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Proof of evolution -at last-

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
From what we observe "God" is the aggregate of your adopted Christian dogma and your own personal contributions, not any actual God existing outside of your imagination.

Of course I would. Do you know of some other way to generate thoughts?

non-anecdotal evidence that demonstrates any God exists outside of human imagination?

We don't have God as a fact, so yes, religious.

We are still waiting for you to demonstrate this God you talk about exists outside of your imagination.

Spirit is Mind. Everything is Mental.
Even our scientific findings are revealing that the material world is less material than previously presumed, for at it's smallest factor, matter is what appears to be energy oscillating and vibrating at incredible speeds. (Then you have the holographic universe theory)

There is no vision outside of mind. Your ocular organs are NOT detecting everything we know to persist in the universe. Everything you perceive to be outside of your mind, is in reality a chemical equation your sensory organ sent to your mind for translation.

You could perceive colors completely different than myself, does this make either of our perceptions 'false'? These differences only truly persist in our individual minds. There's an approximate 1:4 people who can see FOUR color cones consisting of red, blue, green, AND yellow. Meanwhile 2:4 people see only three color cones consisting of red, blue, and green spectrum.

Thought experiment: Let's presuppose for some reason you decided to dream up an imaginary friend within your mind. One could argue this imaginary friend you created is NO LESS a part of reality (especially your subjective reality) than I am. You have never 'physically' touched myself or your friend, you are fully capable of having conversations with myself and your friend, etcetera etcetera. I would be hard pressed to argue against you if your position was that your friend was in fact MORE real than myself, for I could just be prerecorded messages the internet copy/pasted to debate with you.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
You are still presenting one of many diverse, conflicting, contradictory highly subjective interpretations not based on any objective evidence whatsoever.

As far as reality you have no more basis for your assertions than any other conflicting subjective interpretations.

Subjective - Of the mind only.

I see. So, in your subjective opinion: When I observe that everyone has a subjective opinion, and that opinion tends towards what they believe is right for them. This is a subjective observation?

Everything is Mental.

Is the objective to subjugate everyone to the same opinion of the subject? I prefer diversity.


Veteran Member
Spirit is Mind. Everything is Mental.
Then spirit is a material process. A mind is a set of functions that living brains perform, and that all happens as a material process.

Even our scientific findings are revealing that the material world is less material than previously presumed, for at it's smallest factor, matter is what appears to be energy oscillating and vibrating at incredible speeds. (Then you have the holographic universe theory)
That theory is hypothetical, so not a very good example. It's not widely accepted. Let's note that this theory still utilizes material of the universe, and that how it appears is the illusion.

There is no vision outside of mind. Your ocular organs are NOT detecting everything we know to persist in the universe. Everything you perceive to be outside of your mind, is in reality a chemical equation your sensory organ sent to your mind for translation.
A material process.

You could perceive colors completely different than myself, does this make either of our perceptions 'false'? These differences only truly persist in our individual minds. There's an approximate 1:4 people who can see FOUR color cones consisting of red, blue, green, AND yellow. Meanwhile 2:4 people see only three color cones consisting of red, blue, and green spectrum.
Those damn genes.

Thought experiment: Let's presuppose for some reason you decided to dream up an imaginary friend within your mind. One could argue this imaginary friend you created is NO LESS a part of reality (especially your subjective reality) than I am. You have never 'physically' touched myself or your friend, you are fully capable of having conversations with myself and your friend, etcetera etcetera. I would be hard pressed to argue against you if your position was that your friend was in fact MORE real than myself, for I could just be prerecorded messages the internet copy/pasted to debate with you.
Why would I decide this? I could never conclude my imaginary friend is more real than something that is outside my control, like a bot or a person.

My mental acuity is rooted in being able to discern what is real versus imaginary. I don't have any imaginary friends. If I were to create one for the sake of this experiment of yours I can't pretend that it isn't part of my imagination. The whole time you and me renege I am aware I am not controlling your responses. You could be a bot or a group of people, but that is irrelevant. Whatever is responsible for responding to my posts isn't me. Is it really you MCC? It's likely. I seldom care who it is I'm responding to, it's about ideas. If it was really important to me to verify you exist as your name and photo then I could take some measures to find out. But I don't really care, and I'll bet most of us don't either. The point is IF we are mentally stable we can pretty easily discern the real from the imaginary. I'll say that some theists are not able to discern that their God exists as an imagined character. They certainly can't explain how they presume to know their version of God exists outside of their mind. That would be a better thought experiment as it offers a real mental phenomenon where a human might be confused about reality, either deliberately or consequentially.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
Then spirit is a material process. A mind is a set of functions that living brains perform, and that all happens as a material process.

