Here are my humble opinions on the opinions of this university of Rape Culture. There are some good points in the list, but a lot of the list, I see as nothing more than ultra-liberal Man-Bashing.
Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”)
Yeah, I can see the point here.
Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”)
Absolutely. Fortunately, I don't think this is as common as the Ultra-Liberal wants us to be.
Disagree, completely, Humor is a shock response and a coping mechanism.
Tolerance of sexual harassment
Yeah, I think I can agree.
Inflating false rape report statistics
This is very difficult to calculate, I would think. Falsely reporting rape is intrinsically immoral, and when it is done intentionally and maliciously, it should be criminalized. However, criminalizing this would present problems of its own (causing true cases of rape to not be reported for fear of the repercussions) so it's a difficult call.
Publicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, motives, and history
Irrelevant, as we all are deserving of a legal defense in the court of law. Without such things as this, we descend into a witch hunt mentality; though I am certain that this process is very distressing to the victims of true rape. It is a necessary injustice. If I am accused of rape by my spouse because we are moving towards a divorce and she wants sole custody of the children, then I have the right, as a defendant, to question her motives. If I were promiscuous and I get a knock on my door from the police after a night out on the town because someone mentally disturbed accused me of rape and find out she has accused 3 others of the same, I have the right to question her history and mental state. Without this, a person is convicted upon an accusation. It is a necessary injustice to one in order to preserve justice for the many.
Gratuitous gendered violence in movies and television
Evidence that video games, moves, etc. produce results of violence and sexual violence is so scant that it is laughable. Though objectionable, it is protected under our 1st Amendment, and should be. In fact, the University of Hawaii performed an analysis comparing the availability of porn in a given society to the cases of violent sexual assault. They found, as opposed to the cultural narrative, that the more prevalent pornography is in a society (and the more sexually repressed a society is), the higher the cases of violent sexual assault. Censorship, can be argued, can cause the opposite of the intended effect.
Defining “manhood” as dominant and sexually aggressive
Disagree. Completely. Not that I disagree with this definition of "manhood", but I see no reason why someone can't define manhood under these criteria while simultaneously defining "manhood" as one who respects the person and boundaries of others. I fail to see why these are mutually exclusive.
Defining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive
Disagree. I don't see what this has to do with rape, but I can capitulate that this definition of "womanhood" is ridiculous.
Pressure on men to “score”
This is childish behavior that teens should have outgrown into manhood; but again, I don't see why "pressure on men to score" is mutually exclusive with "pressure on men to respect a woman's person and boundaries". In other words, "Go score, Dude, but do it by the rules or else we'll kick your arse".
Pressure on women to not appear “cold”
I don't see this as much about rape as I do about gender role stereotypes. Women are their own person and have the right to be "cold" if that is their nature.
Assuming only promiscuous women get raped
Not sure if this is "rape culture", denial, or stupidity.
Assuming that men don’t get raped or that only “weak” men get raped
Agreed. Female on male, and male on male rapes are sadly underreported.
Refusing to take rape accusations seriously
OK, I can ride with this, provided that "refusing to take rape accusations seriously" doesn't mean "refusing to take rape accusations skeptically". Innocent until proven guilty, even if the accusation is rape.
Teaching women to avoid getting raped
Utterly ridiculous. Teaching women to see signs in one's personality that indicates a tendency to rape or avoiding situations where she is vulnerable is certainly not "rape culture". It is empowering women with the tools needed to see to their own safety. It's no different than teaching children "stranger danger", educating on seat belts and drunk driving, or looking both ways in crossing the street. It is sad that we live in a world where we have to teach each other how to protect ourselves from our fellow human beings and I wish this wasn't the case; but that is the world we live in, and failing to do so unconscionable.