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Overturning Roe V Wade

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I find it hard to see how anyone can really
think abortion at any age can be morally
acceptable above the level of it being an
unfortunate expedient.

Like triage afrer a disaster.
Some who might have survived are left
untreated in favour of those with a better chance.
Many people do think that abortion is moral. I think they do because they do not believe the fetus is a person. This is where I think the conversation needs to be at.


Veteran Member
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What needs to happen is the public dialogue must change from one about rights to one that recognizes the problems women face. 'Right' is merely an abstract word and does not square against 'Life of the fetus'.

One day Orbit laid out very succinctly why abortions were necessary and in a way I'd never heard from anyone. Fact is, they are a necessity for those reasons; but those reasons rarely or never come up in conversing about the subject.

Since the time or Roe vs. Wade the public dialogue has never improved, and so we have today's results.

I bet you're wondering what she said.

There have been so many threads on abortion, I honestly don't remember what individual posters have said about it on different occasions.

I think for me, the bottom line is that I don't really consider laws against abortion as practical or enforceable. Politically and legally, it could get messy. Plus, with the shortage of doctors we're already facing, locking up doctors for performing abortions could make that shortage even more acute.

If we're looking at the needs of society overall, then I would say that we'd all be better off if abortion rights remain in place and everyone just stop arguing about it. It's not as if there are that many women getting abortions anyway. I checked: Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia


The chart ends at 2018, when 11.3 women out of 1000 had abortions. I don't know why they had abortions, nor is it really any of my business, since that's the realm of a doctor-patient relationship.

Also, when looking at the needs and problems of the society overall, I think there are more important things to worry about, such as the many women with kids who are already born struggling to feed and house them. If all the political capital and resources devoted to the anti-abortion campaign were used to help the millions of families struggling to survive, it might help to reduce some of the misery in this country.


Veteran Member
Many people do think that abortion is moral. I think they do because they do not believe the fetus is a person. This is where I think the conversation needs to be at.

We will call that a necessary belief.

Its so blatantly contrary to reality that
I find the cog dis as stark as it must be for
Noahs ark believers.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
It's not that simple because I think at least one state wants to charge a crime to anyone who travels to another state to have an abortion.
This would be unconstitutional. Things not enumerated to the states are left to the states to decide. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution and is left up to the states. This is why Roe v Wade was a bad decision.

We now also have some businesses saying they would pay expenses for women who travel to another state to have an abortion.
This would be within their right to do so.


Veteran Member
This would be unconstitutional. Things not enumerated to the states are left to the states to decide. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution and is left up to the states. This is why Roe v Wade was a bad decision.

This would be within their right to do so.
As in that rights not enumerated are not
rights at all?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
If a a person admits a fetus is a human being
then they have to get real about what it means to kill that person.

Generally, I don't view a fetus as a person before the point at which it can survive outside the womb. Otherwise a zygote would logically be as much of a person as a newborn, and I find that position untenable.


Veteran Member
Generally, I don't view a fetus as a person before the point at which it can survive outside the womb. Otherwise a zygote would logically be as much of a person as a newborn, and I find that position untenable.
And i find yours untenable first because your
Zygote sure isnt a crocodile, and secomd,
that there is no clear bright line distinction
as to when said is viable outside.
And third, why does " viable outside" affect what the
person IS?

When i was unable to survive outsidea hosptal
bed with external life supprt i dont thunk i
ceased to be human.

I get the need for triage, war, andvabortiin in our
profoundly imperfect world.

For me though, i cant see claiming an unclouded moral sky for such practices.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Oh. That’s…kind of dumb.
Like I’m getting flashbacks to when my history class would laugh at the disjointed United States when it was argued that slavery and then later interracial and gay marriage should be decided by “the states.”
Like that’s such a known dog whistle I literally learned about it in high school. And that was more as an aside since we don’t care about US history that much.

I mean no offence. That was just my experience
I'm just sharing what will happen... not making a judgment call on it.

But it is a State right issue if they throw out Roe vs Wade. I


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It's not that simple because I think at least one state wants to charge a crime to anyone who travels to another state to have an abortion.

We now also have some businesses saying they would pay expenses for women who travel to another state to have an abortion.

Meanwhile Senator Collins is apparently surprised that two of the justices lied during their confirmation hearing when asked about Roe v Wade. It's hard to believe she's really surprised and not just paying the political game but maybe she's really that naive Sen. Susan Collins: Supreme Court Overturning Roe V. Wade Would Be 'Completely Inconsistent' With Gorsuch, Kavanaugh Hearings
Yes... it will be a messy subject. I'm just reporting what will happen if they overturn it since that is what the OP asked for.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
When did government, touting freedom, get into the business of controlling how people live and choose?


Veteran Member
Basically, at that point, it simply goes to the individual States to make their decision what they want to do. You will have some states that will be pro-life and others pro-abortion.
This means it is a ban on poor women and families. And as an added burden on poor people, they lack the means to afford healthcare, so complications could occur. As we know conservatives have forced the closure of many Planned Parenthood clinics in needy areas, so there is less available services to the poor.

The question is if conservatives get their way and ban abortions, mostly to the poor, will they step up with free services to make sure the children and mothers and fathers have healthcare coverage to protect that sacred life in the womb?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
And i find yours untenable first because your
Zygote sure isnt a crocodile, and secomd,
that there is no clear bright line distinction
as to when said is viable outside.

Each case differs. While there's no universal point of viability for all fetuses, the principle seems to me a useful way to distinguish a zygote from a newborn.

A zygote's potential to develop into a baby doesn't mean it must be viewed as a baby at all stages of pregnancy.

Too, when i was unable to survive outsideca hosptal bed with external life supprt i dont thunk i ceased to be human.

Needing medical care is different from not being a fully formed baby, especially considering that, unlike someone in a hospital, a fetus requires someone to act as a host with their body. If a hospitalized person required a kidney transplant to survive, for example, nobody else would have an obligation to donate one of theirs--their bodily autonomy would come first.

I get the need for triage, war, andvabortiin in our
profoundly imperfect world.

For me though, i cant see claiming an unclouded moral sky for such practices.

I think most people view abortion as often undesirable or a last resort at best. At least I do. However, banning it only compounds the issues that create a need for it in the first place and often throws women who need it under the bus.

I believe that robust sex education, access to birth control, and access to reproductive health care are far better ways to prevent or reduce the incidence of abortion than bans or legal charges of murder.


Veteran Member
I know
But not being an American, I’m not too versed on the implications
About 1 in 4 American women have had abortions. If this decision is confirmed it will mean an immediate ban on abortions in about 20 states, maybe more if more states ban them. Women can travel to states that perform abortions, but as the door closes on many states the demand increases, and the costs will go up. The travel cost, the hotel costs, the procedure cost, will not be affordable to many women or families.

If this is confirmed I think it can have some serious long term legal and moral effects on the USA and states. There will be more demand for social services, adoptions, foster care, healthcare, etc. Will the states be willing to absorb those costs?

Recent polling has 71% of citizens disagree with overturning Roe, another says 58%, so that is quite a significant number as we go into an election 6 months from now.