think you are part of a click and that your comments are largely driven by your desire to remain in that click.


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Azakel...its very easy to say somebody does not have a clue about the new age movement when they dont actually post what they themselves know about it.
So far you've posted nothing but blatant falsehoods and slander, so to assume that you know nothing about the subject is a pretty fair guess.

I think your just another one of those people who like to diss the person instead of talking about the issue at hand.

I have no interest to talk to people who cant engage in an adult conversation.

I think you are part of a click and that your comments are largely driven by your desire to remain in that click.
Nice ad hominem, which I guess you're resorting to since it seems you cannot substantiate your wild claims with anything remotely credible (a requirement for "engaging in an adult conservation").

It's spelled "Clique", by the way.


Miss Independent
Have you ever asked?

I'm a pagan and I read the Bible very often, and find that Jesus was very wise. (but you knew that ;)) While I don't consider myself a member of the New Age movement, my basic beliefs are very much pagan in root.

Would you mind highlighting the differences between your beliefs and that of the new age movement? I am posting a short summary of the new age movent. Your own individual beliefs are rooted in paganism. Which parts of your beliefs overlaps with the new age movement?

The "New Age" (or Self-Help) Movement, is a broad-based amalgam of spiritual, social, and political elements with the common aim of transforming individuals and society through a diverse and non-biblical spiritual awareness. The New Age is a utopian vision, an era of harmony and progress with mother earth and nature. Comprising individuals, activist groups, businesses, professional groups, and spiritual leaders and followers, the movement brought feminist, ecological, spiritual, and human-potential concerns into the mainstream in the 1980s, creating a large market in the United States and other countries for books, magazines, audio and videotapes, workshops, retreats, and expositions on the subject, as well as for natural foods, crystals, and meditation and healing aids.
Often seen as resurgent paganism or Gnosticism, the modern movement has more recent roots in 19th-century spiritualism and in the 1960s counter culture, which rejected materialism in favor of Eastern mysticism and preferred direct spiritual experience to organized religion. Techniques for self-improvement and the idea that the individual is responsible for and capable of everything from self-healing to creating the world, have found applications in health care and counseling as well as in sports, the armed forces, and corporations and have provoked debate in religious and other circles.
Holistic thinking has influenced attitudes about medicine, the environment, the family, work, regional planning, and world peace, among others. Ideas frequently associated with the New Age movement include anthropomorphical teachings, inner transformation, reincarnation, extraterrestrial life, biofeedback, chanting, alchemy, yoga, transpersonal psychology, shamanism, martial arts, the occult, astrology, psychic healing, extrasensory perception, divination, astral travel, acupuncture, massage, tarot, Zen, mythology, and visualization.


Liebe ist für alle da
I think FH said it nice. Plus I'm not a part o any Clique, I am myself and all was will be. But I feel I must speak out when someone talk down about people and all they do is talk down about them. You have really shown nothing about New Age that make it evil, all you are doing is slandering it. You seem to like to take the worse examples and make it seem that ever one that is New Age is like that. But you can't do that. What do you know about New Age then, you said you haven't talk about what you know about NA, so tell us. Did you have a bad experance with someone who is NA, is that why you hate it, because I can do the same to Christianity.


Will to love
I think that the main weakness of New Age religions, and they are not all the same, is that they typically are "all about me." Well, maybe all religions are at least in part about individual spiritual growth. But, my interest in religion is in getting myself out of 'me.'

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think that the main weakness of New Age religions, and they are not all the same, is that they typically are "all about me." Well, maybe all religions are at least in part about individual spiritual growth. But, my interest in religion is in getting myself out of 'me.'

Why is removing ones individuality and even humanity of a spiritual importance?


Miss Independent
I think that the main weakness of New Age religions, and they are not all the same, is that they typically are "all about me." Well, maybe all religions are at least in part about individual spiritual growth. But, my interest in religion is in getting myself out of 'me.'

I was just reading an article where the writer proposes that we (our higher self) wanted to experience different things, and came up with 'life'.

