Unfortunately, it's not a very convincing one. After all, societies can make sure that their religions and politics stay separate deliberately, such as the separation of church and state. Most of the American government are Christians, but they do their best (with mixed success) to keep their religions out of their jobs.
America is an exelent example.
one of the major prioritys of the founders of the US was to make sure that the mistakes made in europe would not repeat themselves in the states. and they made it clear in the constitution that church and state ware to remain seperate.
now, what are we seing today?
"in god we trust" on money.
george bush senior not even consedering atheists to be citicans.
ID trying to corrupt education.
prayers in classrooms.
"god bless america" at the end of every presidental speach.
Sarah Palin about Irak-"there is a plan and its gods plan"
Israel: a nation that would not exist without the support of the US. why does the US support it? because there has not been a single president that got elected without the support of the jewish lobby.
about elections, try getting a president elected that openly admits not to be christian.
Gearge bush, claiming to do gods will.
and these are not even all the examples that I can give you just off the top of my head.
I dont call that a "mixed success" I call that the beginning of a failure. the onley reason that I don't think that this is going to escelate to much is because religion is decreasing in the states.