The more extreme Christians who espouse the unpleasant, you must be 'saved' dogma, believe that if you ask the long dead Jesus to come into you heart you will get into heaven, and everyone else, however good or decent, will end up in the fires of hell. So in theory someone as evil as Hitler could make a deathbed conversion and go to heaven. Whereas a person who has spent there life helping others, but is not 'saved', will go to hell. CRAZY OR WHAT? A god who insists on that is a complete psychopath.
I Think in a literal sense of course it’s misleading. But if we use the definition ‘spiritual enlightenment’ in place of saved and heaven it makes sense that one cannot attain spiritual enlightenment except through following the teachings of the Manifestations of God.
I think it’s the same in all religions. You ask a Buddhist. You cannot achieve enlightenment without following the instructions of Buddha. And with Krishna it’s called God Consciousness. With Baha’is it’s called a station of Certitude. These are all descriptions of the attainment of spiritual maturity or the highest level of spirituality attainable and it cannot be attained except by following the instructions and guidance of the Spiritual Masters such as Buddha, Christ and others.
I think the over simplification of the term heaven by those on both sides who interpret it as literal misses the real crux of the matter that to attain spiritual enlightenment one needs the guidance of a true Spiritual Master such as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and Baha’u’llah.
Otherwise it’s literal interpretation is mere superstition.