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One God, One Saviour the Creator


Well-Known Member
Why not, God created them to. There's not a Religion that conforms to what is instructed in Isaiah. They have all been led astray. Satan has corrupted all of the so called Religions. More fuel for the Fire.
What did you exactly mean by keeping Sabath?


Why would anyone need a Messiah/Savior?
God offers to be our Saviour and explains he's the only one in Isaiah 43. Anyone who doesn't believe in God needs a Saviour to save them from the horrors to come, if it takes believing Jesus came from God, then as the Christians believe you're saved. If you believed the childhood stories about Noah or Moses and still do. I personally wouldn't think you'd need one.
You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
11 I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.
12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed
God was the God of only the Jews but they polluted the relationship and God has hid his face from them. So God offered his Servant in Isaiah to the all the Peoples of the World and is willing to make a Covenant with them who believe. It’s all laid out there in Isaiah 42 & on.

The Jews wait on a Messiah who is described in Isaiah also.


What did you exactly mean by keeping Sabath?
Study God's explanation in Isaiah. Isaiah 1:13 he does away with the old. "Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies". Then Isaiah 56 thru 66.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
God did away with the Old and announces a New Covenant in Isaiah, what Man has ordained in these religion's is far from what he says we should do.
In Isaiah God teaches us what he expects from us so that he will be our God and he will have a People. To be his Servants, bring forth his Praise, help the needy and keep his Sabbaths.
That would make your "God" a liar since he made it quite clear that his Covenant with Jews was "forever" and "perpetual". However, this doesn't mean nor imply that God couldn't make other covenants with other people.

We have to remember that the Torah and Tanakh was written by Jews to Jews, so who's to say there can't be other relationships and communications and possibly other covenants with other groups? Nor is it out of range of logic that there could be somewhat different "Laws" made with different peoples because of different environments and circumstances.


God offers to be our Saviour and explains he's the only one in Isaiah 43. Anyone who doesn't believe in God needs a Saviour to save them from the horrors to come, if it takes believing Jesus came from God, then as the Christians believe you're saved. If you believed the childhood stories about Noah or Moses and still do. I personally wouldn't think you'd need one.
You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
11 I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.
12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed
God was the God of only the Jews but they polluted the relationship and God has hid his face from them. So God offered his Servant in Isaiah to the all the Peoples of the World and is willing to make a Covenant with them who believe. It’s all laid out there in Isaiah 42 & on.

The Jews wait on a Messiah who is described in Isaiah also.

So if I Don't "Believe" in any Horrors to come, I don't need any god to save me from them.


Well, according to gospel writer Luke, didn't Jesus go to hell ? ______
- Acts 2 vs 27,31,32

Since Jesus taught sleep in death - John 11 vs 11-14 - and Jesus was well educated in the old Hebrew Scriptures, which also connect death with unconscious sleep such as at Ecclesiastes 9 v 5; Psalms 6 v 5; 13 v 3; 115 v 17; 146 v 4; Daniel 12 vs 2,13 - then the hell of Scripture is just mankind's stone-cold common grave.
' Temporary grave ' or else Jesus would still be in hell.
Even the word cemetery means: sleeping place [ R.I.P. ]

Since Jesus never tried to convert Judaism he was Not a failure, but came to give the Jewish people, those who wished, to have the first opportunity to follow him.

Jews are Not obsolete but through the grace of God still exist as a nation on earth.
All on earth have the opportunity to decide if they want to follow Jesus as Messiah.
Far from obsolete, they have a big role in the time to come. Messiah is to come and will do as described by Isaiah. Jesus is Servant to God. God talks about those who choose Jesus in Isaiah. Those who make a God of him.


That would make your "God" a liar since he made it quite clear that his Covenant with Jews was "forever" and "perpetual". However, this doesn't mean nor imply that God couldn't make other covenants with other people.

We have to remember that the Torah and Tanakh was written by Jews to Jews, so who's to say there can't be other relationships and communications and possibly other covenants with other groups? Nor is it out of range of logic that there could be somewhat different "Laws" made with different peoples because of different environments and circumstances.
He annulled it in Isaiah and declared a new one.


aged ecumenical anthropologist

  1. [6] "I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness,
    I have taken you by the hand and kept you;
    I have given you as a covenant to the people,
    a light to the nations,
  1. [8] Thus says the LORD:
    "In a time of favor I have answered you,
    in a day of salvation I have helped you;
    I have kept you and given you
    as a covenant to the people,
    to establish the land,
    to apportion the desolate heritages;
  1. [10] For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
    but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,
    says the LORD, who has compassion on you.
  1. [4] For thus says the LORD:
    "To the eunuchs who keep my sabbaths,
    who choose the things that please me
    and hold fast my covenant,
The future covenant is an extension of the Abrahamic Covenant to the forthcoming generations of Jews with some additional promises.

