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North Carolina Magistrate refuses to marry interracial couple.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Computers are natural. It comes quite naturally for human beings to construct things like computers. There existence is quite natural, considering that we exist.
After saying that natural is a "useless word", you now stress its importance to God.
But you apply the word to what you like, & you deny it to what you don't like.
Is this the special pleading fallacy?


Veteran Member
You can draw that conclusion if you want. I do not.
I suggest that homosexuals entice evil thoughts pertaining to their sexuality, or they become enticed by evil thoughts pertaining to their sexuality, which leads them to sin. And I believe if they would confess their sin to God, and repent from those evil thoughts, and/or evil people who entice them with evil thoughts, they could be redeemed. But I also believe that most won't.
Well from what you said, it appears to be the logical conclusion.

You have no idea what kind of relationship with god other people may or may not have. Maybe they choose to reject a belief system that says they are evil for just being who they are. You seem to care an awful lot about the supposed stress people who are against homosexuality have to deal with because its so stressful for you all to think about how "icky" it is, but you admittedly don't care a whit about the mental and emotional stress experienced by people who aren't hurting anyone, but have to be told they are an abomination.


Veteran Member
Everything I know about, and everything that I am aware of is my business.
I treat everyone as human beings, until they offend me. Then I treat them as I see fit. In my life I treat all people with the same degree of respect, unless they somehow deserve less. We are on a debate forum and I am giving my opinion, an opinion I would not share outside of this forum unless there was some occasion where I felt my opinion ought to be shared. I don't go around insulting homosexuals in my life. But if I say something here that seems offensive to them, they should know it is only my opinion, and I do intend to share it. If they don't like it, they can find a site where 100% of the people agree with them, and debate them on the subject.
Well I'm glad to hear that (although I'm not sure how much it takes to offend you).


Veteran Member
Of course I do. If you want me to stop having sex with my wife, then stop me. Meanwhile I will try to change a few minds, and do what I can to lessen the number of individuals going to Hell.
I guess the difference is that I don't feel I have the right to stop you from having sex with your wife.


Veteran Member
I should define my terms. Everything in my opinion is natural. Therefore, when I use the term natural, especially in contexts such as this, I am often referring to those things which God has ordained and/or those things in which God approves. I would say love is natural, hatred is unnatural, however naturally hatred can come to some people. God made woman for man. Therefore marriages between men and woman are natural. While it may seem quite natural for two gay persons to want to be married, it is unnatural from my perspective.
So god ordained or approved computers?

You're just making up your own arbitrary definitions of natural. If everything is natural, then homosexuality is natural. God is natural.


Well-Known Member
After saying that natural is a "useless word", you now stress its importance to God.
But you apply the word to what you like, & you deny it to what you don't like.
Is this the special pleading fallacy?
I never said the word natural was important to God. I explained that the word is only useful to me when speaking of things ordained by God. We can say computers are unnatural because they don't grow on trees. But they are natural because we are natural and it comes naturally for us to build them. So it is rather a useless word. But I do use the word when dealing with those things ordained by God, and those things for which God approves.


Well-Known Member
I never said the word natural was important to God. I explained that the word is only useful to me when speaking of things ordained by God. We can say computers are unnatural because they don't grow on trees. But they are natural because we are natural and it comes naturally for us to build them. So it is rather a useless word. But I do use the word when dealing with those things ordained by God, and those things for which God approves.
Just because something is natural doesn't make it good.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad to hear that (although I'm not sure how much it takes to offend you).
These debates do not always take the direction that I want them to. My desire is for everyone to go to heaven. And based on what I believe, I don't see that happening. I am here to change minds. Those minds do not desire that sort of change. And so they direct our conversation into other directions. I can't really control that. I would say that disobedience to God leads to hell. You may say, well I don't believe in God and Hell and so there is nothing wrong with what I am doing and nothing to worry about. What I'm doing isn't harming anyone.. And we're off on what I would consider a tangent. Now I have to explain from a non-biblical perspective some harm that they might be doing. When the bottom line is that is not my major concern. My concern is that people are going to Hell.

