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North Carolina Magistrate refuses to marry interracial couple.


Well-Known Member
These debates do not always take the direction that I want them to. My desire is for everyone to go to heaven. And based on what I believe, I don't see that happening. I am here to change minds. Those minds do not desire that sort of change. And so they direct our conversation into other directions. I can't really control that. I would say that disobedience to God leads to hell. You may say, well I don't believe in God and Hell and so there is nothing wrong with what I am doing and nothing to worry about. What I'm doing isn't harming anyone.. And we're off on what I would consider a tangent. Now I have to explain from a non-biblical perspective some harm that they might be doing. When the bottom line is that is not my major concern. My concern is that people are going to Hell.

If your desire is to change minds, I have not seen one single person doing that, so you are failing on an epic scale here. And there is no hell, IMO. If you can prove to me there is one, I am all ears, but otherwise you are throwing darts at windmills here.


Veteran Member
These debates do not always take the direction that I want them to. My desire is for everyone to go to heaven. And based on what I believe, I don't see that happening. I am here to change minds. Those minds do not desire that sort of change. And so they direct our conversation into other directions. I can't really control that. I would say that disobedience to God leads to hell. You may say, well I don't believe in God and Hell and so there is nothing wrong with what I am doing and nothing to worry about. What I'm doing isn't harming anyone.. And we're off on what I would consider a tangent. Now I have to explain from a non-biblical perspective some harm that they might be doing. When the bottom line is that is not my major concern. My concern is that people are going to Hell.

I see that it is better to accept gay people as human beings, and they deserve the same respect as human beings as any other human being. Perhaps the harm they do to society isn't that great, but they are still going to Hell. And as more people accept it, I see more and more people in jeopardy of going to Hell. Of course the guy who goes and beats up on a gay person is also in grave danger of Hell. We need to love one another and to accept one another, but that doesn't really change the fact that they are going to Hell.

The problem, which is not my problem, but the problem of everyone who disagrees with me is that I believe the Bible is 100% accurate.
I can understand that you want people going to heaven and I can say that it's admirable if you think you are helping people get there by changing minds.

You don't know that gay people are going to hell. You don't know that ANYBODY is going to hell. Even assuming hell exists, you have no idea what god(s) will do with individual people. Maybe they have better relationships with this god than you do. You don't know. I was taught that Christianity does not require that someone is not a sinner (because everyone is a sinner, after all), it only requires that someone accept Jesus Christ as their savior. So murderers could be getting into heaven for all we know.

From my point of view, homosexuality does no harm to society and there are far worse things going on in the world than people of the same sex loving each other. In fact I encourage people to love each other. I see that if people are loved, and are allowed to be who they are, they flourish and live happier and more fulfilling lives than when they're told that they're evil or bad for being born a certain way. I think it's more important to focus on making this one life we know we get for sure and in doing our best to make it happy and fulfilling for the greatest amount of people.


Veteran Member
If you tell me you are gay, it is my business. Keep that to yourself, and It is none of my concern. Ask for marriage rights, and it becomes my business. Don't ask, and it is none of my concern.
Yeah I get that you think that. I'm saying it would be nice if you would just live and let live - especially in this case where the people you're concerned with are harming absolutely no one.

And nobody is asking you for marriage rights.


Veteran Member
Exactly Skeptic. I knew a woman back on the old AOL boards some years back who was adamant that the Bible condemned oral sex of either type, both male and female. When asked for verses to back her position, she hedged around and would not provide any. It seems to me that these alleged 'Christians' can come up with about anything they wish to see condemned based on nothing but air. I actually felt sorry for the man this woman married. She also would not do anything other than missionary position, in the dark with her breasts covered as that, too, was against God's will. Can you imagine??
That sounds rather depressing. It makes something intimate and loving into something shameful and awkward. I really can't imagine.

I really don't know where people come up with this stuff. Are their church leaders telling them this? Where does these ideas come from?


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
That sounds rather depressing. It makes something intimate and loving into something shameful and awkward. I really can't imagine.

I really don't know where people come up with this stuff. Are their church leaders telling them this? Where does these ideas come from?
In the case that @JoStories related, one possibility is that the woman she was talking about's sexual orientation was lesbian, and because of her upbringing she hid it, and the way to minimize the unpleasant relations with her spouse, was could to keep their relations to a minimum by strict limitation on actual intercourse.

