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One God, One Saviour the Creator

"Egypt did not exist until after Noah and his family were on earth.Noah's family repopulated the earth after the great flood."

Such a bold claim indeed.

Did you know the holy scriptures spoke of space and gravity thousands of years before Sir Isaac Newton spoke about things relating to gravity,or Galileo observed space with his telescope? Yes,its true.Its in the book of Job.

Job 26:7 "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing." THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID- It is speaking of the earth being suspended over nothing.This is obviously speaking about gravity.Only one who is in outer space can make such an observation.One on earth cannot make this observation by looking up into space from earth.You have to be in space looking down at the earth to make such a statement.Space and gravity are being spoken of here.Such knowledge did not come from man but was given to man by our creator.God.

Note:For the internet cops,I quoted Job 26:7,which is a book in the holy scriptures incase you did not know.That is why it is in quotes.
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"Egypt did not exist until after Noah and his family were on earth.Noah's family repopulated the earth after the great flood."

Such a bold claim indeed.

When we look around at the earth, and the way it works,it is without question that it was designed, and did not just pop out of thin air with all its greatness.The possibilities of all of this happening by chance are so astronomical, its ridiculous to even consider.We have photosynthesis,a perfect system that works undisturbed for thousands of years.The earths tilt is at a perfect 23.5
degrees to allow seasons.Without his vital tilt,we would not have seasons.The earths atmosphere protects the earth and us from large debris.The earths inner core repels deadly radiation with a magnetic field.We have enough water on earth and food of every sort to last forever.Animals to be beast of burden.The way the earth is set up is for us by design,not because of evolution.

Even the way our bodies are made lets us see that we were created.We do not need tastebuds to survive.But,we now that we have a loving creator because He lets us enjoy our food.We taste beautiful things.Our eyes are awesome.We can see so good and thats where man got the idea for camera lenses.
Everything God made first,man has imitated from nature.

We were made with programs already installed,like a computer.We do not need to remember to breath.Its done for us.We have chemical reactions going on in our bodies automatically.The inner plumbing we have is so remarkable.Our motor is a flesh heart that pumps life giving blood throughout our entire bodies.
There is no doubt that our earth and mankind was created by a loving being.

Note:For the internet cops ,this is all my words.
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Is post 35 and 37 your "evidence"?

Here is a scripture that tells us exactly how smart God thinks we are.He knows we are smart enough to realize what he is saying.BUT..men have distorted the truth so much to the point where obvious things get swallowed up by others beliefs and traditions.READ THIS.......Romans 1:20

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen,being understood from what has been made,so that people are without excuse."

God is telling us that we should be able to come to the conclusion that We, and everything around us, in the universe, was made by the Almighty God,our creator.Thats how obvious it is, He is saying.

There is no way that everything in our universe just happened on its own.The odds against this happening by some random chance is astronomical.The way things works proves a higher intelligence,order and creation.A system of laws that govern our universe to make it work the way it does.This is not something that just happens just because.

Lets look at the earth.It has photosethesis.A cycle of moisture producing.It works this way and never changes.The plants are designed to breath the carbon dioxide.We breath the oxygen plants produce.A cycle that was designed ,and not just randomly happened.The earth produces plentiful amounts of food for us to eat.We have seasons that only occur because of the 23.5 degree tilt the earth has,which is perfect.Without this we could not grow anything.We would have unbalanced seasons.This was designed this way.We are perfectly 93 million miles from the sun.Any further in any direction would result in either over freezing conditions, or violently hot conditions, that would ,also, result in death.

We have a protective forcefield invisible dome that burns up large rocks into small debris. This prevents harm to people and the earth.The earths inner core is a molten hot ball and spins which produces magnetic waves that repel dangerous radiation away from the earth.That way we only receive the sunlight we need without over exposure.All of this is by design.These are set laws that could not just happen by mere chance so a whole universe could work perfectly,in harmony,with each other.There is no way...

So,If we gather all this info, and think really hard,we will come to the only conclusion that is logically correct.That this universe was created and designed specifically for us.Laws are set ways for order to occur.God shows us clearly how these laws work ,but, does not explain them in detail.Like gravity for instance.We know its there, but we cannot see it.It is a set law that is in place.What goes up must come down.This law grounds us here on earth and without it we would float of into the sky and get lost in space.Now gravity ,along with other laws,make the universe work in harmony with each other.This is by design.Like I said before,the chances of all of these things happening by some random chance are astronomical.Think about it really hard.

Note:For the internet cops out there, in case you did not already know,I quoted Romans which is a book in the holy scriptures.Romans 1:20
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I find it quite telling that your "evidence" is nothing but bible scriptures and the old argument of "Just look around! The evidence is all around us! None of this could happen by chance!"

By the way, where is the source of post 43? No way you typed all that in 1 minute. Plagiarism is against forum rules, even if it is from Answers In Genesis.
I find it quite telling that your "evidence" is nothing but bible scriptures and the old argument of "Just look around! The evidence is all around us! None of this could happen by chance!"

By the way, where is the source of post 43? No way you typed all that in 1 minute. Plagiarism is against forum rules, even if it is from Answers In Genesis.