That theory is hypothetical, so not a very good example. It's not widely accepted. Let's note that this theory still utilizes material of the universe, and that how it appears is the illusion.

A material process.

Those damn genes.

Why would I decide this? I could never conclude my imaginary friend is more real than something that is outside my control, like a bot or a person.

My mental acuity is rooted in being able to discern what is real versus imaginary. I don't have any imaginary friends. If I were to create one for the sake of this experiment of yours I can't pretend that it isn't part of my imagination. The whole time you and me renege I am aware I am not controlling your responses. You could be a bot or a group of people, but that is irrelevant. Whatever is responsible for responding to my posts isn't me. Is it really you MCC? It's likely. I seldom care who it is I'm responding to, it's about ideas. If it was really important to me to verify you exist as your name and photo then I could take some measures to find out. But I don't really care, and I'll bet most of us don't either. The point is IF we are mentally stable we can pretty easily discern the real from the imaginary. I'll say that some theists are not able to discern that their God exists as an imagined character. They certainly can't explain how they presume to know their version of God exists outside of their mind. That would be a better thought experiment as it offers a real mental phenomenon where a human might be confused about reality, either deliberately or consequentially.

Yeesh, can't even presuppose without kicking and screaming? Tell you what. Get me a control group, and I will provide you results.

My control group requires a species that DID NOT EVER have 10,000s of years of religiosity to shape their entire social structure. I'll wait.

I don't know why it matters to you if God is strictly in a believer's mind or has a physical representation in the universe. This changes not the fact that religion and thus deities ARE a VERY REAL part of our social evolution and resulting social environment. Nor does it change how the believer relates or reacts to his chosen deity.

My God imagined YOU. WE are the dream. A holograph, a simulation of mental proportions, imaginary friends. We are to God as Macbeth is to Shakespeare.

I can turn my imagination into reality, with hard work and perseverance. The nation I live in has this sentiment in their motto of the real ability to live The American Dream. An artist turns their imagination into a painting or piece of literature. There's more nuance to reality and imagination than I think you would be willing to accept.


Veteran Member
Yeesh, can't even presuppose without kicking and screaming? Tell you what. Get me a control group, and I will provide you results.

My control group requires a species that DID NOT EVER have 10,000s of years of religiosity to shape their entire social structure. I'll wait.
I suggest your control group is the estimated 15% of humans not "wired for God" and these will be most likely atheists.

I don't know why it matters to you if God is strictly in a believer's mind or has a physical representation in the universe. This changes not the fact that religion and thus deities ARE a VERY REAL part of our social evolution and resulting social environment. Nor does it change how the believer relates or reacts to his chosen deity.
Slavery was a very real phenomenon that was part of the Americas, and especially the Confederate South. This required assumptions and beliefs about inferior races. So these traditions of thought can be valuable for many centuries but at some point become a serious problem to modern thought and society. We see creationists very motivated to eliminate evolution in public schools, so this is one reason why we as modern thinkers need to examine whether God is real or a social/cultural artifact that needs better management. Thus far theists can't demonstrate any God exists. Their views are often contrary to knowledge and fact.

My God imagined YOU. WE are the dream. A holograph, a simulation of mental proportions, imaginary friends. We are to God as Macbeth is to Shakespeare.
I'm not convinced. It's more likely the mortal imagined a God due to the lack of power and control the mortal has over his life and destiny. The illusory option has less anxiety. It can be difficult to approach life with full responsibility over the self's executive functions.

I can turn my imagination into reality, with hard work and perseverance. The nation I live in has this sentiment in their motto of the real ability to live The American Dream. An artist turns their imagination into a painting or piece of literature. There's more nuance to reality and imagination than I think you would be willing to accept.
It's always a gamble. Many more stories of broken dreams than success.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
I wonder if you give any merit or thought to the hypothetical Simulation argument? If this is a simulation, which I can't deny is possible, my personal perception and position on reality and religion would be unchanged.