Or, the woman might have been uninterested in sex at all--a significant portion of the population has very little interest in sex (asexual), and again, her limits on intercourse would ensure that she didn't have to endure or engage in this activity that did not interest her more than a minimal amount.

two possibilities, but certainly not exhaustive of why someone might adopt that belief in practice.

Edited to make it clear the story being referenced was supplied by @JoStories , and was not ABOUT @JoStories ! Sorry for the confusion!
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Veteran Member
I think if ISIS wants to try to kill you or me, that is fine. They can do what they want. If they should succeed, that is fine. They would have done what they've done. However, if I can stop them from killing you and I, I will.
So, then there is nothing wrong with what ISIS is doing, as long as you and I aren't the target? I appreciate you including me in there, but isn't it wrong to intentionally kill any innocent person, no matter who they are?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You said you felt no shame whatsoever with regard to your sins. Big difference between that and acknowledging your sins and turning from them, or even trying to turn from them. It is amazing how close one can come to God when God sees an effort.
You have a beam in your eye.
Computers are natural. It comes quite naturally for human beings to construct things like computers. There existence is quite natural, considering that we exist.
Hard drives, processors, batteries, resistors, transistors, thermal paste, and plastic are a few of the things that a computer are made of that are not natural. The very way that electricity is controlled in them, is not natural. If we were actually committed to living "natural" lives, we wouldn't have them. Or medicine as we know of it in the West. Or oil-based products. Or paper. We would not have air conditioners or heaters, and you would never see terms like "artificial flavors," or even "natural flavors" (many times they aren't actually natural), or trans fats in any of it's forms, no growth hormones or candy for cows, and there would be no high fructose corn syrup or gatorade.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But they are natural because we are natural and it comes naturally for us to build them.
Actually it is unnatural for us to sit still for long periods of time like many users do, and the keyboard and mouse is unnatural, as is our use of them, that they put users at a higher risk of things such as carpal tunnel syndrome and various repetitive motion disorders and injuries.


Well-Known Member
In the case that @JoStories related, one possibility is that her sexual orientation was lesbian, and because of her upbringing she hid it, and the way to minimize the unpleasant relations with her spouse, was could to keep their relations to a minimum by strict limitation on actual intercourse.

Or, she might have been uninterested in sex at all--a significant portion of the population has very little interest in sex (asexual), and again, her limits on intercourse would ensure that she didn't have to endure or engage in this activity that did not interest her more than a minimal amount.

two possibilities, but certainly not exhaustive of why someone might adopt that belief in practice.
Oh my goodness and mother of Zeus! This was NOT me that had this sexual proclivity or lack thereof. It was a woman i knew on the old AOL board. Sweet Mary. I love sex, with either men or women and believe me when I say I am in NO way inhibited nor do I have strange sexual ideals. I thought I had been clear that it was someone else but quite obviously I was mistaken. DANG!!!!!!!:facepalm::fearscream::fearscream::facepalm:


Well-Known Member
That sounds rather depressing. It makes something intimate and loving into something shameful and awkward. I really can't imagine.

I really don't know where people come up with this stuff. Are their church leaders telling them this? Where does these ideas come from?
If I am not mistaken, they take verses from the Bible and twist them to make them say what they want. I cannot imagine what verse this came from but I truly felt sorrow for her husband. Imagine no foreplay, no blow jobs, and so on. How utterly boring.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Oh my goodness and mother of Zeus! This was NOT me that had this sexual proclivity or lack thereof. It was a woman i knew on the old AOL board. Sweet Mary. I love sex, with either men or women and believe me when I say I am in NO way inhibited nor do I have strange sexual ideals. I thought I had been clear that it was someone else but quite obviously I was mistaken. DANG!!!!!!!:facepalm::fearscream::fearscream::facepalm:

I apologize for dropping out the needed clarifiers about who I was referring to--who YOU were referring to when I was referring to your story about someone else....

Arrrgh! Apologies apologies apologies!

I stand very abashed, and wish there was some way to correct that!

