You know the region I live in has one of the highest AIDS rates in the state: • Nash and Edgecombe counties experience high rates of HIV/AIDS in African American communities: In
Nash, 78% of people living with HIV/AIDS as of 2002 were African American, although only 34% of
the county’s population was African American; in Edgecombe County, 89% of HIV/AIDS cases were
African American, where African Americans represent 58% of the county population.
Drugs as well as prostitution are a big cause.
Nash, 78% of people living with HIV/AIDS as of 2002 were African American, although only 34% of
the county’s population was African American; in Edgecombe County, 89% of HIV/AIDS cases were
African American, where African Americans represent 58% of the county population.
Drugs as well as prostitution are a big cause.