Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
I'm a bottom line guy. One tax rate for everyone, no loopholes. Yes, the poor might get dinged a little, but they would have more entitlements when the rich finally paid their fair share. It would finally be fair if when you voted for tax increases it effected everyone and not just a few.
Aside from not answering the question, this is based on a complete misunderstanding of things.
First, the question was how a flat tax could be progressive? A progressive tax means that the more you make, the higher a percentage you pay, so it seems like that would disqualify a flat tax.
Second, a flat tax is inherently unfair. Paying 20% of $30,000 and 20% of $300,000 might seem fair when views shallowly. However, when viewed correctly it's not. Take away $6,000 from the first person, and they're left with $24,000. That severely cuts into their ability to afford shelter, food and clothing. Take away $60,000 from the second person, and they're left with $240,000. That's still more than enough to afford the basic shelter, food and clothing, along with a couple of cars, an extra house, a boat, etc. It's simply not fair to take the same percentage from each.
I guess I am just old fashioned, I believe in shared sacrifice and fairness.
No, you don't. If you did, you'd believe in a progressive tax, which would actually be fair. Also, why is it the poor and middle class that have to sacrifice? Why doesn't the upper class have to sacrifice, too?