Its all really a dream, something you planned. You designed the details of your life, and then you sent yourself here to live out the play that you have designed for yourself.

You chose to make sure that you dont remember that you planned this, so that you are limited within the program of the 'dream' which is not really real, its just part of an experience.

You cannot unplug yourself from this dream unless you commit suicide or die. And then, you are just re-inserted into this dream world, living out the details of yet another planned out existance. Another planned out existance, planned by yourself.

Sounds like the matrix. HE HE..

Anyway....um yes, it does seem very self-centered. Um...but i think most of them would argue that they are interested in the progress of humanity as a whole, but that strangely enough is also linked to your being a 'god'.

So...its like saying...if i can be god...things will be better here. :angel2:



Miss Independent

Early in May of this year, a courageous mother, Mrs. Lois Godfrey of Garden Grove, California, succeeded in getting sensitivity training outlawed, at least temporarily, in the Garden Grove Unified School District. Mrs. Godfrey withdrew two of her children from a class in which the process was being used, then appeared before the school board where she was challenged to give a definition of sensitivity training, which she gave, having received it from me through State SenatorJohn G Schmitz.

The definition:
"Sensitivity training is defined as group meetings, large or small, to discuss publicly intimate and personal matters, and opinions, values or beliefs; and/or, to act out emotions and feelings toward one another in the group, using techniques of self-confession and mutual criticism.
It is also, 'coercive persuasion in the form of thought reform or brainwashing.' "
The second paragraph, admitting that sensitivity (human relations) training is brainwashing, is from page 47 of Issue In Training, a manual for group leaders published in 1962 by theNational Training Laboratories (NTL) of the National Education Association (NEA) .(American training authority) That is, from the main source of sensitivity training, from the "horse's mouth"


Agnostic Pantheist
While we all know Jesus was not a Christian, Was Jesus a new ager?

He preached the coming of a new era and a kingdom of God similar to the arrival of the age of Aquarius.
His God is said to be Love and he preached unselfish love
He preached non judgment and non condemnation
He preached peace
He was a healer
like the new age movement he rejected dogma and doctrine in many ways.


Miss Independent
I would imagine that mind control is very important to the movement. It is also imperitive that a very large group of people all think alike. What kind of methods would be available for them to get the masses to all think alike?

Maybe you have heard of the delphi method? Wont go into that here.

But for what we are talking about here...it sounds very much like communism, a destructive process that is used in every communist country every day to control the people, to force their thinking into the "correct" patterns; and to make sure that each person acts as the fearful and submissive member of a group, a "collective."

I guess for most people who willingly follow the new age ideas of all of us being 'one' and all of us being 'gods' its not really necessary to be co-hersed into the matter. But what about those like father heathen here...who is being obstinate? Well i think they have a solution for this kind of thing...brainwashing. And since brainwashing is part of the NEA, im wondering what most of the american people missed? Why havent they had a fit about this yet? Why havent they gone to the streets yet?

In 1951 UNESCO, "United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization," brought the chain of power behind sensitivity training to a focus by imposing the UNESCO doctrine of "Social Health" on the United States. This was done through the U.N. Joint Commission of Mental Health, of which "our" National Education Association, with its National Training Laboratories, is a member.
What is the UNESCO doctrine of social health?
Belief in One-World Government.
In that year 1951 the National Association for Mental Health, part of Health, Education & Welfare, and subordinate to UNESCO and WHO, announced:
"The principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered unless there is acceptance or the concept of world government."
And then:
"Our chief problem is . . . how individual and group resistance to change can be overcome.
Or do you prefer, "We shall overcome?"
As the late Congressman Usher L. Burdick put it:
"To bring this country into line to accept world government, many things must be done by the U.N. and her agencies, such as UNESCO. First of all, love of country is found by these conspirators to be very deep and hard to destroy. Here UNESCO comes into play, to teach these children, with specially trained teachers, that love of country interferes, with loyalty to a world organization, that they must transfer their loyalty to a world organization."
The "specially trained teachers" now come, in a steady stream, from the many teachers' colleges where sensitivity training is mandatory.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member