I would go with nearly impossible that evolution occurred without conscious intelligent guidance. For this and other reasons I think Nature has intelligent beings that worked for the creation of higher life forms. These beings are far beyond us in intelligence but not omniscient either. They did learn also through trial and error.
If they were at all intelligent, then you wouldn't need to go through trial and error.
The very thought that God, creator or designer was involved in biological genetics, would only show how utterly malevolent and stupid this being, when it cause a child to be born blind, death or some terribly diseases.
Does a Designer really need to be involved with two blonde and blue-eyed parents would have a child or children with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Genetics explained hereditary, but the next step up is mechanism of evolution. It doesn't take a genius for parents passing on specific gene to offspring, and from ancestors to descendants, that have better chance of survival, if any environmental changes were to occur.
Why is so hard for creationists to see that?
Evolution is not talking about creating life out of non-living matters/materials, so evolution is not talking about the origin of first life.
Evolution is about multiplying through reproduction, passing on genes to the next generations, and that some genes are better than others that will allow them to adapt to changes, not only surviving, but thrive too.
Intelligent Design advocates are just idiots, who want to use ID to teach creationism in a science classroom. Both creationism and Intelligent Design have nothing to do with science, just religious smokescreen.
Do you really want to know why Intelligent Design is not accepted among the international science communities? The reasons are really simple:
- It is not science.
- And it does required physical evidences to support their fairytale claims, of some silly non-existing invisible being, they called "Designer".
No one, but naive or ignorant or biased Christian creationists believe such craps that come from Discovery Institute. The Discovery Institute is living proof that stupidity and dishonesty exist among creationists.