Your assumptions are amusing.Lol...... I am a Bible Student and you are not the only one who has asked such questions.I have a back up drive with 3.5 GB full of special folders I have saved over the years.I have all my folders in alphabetical order and listed.Once I have written my responses to people, I save that response, and put it in the correct folder for future use, such as I did today with you.All I did was go to my creation folder and find the proper response I have from when I first used it to answer another person in your same position.So it is not plagiarism for it is my own words.So I did not type it that fast.I merely copied and pasted it from my own folders on my back up drive.

If I do use another source, such as the holy scriptures, it is well noted because we already know It was not I who wrote it.And I quote it.If I use WOL as a source, I always put the link.So there is no problem here.If you think there is go ahead and report it.If you want to discuss we will do so.If you want to be an internet cop, then carry on.I have no time for games.I am here to discuss.If you cannot answer and feel angry ,and the need to lash out by saying I am plagiarizing,well then we have nothing further to say to one another then I guess.Good day.


Your assumptions are amusing.Lol...... I am a Bible Student and you are not the only one who has asked such questions.I have a back up drive with 3.5 GB full of special folders I have saved over the years.I have all my folders in alphabetical order and listed.Once I have written my responses to people, I save that response, and put it in the correct folder for future use, such as I did today with you.All I did was go to my creation folder and find the proper response I have from when I first used it to answer another person in your same position.So it is not plagiarism for it is my own words.So I did not type it that fast.I merely copied and pasted it from my own folders on my back up drive.

If I do use another source, such as the holy scriptures, it is well noted because we already know It was not I who wrote it.And I quote it.If I use WOL as a source, I always put the link.So there is no problem here.If you think there is go ahead and report it.If you want to discuss we will do so.If you want to be an internet cop, then carry on.I have no time for games.I am here to discuss.If you cannot answer and feel angry ,and the need to lash out by saying I am plagiarizing,well then we have nothing further to say to one another then I guess.Good day.
Fair enough. If its yours then even better.

What was the date of this global flood?
Fair enough. If its yours then even better.

What was the date of this global flood?

2370 B.C.E.

If you want to see in detail a chronological order, just go to this link here.It is not my link.It is the WOL library link I am providing for you for further research.If you read When Did the Flood Occur? and The Flood waters Fall, you will get much insight.The paragraphs are short and very good.

Noah’s Log—Does It Have Meaning for Us? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY


Doubting Thomas
Your assumptions are amusing.Lol...... I am a Bible Student and you are not the only one who has asked such questions.I have a back up drive with 3.5 GB full of special folders I have saved over the years.I have all my folders in alphabetical order and listed.Once I have written my responses to people, I save that response, and put it in the correct folder for future use, such as I did today with you.

Off topic but this is a good system that saves time in retyping the same response over and over again. I wanted to do this too but then my subscription to Word expired and I never renewed it.
Off topic but this is a good system that saves time in retyping the same response over and over again. I wanted to do this too but then my subscription to Word expired and I never renewed it.

Yes,it does save a lot of time.I just got tired of retyping the same things over and over again.I figured,be smart and save my comments in folders.It works great.When I come across people,they always ask the same questions.So it works perfectly.


Active Member
Did you know the holy scriptures spoke of space and gravity thousands of years before Sir Isaac Newton spoke about things relating to gravity,or Galileo observed space with his telescope? Yes,its true.Its in the book of Job.

Job 26:7 "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing." THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID- It is speaking of the earth being suspended over nothing.This is obviously speaking about gravity.Only one who is in outer space can make such an observation.One on earth cannot make this observation by looking up into space from earth.You have to be in space looking down at the earth to make such a statement.Space and gravity are being spoken of here.Such knowledge did not come from man but was given to man by our creator.God.

Note:For the internet cops,I quoted Job 26:7,which is a book in the holy scriptures incase you did not know.That is why it is in quotes.
Anyone looking at the moon an stars can see there isn't anything holding them up. But that is just an observation. The bible ever explained that force was "gravity" or called it gravity. The word gravity is not found in the bible.

There isn't enough science in the Bible to pass a grade 6 science test. Trying to connect vague verses with what was discovered and explained by science is both dishonest and disingenuous.

The way sickness and diseases were supposedly cured in the bible was by a laying of hands by a miracle worker like Jesus. It is not a transferable skill and has done nothing to enhance our understanding of medicine which cure millions today.


I have something better.How about proof of creation that will settle all questions concerning the holy scriptures?

If we read the very first sentence in the holy scriptures its Genesis1:1 It says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Ok...Lets dig DEEP beneath the verse.
In the beginning =TIME the heavens=SPACE earth=MATTER So,we end up with TIME,SPACE & MATTER.
Scientist have barely come to agree that this is how they believe the universe was created. In this order. This was just found out in the latter part of the 20th century.God,our creator, let mankind know this over 3,500 years ago. TIME,SPACE & MATTER is the formula God used to create the universe.This is just in the first sentence of the holy scriptures. Imagine the knowledge one can learn if we only apply ourselves and begin a relationship with the Grand creator.
Note:For the internet cops,I quoted Genesis 1:1.It is a book in the holy scriptures in case you did not know.

