What a load of BS.
The Discovery Institute (DI) is organisation made by creationists, trying to masquerade as scientific movement. It was this DI that started the ID movement.
Have you read the Institute's manifesto? I am referring to the Wedge Document?
Here is the link to a copy of the
Wedge Document. It leave no doubt in anyone might that Discovery Institute is religious organisation, and the Intelligent Design is nothing more than hoax perpetrated by bunch of creationists. They are attempting to use politics, law out, PR propaganda to get schools to teach science classrooms and rhey have absolutely nothing to do with science.
Read the Wedge Document and tell me that DI & ID have nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with religion, especially with the Protestant creationists.
Behe's Irreducible Complexity is not even a "testable" or "falsifiable" hypothesis, that have rejected for peer-review because it is not testable, because Behe could never provide any link between Intelligent Designer and nature, because the Designer is not testable.
Call it what you will, but the word "Designer" is nothing more than another name for "Creator".
No scientists recognise ID or the discovery institute as being "scientific".
The Wedge Document leaves no doubt to their religious agendas.
The rest of your reply are also loads of craps.
ID is not based on science because it has been supply no evidences to support their creationism.
Evolution is based on the studies of biodiversity and on genes (along with mutations), and on how those genes are passed on, through parents to offspring, over x-number of generations.
The description and explanation have everything to do with selection that are naturally occurring - through hereditary, hence genetics. None of explanation explicitly or implicitly suggest deity or Intelligent Designer being involved.
ID is based on wishful-thinking that some beings been involved in creation of organic matters, and yet with no evidences to support this Designer, other than using mental contortions to twist science to fit in with make-believe logic.
More craps.
Reality is not based on mathematics.
And science is not based on mathematics. Although maths are way to better understand or aid science, science don't rely on them as much as they are rely on EVIDENCES.
Maths rely on PROOF, while science rely on EVIDENCE.
EVIDENCE is what make science "objective". EVIDENCE is what distinguish science from maths.