There, I edited my post to more clearly state that is was not about @JoStories !!!
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Well-Known Member
Horse pucky. My father was bisexual, as am I, his sister was gay, and her son is gay. Seems fairly genetic to me. And I was blessed with 2 of the most loving and wonderful parents anyone could get. So there goes your 'messed up upbringing' theory. And I am a staunch believer in God. As is my mother. And my cousin. Seems we make your 'theory' a whole lot of nothing.
Here's something funny. I speak English. And based on what you are telling me, speaking English must be a genetic trait, as nearly everyone in my family speaks English. Crazy huh?


Well-Known Member
Your point on the weakness of my grammar?? I know I am not strong in that area, and hence, have an editor for anything I publish. I note you did not address anything in my post other than the 'if'. Is there a reason for that or do you have no counter argument?
Well, given the fact that you don't know me, and that each and every one of your personal remarks about me was incorrect, I had figured it to be a waste of my valuable time addressing your remarks. But since you apparently do not understand grammar very well, I thought it best to spend some of my time helping you make a better impression on others.


Well-Known Member
I see. So instead of debating my points, you devolve into insults. The mark of someone who has not only lost the argument but also a mark of a very weak mind in terms of debating. If you feel I was wrong, prove it. Instead, you debase your position by devolving into this. Sad, really.
JoStories had said:
These alleged 'sins' are based on something written 2000 years ago and the issues then would not be issues today.
Well tell me what the issues were then. Help me understand the issues.

Eating pork then was a problem due to lack of refrigeration. That is not the problem today. Same with shellfish.
Are you sure that the sin of eating porkand shellfish is related to the lack of refrigeration. I understand that consuming pork and shellfish can be dangerous to eat if not well cooked, but forgive me if I don't take your word for it that this is the reason for God's command. Why exactly did God tell us not to eat pig meat? I'm going to need a biblical quote from the Bible in order for your claim to hold any weight with me.

You are presuming that these things are 'sin' in the first place.
No, the Bible is clear. According to Moses, God commanded us not to eat those things. Disobedience to God's commands is sin.

I don't believe in the concept of sin at all.
I don't care what you believe.

Sin, IMO, is a man-made concept to try to keep people in line.
In my opinion you're wrong.

These sins are arbitrary concepts.
Everything you are saying seems rather arbitrary to me.

The Bible condoned concubines.
Where exactly are concubines condoned in the Bible? I'll need citations please.

Are you fine with that?
I have no need for a concubine if that's what you're asking. If you're asking if I'm okay with God condoning concubines, you'll have to prove that He does first.

The Bible condoned killing people large groups of people and given what you have written here, I assume you are good with that too.

Some people deserve to die. How many people belong to the terrorist group ISIS? I think they all deserve to die. If I had a means give them all what they deserve, I most assuredly would.

I see nothing wrong with enjoying one's life. You are free to tap dance to an antiquated book if that works for you. Do not expect me to follow something so asinine.
Believe me, I have no expectation that you might repent from your sins. But I hope you do.


Well-Known Member
There is proof of two areas of chromosomal intent with regard to homosexuality however, it should also be mentioned that it also involves nurture as well. Here is just one study out of thousands proving that being homosexual is partly genetically determined. The second link is more scientific in nature and has a wonderful reference section for further elucidation for those interested.

Nope, those sites contain no such proof. Try again. Perhaps I missed something. Please cite the parts of those citations with the declarations showing the proof. I want to see the proof.


Well-Known Member
And yet, as little as 300 years ago, you would have been burned at the stake or hung for having one by YOUR church. Do you not see how these alleged 'sins' are contrived??
And who exactly was burned at the stake or hung for having a computer by their church?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Just a reminder.....
Since JoStories is blind as a bat stuck in Mr Magoo's eye, using a font as large as hers makes it more readable.
I highlight the text, & then select #6 in <T!>.


Well-Known Member
If your desire is to change minds, I have not seen one single person doing that, so you are failing on an epic scale here. And there is no hell, IMO. If you can prove to me there is one, I am all ears, but otherwise you are throwing darts at windmills here.
I don't have any proof Jo; well, none at least that I can share. My experience of God is very personal, not the sort of thing I can show you. But I've got a few decades of life left in me, God willing, and I'm a patient guy. Even if I never convince you of the truth of God, I will be content knowing that I did my best.