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Premium Member
Sounds lovely to go for a country ride. The fall really is incredible. I saw some last weekend when we stayed in the country with my sister in law. It is gorgeous.

Turned out it was a bit late, as most of the really spectacular fall color had blown away in the wind. But we managed to listen the the sound of a flowing river for a bit. Rivers never fail to amaze me. The flow of life ...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Vinayaka enters the world of prema and rasa by worshiping Murugan, yours faithfully enters the world of prema and rasa by having his faith in Brahman, which is none other than Krishna. Poeticus enters the world of prema and rasa by voting for Yajnas. There are many ways. Of course, yours is Krishna, which I wholly appreciate.

Of course. The point was that Vaishnavas will never need to worship Shiva or anyone else to experience the divine ecstasy one gets by being a devotee of God, just like devotees of other gods are satisfied with worshiping their God. Anyway, I'll end the discussion here.


Well-Known Member
Turned out it was a bit late, as most of the really spectacular fall color had blown away in the wind. But we managed to listen the the sound of a flowing river for a bit. Rivers never fail to amaze me. The flow of life ...

It's so easy to miss the right time. Glad you still enjoyed it, rivers are beautiful.



Premium Member
It's so easy to miss the right time. Glad you still enjoyed it, rivers are beautiful.


Really warm this whole week, too, but next weekend the white stuff may start haunting us, and by white stuff haunting I don't mean Halloween things. So I can put the hoses away, after some late fall watering at temple. It's really nice out there too, as our temple backs into a ravine. You can sense the whole place withdrawing for winter... the animals, the fruits, the trees...


Be your own guru
It's really nice out there too, as our temple backs into a ravine. You can sense the whole place withdrawing for winter... the animals, the fruits, the trees...
Even Gods. Kedar goes to Ukhimath and Badri goes to Joshimath. Though there is a plan to keep the temples open in Uttarkhand this winter so that there are some visitors in winter and some commerce. I like the idea. Winter scene in Himalaya is even more astounding with crystal clear skies and snow-covered 20 and 25 thousanders in their full glory - December (though there is always a chance of snow blocking the roads).


Lol, yeah, I've changed my name. I just figured it was time for a change. This time it's a mash up of the poem Dark Night of the Soul and Batman; who is one of my favorite comic book characters.

I dont know the poem (I suppose I should google it), except that the poem has an association with spiritual crisis, I do hope you are not suffering in such a way at present ?

I truly hope that I do not come across as dismissive of ISKCON, because that is not my intention. Yes, I do not agree with a lot of what Prabupada said, but I don't disreagard anyone who does follow his teachings about Dharma.

That being said, there have been many ISKCON-ites whom I have spoken to who have this fervor when it comes to their religion. That Prabupada is like the final prophet of the times and that any other teacher or sampradaya is not worth the time of day. They have been the ones to tell me that only Krishna, not Shiva or even any of Vishnu's other avatars, are worth reverence. That is what I have an issue with and the ones whom I have primarily run into.
come across as dismissive? You personaly ? no not at all, you are only commenting on what you have heard. And I have heard some pretty dumb things said by many devotees from all sorts of traditions.

I know that some ISKCON-ites do come over a bit heavily on the ''Srila Prabhupada savior of the whole world'' but it is just loving pride with most, after all you love batman, Everybody loves to love a hero, and lets be honest how many spiritual heros are there in this day and age?
Look at the mess this world is in hatred and corruption permeate every level of society, so is it any surprise that people not just in the west are looking for something they feel that they can trust.
First Srila Prabhupada became a hero in the west, now the following in India is growing too, I know so many Indian converts, they are second or third generation born here in the west whos parents gave up their beleifs and traditions because they came here to financialy better themselves and they naturaly left the old ways behind and took up a very material perspective on life. But now these young guys want their cultural identity back, and there is a big gap in learning no one even told them their heritage or explained Dharma. Their parents were more concerned to get them into Uni and into a good job. and now they are asking questions what is this life all about ? and Srila Prabhupada is making sence to them so they are enthusiastic and incredibly loyal, it is gratitude and adoration.

But this problem of them appearing dissrespectfull towards Shiva devotees it is wrong, and realy it doesnot fully reflect what Srila Prabhupada taught.

Yes, Vaisnhavism is very alluring and I'm giving it a chance. :) I'm interested in Ramaunja's Sri Vaishnavism and have been speaking with many practitioners.
:) Nice!

What do I mean by "exclusiveness"? Well, as mentioned earlier, there are many Vaishnavas who say that only Krishna is worth any form of worship. Not Shiva, his family, any of the other avatars, or even Vishnu himself. Sri Vaishnavas, from what I have gathered, place Vishnu as the supreme and that praying to any of the avatars is equated with Narayan. As for Shiva, Sri Vaishnavas generally say that Shiva comes from Vishnu, but is also his own entity with his own role and modes of worship; yet is still, at the end f the day, no different from Vishnu. I think that where the Vishishtadvaita really comes into play.
I dont want to start any fight by even commenting on what Shiva is or is not, let me just say I am glad when another finds a form of worship and divinity which works for him. It is so childish when people start to insinuate that my god is better than your god, Oh help ....just Get me out of here !

We just choose a form which we feel some affinity towards, there that is it enough said !
Yes Ill Happily go with Ramanujas veiw where that is conserned.

in my veiw we need to learn to live together in the spirit of co-operation and celebration :)

Jai Shree Krishna


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Anyone else think that going to temple in Winter is the absolute best?

It may be cold, and snowing or raining (or both, if you're lucky :p) outside, but inside there is the warmth of the aarti flame, the chanting in unsion, and being in the presence of the deities.

Makes me feel tingly and fuzzy thinking about it. :D


Premium Member
Sure. At -40, going into any building is great. Our temple has in-floor heating, so certain spots on the floor are warmer than others. (where the pipes inside the concrete are closer together or on curves). In winter you can tell where these warm spots are because that's where people sit.


Well-Known Member
My temple visits has to do with my mood. Sometimes I don´t feel like it at all. It can be months between visits. Then other times I go every week. It depends.
But in the summer I guess I go less, I rather do things outside.
I love to run, bicycle, take my dogs for walks and eat outside. We also spend more time at my sister in laws house in the country.



Premium Member
I'm addicted. Need a fix at least every 10 days, or I get edgy. Sure glad this temple has daily hours, morning and evening. I very much prefer morning. Boss goes in the evening though.