I see that it is better to accept gay people as human beings, and they deserve the same respect as human beings as any other human being. Perhaps the harm they do to society isn't that great, but they are still going to Hell. And as more people accept it, I see more and more people in jeopardy of going to Hell. Of course the guy who goes and beats up on a gay person is also in grave danger of Hell. We need to love one another and to accept one another, but that doesn't really change the fact that they are going to Hell.

The problem, which is not my problem, but the problem of everyone who disagrees with me is that I believe the Bible is 100% accurate.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying it would be nice if everyone tried that when it comes to things that are none of their business and don't affect them in any way.
If you tell me you are gay, it is my business. Keep that to yourself, and It is none of my concern. Ask for marriage rights, and it becomes my business. Don't ask, and it is none of my concern.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying it would be nice if everyone tried that when it comes to things that are none of their business and don't affect them in any way.
You keep saying I am unaffected by this, but I am, even if only slightly. Everything I know about affects me.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
If you tell me you are gay, it is my business. Keep that to yourself, and It is none of my concern. Ask for marriage rights, and it becomes my business. Don't ask, and it is none of my concern.
Actually, no one here has asked you for marriage rights.
But those who favor gay marriage have taken the right by successfully lobbying government.
As they say, might makes right.


Well-Known Member
Peak'n is not for the faint of heart.
It's like watch'n haggis be'n made.
So I keeps a wary out for sight seers.
Btw, we are here to have fun, even with people who dare disagree with us!
Of course we are here to have fun and even if we disagree Revolting, you know I still love you dearly. But haggis?? No thank you love.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Most homosexuals have had messed up lives. Guess we can't blame them. Certainly it's not genetic. I mean, no one's born that way, so it must be caused by an awfully messed up upbringing. It's a shame they all reject God. He could help. But they don't want His help. Too bad.
Horse pucky. My father was bisexual, as am I, his sister was gay, and her son is gay. Seems fairly genetic to me. And I was blessed with 2 of the most loving and wonderful parents anyone could get. So there goes your 'messed up upbringing' theory. And I am a staunch believer in God. As is my mother. And my cousin. Seems we make your 'theory' a whole lot of nothing.


Well-Known Member
And apparently you are clueless with regard to the English language. Let me help you with a simple word that even small children understand.
here are definitions of the simple word "if":
- in the event that
- allowing that
- on the assumption that
- something that could either happen or not happen

Here is an example:
If I were a homosexual, I would be an abomination to God, but since I am not a homosexual, I am not an abomination to God.
Your point on the weakness of my grammar?? I know I am not strong in that area, and hence, have an editor for anything I publish. I note you did not address anything in my post other than the 'if'. Is there a reason for that or do you have no counter argument?


Well-Known Member
I just tell the truth. Not really caring that much whether or not you are wise enough to understand.
I see. So instead of debating my points, you devolve into insults. The mark of someone who has not only lost the argument but also a mark of a very weak mind in terms of debating. If you feel I was wrong, prove it. Instead, you debase your position by devolving into this. Sad, really.


Well-Known Member
I have been over this before with others. If you have proof that homosexual babies exist. Show me the evidence.
There is proof of two areas of chromosomal intent with regard to homosexuality however, it should also be mentioned that it also involves nurture as well. Here is just one study out of thousands proving that being homosexual is partly genetically determined. The second link is more scientific in nature and has a wonderful reference section for further elucidation for those interested.



Well-Known Member
So what?

Maybe somebody finds what you do in the bedroom disgusting. Should you have to stop doing it because somebody else doesn't like it?

I think shrimp is disgusting. Should I ban everyone from eating it, or should I be a grown up and just avoid it myself?
Exactly Skeptic. I knew a woman back on the old AOL boards some years back who was adamant that the Bible condemned oral sex of either type, both male and female. When asked for verses to back her position, she hedged around and would not provide any. It seems to me that these alleged 'Christians' can come up with about anything they wish to see condemned based on nothing but air. I actually felt sorry for the man this woman married. She also would not do anything other than missionary position, in the dark with her breasts covered as that, too, was against God's will. Can you imagine??


Well-Known Member
Computers are natural. It comes quite naturally for human beings to construct things like computers. There existence is quite natural, considering that we exist.
And yet, as little as 300 years ago, you would have been burned at the stake or hung for having one by YOUR church. Do you not see how these alleged 'sins' are contrived??