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Overturning Roe V Wade

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Many people do think that abortion is moral. I think they do because they do not believe the fetus is a person. This is where I think the conversation needs to be at.
I think morality should apply with physical pain and suffering on another life. Including developing fetuses.

I support abortion only to the point where a fetus cannot feel pain. Late terms in only very extreme and hopefully incredibly rare circumstances.


Veteran Member
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If a a person admits a fetus is a human being
then they have to get real about what it means to kill that person.
I've mentioned this before but personhood doesn't factor in at all to me. It could be a Nobel peace prize winning fully adult human being in there and I'd still be pro choice. Purely on the basis of body autonomy.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
So I’m sure many have heard that the Supreme Court is mulling over whether or not to overturn Roe V Wade. It looks like they are, that’s what the news stations are saying anyway

But as a non American I fear I may not fully understand the implications.

So can you help me out a bit here guys?

What does that hypothetical scenario look like in the long run?

Can it be legally challenged?

Why would this be decided by your Supreme Court in the first place? This is like a constitution thing, is that right?

And do you think this will set off a chain reaction of some kind?
I can only imagine the protests that would occur if something similar happened in literally any other Western Nation today.
I wonder what the impacts beyond abortion will be.

Roe v. Wade is largely based on the idea of a constitutional right to privacy. Without having read the leaked decision, I assume that overturning Roe v. Wade will mean refuting this idea that privacy is a right. That could set a precedent that affects things far, far beyond abortion.


Veteran Member
I've mentioned this before but personhood doesn't factor in at all to me. It could be a Nobel peace prize winning fully adult human being in there and I'd still be pro choice. Purely on the basis of body autonomy.

" Body autonomy" is some absolute right?

With the absolute right to kill to preserve it,
however little inconvemience or how short a time?

If someone tries to rape me, i will maim
or kill in any way I possibly can.

If I were a young man inducted into the army,
" body autonomy" wont mean much.

Where do you figure body autonomy starts and ends? How much of what kind?
Is here nothing more important than any infringement?
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Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
If a a person admits a fetus is a human being
then they have to get real about what it means to kill that person.
I agree. Although I don't think you have to see the fetus as a person to be prolife. All you need to realize is that it now has a chance to become a person and should be given that chance.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
" Body autonomy" is some absolute right?

With the absolute right to kill to preserve it,
however little inconvemience or how shortba time?

If someone tries to rape me, i will maim
or kill in any way I possibly can.

If I were a young man inducted into the army,
" body autonomy" wont mean much.

Where do you figure body autonomy starts and ends? How much of what kind?
Is here nothing more important than any infringement?
No rights are absolute. But they are still rights.


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If someone tries to rape me, i will maim
or kill in any way I possibly can.
I fail to see anything wrong with this. Nothing about body autonomy necessitates you give your body to a rapist, nor that the rapist not be harm in self defense of your autonomy.

Where do you figure body autonomy starts and ends? How much of what kind?
Is here nothing more important than any infringement?
Immediately, all of and no.

If one person had the cure for cancer in their body but they had to be killed to access it, I would side with the person saying no, not the cancer patients, because their right to not have their body be used trumps the cancer patient's need.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I think morality should apply with physical pain and suffering on another life. Including developing fetuses.

I support abortion only to the point where a fetus cannot feel pain. Late terms in only very extreme and hopefully incredibly rare circumstances.
So if I kill a person without them feeling pain it is ok?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
When did government, touting freedom, get into the business of controlling how people live and choose?

Hypocrisy. Businesses have freedom. Individuals are told what they can read, what teachers can teach, what medicine doctors can use and so forth.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I think this decision is going to lower the SCOTUS' approval, which already is at the lowest since polls have been taken on them, as the decision went along party lines (Roberts being the only question). It may also have repercussions for this year's elections.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I think this decision is going to lower the SCOTUS' approval, which already is at the lowest since polls have been taken on them, as the decision went along party lines (Roberts being the only question). It may also have repercussions for this year's elections.
It already has. But what difference will that make?

At least 70% of Americans don’t want Roe overturned. And 56% of Supreme Court Justices don’t care what 70% of Americans think.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
This means it is a ban on poor women and families. And as an added burden on poor people, they lack the means to afford healthcare, so complications could occur. As we know conservatives have forced the closure of many Planned Parenthood clinics in needy areas, so there is less available services to the poor.

The question is if conservatives get their way and ban abortions, mostly to the poor, will they step up with free services to make sure the children and mothers and fathers have healthcare coverage to protect that sacred life in the womb?

Interesting viewpoint.

I wonder what you classify as "poor" and the assumption that if you are "poor" you can't have a family. (I was classified as "poor" but had three children successfully)

It is interesting that with all the helps that are offered why you see it as a "poor" issue or whether that is just a catchall phrase to justify the end.

But, be that as it may... let's look at this just a little deeper.

At what age of gestation do you agree with the position of "It is no longer acceptable to abort"?


Veteran Member
Many people do think that abortion is moral. I think they do because they do not believe the fetus is a person. This is where I think the conversation needs to be at.
Perhaps they realize that the pregnant woman is a person, who deserves autonomy over her own body, while a fetus is not a person.