In the "beginning" means a point - not time in the scientific sense.

The heavens - were literally the heavens they could see - and nothing more.

If earth equals matter - what about All that crap in the heavens?

I get a kick out of the religions of Abraham when they try to fit bronze age sentences and meanings to modern science.

Also -The first sentence of Genesis gives no scientific knowledge, - you are trying to fit science to it - to make it look like scientific knowledge.

The Bible says the earth is a scribed circle - a flat pancake shape, - with the heavens like a tent above it.

Who knows what they thought was below the pancake earth.

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Anyone looking at the moon an stars can see there isn't anything holding them up. But that is just an observation. The bible ever explained that force was "gravity" or called it gravity. The word gravity is not found in the bible.

There isn't enough science in the Bible to pass a grade 6 science test. Trying to connect vague verses with what was discovered and explained by science is both dishonest and disingenuous.

The way sickness and diseases were supposedly cured in the bible was by a laying of hands by a miracle worker like Jesus. It is not a transferable skill and has done nothing to enhance our understanding of medicine which cure millions today.

The things I pointed out that are in the bible like Time,Space and Matter,the underwater springs beneath the ocean floor and the space and gravity reference cannot be explained by anyone.It is very obvious what is being spoken of.Those are amazing! Another thing,Jesus and his disciples performed these miracles in the past.These things do not occur anymore.Those who pretend to do so are not being truthful.These things were done as a witness to the world of God'd power and promise.We have the holy scriptures today and do not need such proof anymore.


Admiral Obvious
Did you know the holy scriptures spoke of space and gravity thousands of years before Sir Isaac Newton spoke about things relating to gravity,or Galileo observed space with his telescope? Yes,its true.Its in the book of Job.

Job 26:7 "He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing." THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID- It is speaking of the earth being suspended over nothing.This is obviously speaking about gravity.Only one who is in outer space can make such an observation.One on earth cannot make this observation by looking up into space from earth.You have to be in space looking down at the earth to make such a statement.Space and gravity are being spoken of here.Such knowledge did not come from man but was given to man by our creator.God.

Note:For the internet cops,I quoted Job 26:7,which is a book in the holy scriptures incase you did not know.That is why it is in quotes.
Forer Effect.

Nice try though.


Did you know that scientist have barely,in the latter part of the 20th century, come to find out that there are, in fact, underground water springs beneath the ocean floor? Yes,its true.The holy scriptures made this known to mankind over 3,500 years ago in the book of Genesis 7:11.READ IT.

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened."

Only our creator could bestow such knowledge upon mankind.

Note: For the internet cops,I quoted the book of Genesis 7:11.It is a book in the holy scriptures in case you did not already know.

I have heard this from Muslims too. It is ridiculous. "Springs of the great deep" here does not mean under oceans, but deep in the earth. They knew there were "springs," as they saw water bubble up from no seen water source, they saw it come tumbling down from inside hills, they dug wells, diverted water, they found it in caves - with no source seen, etc. They were not stupid. It has nothing to do with science.

(Bishops 1568) In the sixe hundreth yere of Noahs lyfe, in the seconde moneth, the seuenteene day of ye moneth, in the same day were all the fountaynes of the great deepe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened.

Also - it should be translated more like -

Burst forth all from the source, the deep, increasing (greatly,)

Strong's says "tehom" here means subterranean water sources.

Also obviously we don't have window grids opening in the sky to dump down water.





The Holy Bible is superior because in the Old Testament God teaches us how mankind failed over and over again to please the Creator-God with our living and lifestyles. In the New Testament He shows us the way of Salvation from hell-fire. No other book in the world has this information.

There are older flood stories from the surrounding nations. The Hebrew ripped them off.

It is also bull that no other religion teaches "the way!"



Higher and Higher
You missed it, for All Mankind, God doesn't discriminate. The Jews should be glad and take hold of what Isaiah wrote, doing away with the old and announcing a new covenant. A Christian I'm not or do I agree myself with any so called religions.

There is no new covenant. Nor is there anything about the covenant of Torah that needs "doing away with."

Jesus has nothing to do with anything written in the Hebrew Scriptures, including Isaiah. And what is in Jewish scripture has nothing to do with non-Jews.

This kind of replacement theology is deeply offensive. Non-Jewish appropriation of Jewish text and attempts to make it conform with non-Jewish theologies is equally offensive.


2370 B.C.E.

If you want to see in detail a chronological order, just go to this link here.It is not my link.It is the WOL library link I am providing for you for further research.If you read When Did the Flood Occur? and The Flood waters Fall, you will get much insight.The paragraphs are short and very good.

Noah’s Log—Does It Have Meaning for Us? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Göbekli Tepe 7560–7370 is far older, and the people are still there. They just moved off the hill and built cities in the easier to reach plains.

Mongoloid skulls have been found from before that date - and very OBVIOUSLY the people continued on!

They did not die out in a flood, and then the area get repopulated by Noah family offspring! LOL!

In fact we can study skulls from before, and after, your "flood" date, and prove the people of that area continued on past that date.