[sorry but I'm having a problem with the formatting of the quotes above, and I don't know how to correct it]


That would make your "God" a liar since he made it quite clear that his Covenant with Jews was "forever" and "perpetual". However, this doesn't mean nor imply that God couldn't make other covenants with other people.

We have to remember that the Torah and Tanakh was written by Jews to Jews, so who's to say there can't be other relationships and communications and possibly other covenants with other groups? Nor is it out of range of logic that there could be somewhat different "Laws" made with different peoples because of different environments and circumstances.
That would make your "God" a liar since he made it quite clear that his Covenant with Jews was "forever" and "perpetual". However, this doesn't mean nor imply that God couldn't make other covenants with other people.

We have to remember that the Torah and Tanakh was written by Jews to Jews, so who's to say there can't be other relationships and communications and possibly other covenants with other groups? Nor is it out of range of logic that there could be somewhat different "Laws" made with different peoples because of different environments and circumstances.
The has only ever been but 1 God, if you choose to call him a liar so be it. God has hidden his face from the Jews and invited the Gentiles to salvation. God annulled his covenant with the Jews and declared a new one for all people Jew or not. Isaiah was a True Prophet and not a word God spoke will be in vain, his will, will be done.


I do stuff
The has only ever been but 1 God, if you choose to call him a liar so be it. God has hidden his face from the Jews and invited the Gentiles to salvation. God annulled his covenant with the Jews and declared a new one for all people Jew or not. Isaiah was a True Prophet and not a word God spoke will be in vain, his will, will be done.
I don’t know where you are getting any of that. It’s not coming from any Jewish scripture I know of. Can you quote a verse please?


You and many more are but fuel for the fire. In your calamity you'll wonder, if you're fortunate you'll realize your error.

Your religion, God, horrors and calamities all need your beliefs to be real. Without believing in them they aren't real.


Egypt came after.

Biblical mythological events aside, Ancient Egyptian religion, philosophy, and records predates any biblical sources. Hell, the first accounts of monotheism takes place in Egypt with Akhenaten.

And for my own personal mumbo jumbo theories, Moses was an Ancient Egyptian prince who would of been raised to understand and partake in Ancient Egyptian philosophy, religion, and writing. This also included Ancient Egyptian creation accounts which is eerily similar to the Hebrew mythology (again written after the fact). In my personal opinion, there was no magical Exodus out of Egypt. Moses was a cult leader who adopted the Egyptian religion and previous concepts of monotheism from Ankhenaten to form his own religion to which he or his later followers would spin into this wonderful tale to give the new faith a foundation. (Tinfoil hat off.)
Biblical mythological events aside, Ancient Egyptian religion, philosophy, and records predates any biblical sources. Hell, the first accounts of monotheism takes place in Egypt with Akhenaten.

And for my own personal mumbo jumbo theories, Moses was an Ancient Egyptian prince who would of been raised to understand and partake in Ancient Egyptian philosophy, religion, and writing. This also included Ancient Egyptian creation accounts which is eerily similar to the Hebrew mythology (again written after the fact). In my personal opinion, there was no magical Exodus out of Egypt. Moses was a cult leader who adopted the Egyptian religion and previous concepts of monotheism from Ankhenaten to form his own religion to which he or his later followers would spin into this wonderful tale to give the new faith a foundation. (Tinfoil hat off.)



Well-Known Member
Study God's explanation in Isaiah. Isaiah 1:13 he does away with the old. "Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies". Then Isaiah 56 thru 66.
How about you saying in your own words what did you mean?


Rather difficult to take you seriously when you offer up such bold empty threats.
Not only have I been lifted off my bed by God when I was 14, when 30 the brightest light hit my Bible and I was with 3 Angels singing Praise to God. What U C as threats aren't threats, Isaiah 9:19 By the wrath of the Lord Almighty the land will be scorched and the people will be fuel for the fire; they will not spare one another


Admiral Obvious
Not only have I been lifted off my bed by God when I was 14, when 30 the brightest light hit my Bible and I was with 3 Angels singing Praise to God. What U C as threats aren't threats, Isaiah 9:19 By the wrath of the Lord Almighty the land will be scorched and the people will be fuel for the fire; they will not spare one another
What I see as bold empty threats are just that, bold empty threats.
Your presenting them reveals you are not as confident in your faith as you would like others to think.
Your denial of your threats being threats merely reinforces the idea you are not as confident in your faith as you would like others to think.

Now, do you believe you can preach about your deity without the bold empty threats?