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One God or many gods


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What does you being here this day have to do with the non existence of Israelite monotheism ? While you may be here to this day .. the Israelite religion is not ... and not the Israelite God YHWH who was killed by Marduk when the Babylonians came to Jerusalem.
I'm an Israelite and a monotheist. You are too funny. Hebrews/Israelites/Jews have been monotheistic now for thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
I'm an Israelite and a monotheist. You are too funny. Hebrews/Israelites/Jews have been monotheistic now for thousands of years.

Dude .. you are not an Israelite ... OK .. this is ridiculous nonsense if you are being serious .. The "Israelite" being referred to is not .. someone from the reconstituted state of Israel after 1945.

We are talking about the religious beliefs of the ancient Israelites .. who end in 720BC - and even if you can prove genetic relation to the lost tribes .. we are not talking about your religious bellief but there's .. at that point in history .. when there was no Monotheism in Israelite religious belief.

Sorry .. The Israelites were raging pagans .. just like all the other Canaanites around them .. happy shiny Canaanites holding hands. Not talking the Religion of Bibi... who is not an Israelite either .. but Just sayin :)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Dude .. you are not an Israelite ... OK .. this is ridiculous nonsense if you are being serious .. The "Israelite" being referred to is not .. someone from the reconstituted state of Israel after 1945.
I am not confusing Israelite (aka Hebrew aka Jew) with Israeli. I'm stating that Hebrew=Israelite=Jew, that these are simply three different terms that refer to the identical people.

I myself am a Hebrew/Israelite/Jew, and I am a monotheist. My people have been monotheists for thousands of years.

And I am not an Israeli (citizen of the modern state of Israel).


Well-Known Member
I'm an Israelite and a monotheist. You are too funny. Hebrews/Israelites/Jews have been monotheistic now for thousands of years.

Dude .. you are not an Israelite ... OK .. this is ridiculous nonsense if you are being serious .. The "Israelite" being referred to is not .. someone from the reconstituted state of Israel after 1945.

We are talking about the religious beliefs of the ancient Israelites .. who end in 720BC - and even if you can prove genetic relation to the lost tribes .. we are not talking about your religious bellief but there's .. at that point in history .. when there was no Monotheism in Israelite religious belief.

Sorry .. The Israelites were raging pagans .. just like all the other Canaanites around them .. happy shiny Canaanites holding hands. Not talking the Religion of Bibi... who is not an Israelite either .. but Just sayin :)

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

The Ultimate Being is Unique and incomparable. Those who believe in God will not equate others and hence will call the next in rank exalted ones but not gods.

The thing that proves he is Unique doesn't only prove other gods don't exist but also proves he exists (see ontological argument).
Pl explain the ontological argument.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

The point is: the Israelites did Not practice nor follow as the non-Israelites did .
Please read Jeremiah 32:35; 2nd Chronicles 28:3
The Canaanites were more than just one person. Abraham was one person.
The Canaanites were a nation. Abraham and Isaac were just two people.
The Canaanite people did Not believe there children would come back from the dead.
Abraham and Isaac knew 'they would return' if you would please read Genesis 22:5
.Yonder. in 22.5. is open to multiple interpretations. It was more likely a falsehood to trick his son and family to allow him to leave. we need a much stronger argument to forcibly capture the land and annihilate people the Canaanites.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

No. God sends forth His spirit does Not mean God's spirit is God but what God uses - Psalm 104:30
The man Job said at Job 33:4 that God's spirit made him, God's breath brought Job to life. - Psalm 33:6
God used His spirit (His powerful dynamic energy) even to inspire men to write the Bible - 1st Tim. 3:16-17
Once we accept that god.s spirit is less than god, then polytheism is vindicated. These idols may embody the lesser spirit.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time understanding. First of all, a god is not the same thing as a lord. You can have a lord who is not a god.

But also, you can't really say there are many gods and then turn around and say there is but one God. Either there is none, or just one, or more than one. Can you please clarify what you mean?
There are gradations of god. Both many gods at lower level and one god at higher level can exist simultaneously.
That is not the point. Thequestion simply is that why kill Canaanites for a practice that you yourself follow. The theory behind the practice is not relevant.

When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, it was to test his faith and also, to symbolize the coming event of God the Father sacrificing His Son in order to save us. The Hebrews never practiced sacrificing their children. God did not allow Abraham to sacrifice his son.
Romans 4: 3-5 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Once we accept that god.s spirit is less than god, then polytheism is vindicated. These idols may embody the lesser spirit.
John 16: 13-15 (NCV) But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all truth. He will not speak his own words, but he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is to come. The Spirit of truth will bring glory to me, because he will take what I have to say and tell it to you. All that the Father has (to say) is mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will take what I have to say and tell it to you.
The Holy Spirit of the Father is not a person because if he is, then he would have a mind and be able to speak what is on his mind, and those would be his own words. The Holy Spirit of the Father is a portal through which the invisible God, the Father, communicates, speaks through, and empowers beings in the different realities that He creates in His mind.


Well-Known Member
One lesser god from one god.

Just one lesser God ? certainly not according to the Bible .. the OT is full of Lesser Gods .. including but not limited to Ha Satan .. a very powerful God .. Son of the Supreme God .. with mucho God Powers .. who enters the New Testament as Chief God over the Earth if Matt is to be believed.

Do you believe the Bible ? that the "Tester of Souls" is a God .. albeit of lower status than El Oliun .. El Supreme -- Father of Many Gods .. who battle each other over who gets to be chief God on Earth.


Veteran Member
There are gradations of god. Both many gods at lower level and one god at higher level can exist simultaneously.
Exist simultaneously but for how long ?
I find the God of the Bible allows the 'god' of this world of badness (2nd Cor. 4:4) to exist for a limited amount of time.
Sinner satan the lesser 'god' was ousted out of Heaven - Revelation 12:12,9
The passing of time has allowed satan enough time to show if he can succeed.
The passing of time also allowed for us to be born and think who we would want as Sovereign over us.


The One God concept came out of Master-Slave religions - ancient people living under Kings, Dictators used them as a template for God - hence all the - Get down on our knees, beg, grovel, blindly obey(Kill my OWN son? Yes, Master), sing only his praises etc
Basically a Dictator like Putin will not allow competition - He is the King, the Ruler and one must obey only him
A slave may serve only One Master - hence the One God!
Remember, Heaven is not Earned, it is GIVEN - given to only the loyal, those who believe in only One Master
The goal is Pleasures of the flesh in Heaven - the Master will GIVE us that but we must serve him and him only
The Many Gods are the Many Teachers that we have in life, starting with the first teacher, the female
The goal here is Enlightenment, Knowledge and for that we need not just one teacher, but many
And this is where Buddhists lost their way
So in the end, the one or many Gods depends on what one seeks
If it is just pleasures of the flesh, and one is willing to just beg and be given, then One Master is enough
But if it is Enlightenment, Knowledge - then it is many Teachers or many Gods