The point is IF we are mentally stable we can pretty easily discern the real from the imaginary

My mental acuity is rooted in being able to discern what is real versus imaginary.

Not sure this link will work, it is an 8min. YouTube clip of the Lex Fridman podcast titled, "Psychedelics reveal that reality is a hallucination | Matthew Johnson and Lex Fridman"

The whole time you and me renege I am aware I am not controlling your responses.

Yet you are. This example here, where I was provoked to respond to your claim that you lack prominence or influence in controlling my responses. ;)

I suggest your control group is the estimated 15% of humans not "wired for God" and these will be most likely atheists.

Religiosity has influenced the society all of us exist within. I need a CONTROL group, you know precisely what I mean and why it is necessary, your stance on scientific evidence would be a farce otherwise.
Furthermore, why would a creature indifferent to and without influence of theology call themselves an 'atheist'?

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
Slavery was a very real phenomenon that was part of the Americas, and especially the Confederate South. This required assumptions and beliefs about inferior races.

Slavery is just as bad throughout the world, and some would propose WORSE than it was before it was deemed illegal in the US. It would be nice if this were not reality. It was also the religious minds that swayed the population of men towards its new stance on ownership of men and not necessarily because they cared about the slaves, rather because they feared the fires of Hell being their destination for the Bible doesn't differentiate between tribes of men when it says they are all God's children.

I refuse to give wicked men the benefit of an excuse or remove the burden of guilt from them by blaming religion. Hate the players that exploit and cheat the game, not the game itself in my opinion.
The sciences have had plenty of influence propagating the 'inferiority of this man or that one' since the fall of the Roman Empire and rise of the European 'elite'. I don't blame science, I blame the men who used their field for influence and power, such as Samuel Phillips Verner, who didn't get the memo that ownership of men was prohibited when he put men on display as 'pygmies' in the 1904 World's Fair..

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Over the past 2000 by human sex human baby life returned life was evolving.

Evolution said science of human bodies witnessed. For humans life continuance.

The science of a cooling heavens body remassing returning science statement real.

Human holy baby by DNA reborn in stable heavens gas state is real.

Human evolution. Human evolution as said by humans to humans about humans for humans from law year zero 0 AD.

Agreed men about science beginnings evolution of a human as said by humans. No looking theorising dead things advised exact. As life changed environmentally by a huge disaster that killed off life.

Science of God O planet earth status no man is God was real.

Other evolution thesis was fake.

Reason human sex getting human babies who had sex gave us healthier babies by cooled atmospheric support.

From zero AD Jesus only accepted book and teaching. No other book. 0 AD book only.

Humans only accepted evolution as said only by modern present human only. Evolution from 0 AD each as old as their age human defines living maybe surviving til 100 years human old.

Depends on what environmental changes depict.

Exact science teaching.

Book bible book of sciences was only ever about attack causes had been shut. It was legal evidence only.

Today in a reopened repracticed nuclear science environment the same old status human DNA de evolution is witnessed.

Changing mutated bone types now so if a future human dug up the bones would ask what type of human lived in the past as compared to a healthy human.

By the bones... bones men.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Your ignorance of genetics and evolution is profound.
lol -- so here's another answer for you so you can call me ignorant of genetics and gaps, ok?
1.6% separates human genes from gorillas | BioTechSquad.
And lookie, lookie at the picture. So cute! A human mother might take home a little baby gorilla.
So close genetically, yet so far -- maybe -- in your mind, or maybe not. If only that 1.6% could be found, my oh my isn't that something. Gap? No gap? Difference? Not much difference? Aside from calling me ignorant, what do YOU think? Gap? Or no gap. Somehow something just can't be found -- yet. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Slavery is just as bad throughout the world, and some would propose WORSE than it was before it was deemed illegal in the US. It would be nice if this were not reality. It was also the religious minds that swayed the population of men towards its new stance on ownership of men and not necessarily because they cared about the slaves, rather because they feared the fires of Hell being their destination for the Bible doesn't differentiate between tribes of men when it says they are all God's children.

I refuse to give wicked men the benefit of an excuse or remove the burden of guilt from them by blaming religion. Hate the players that exploit and cheat the game, not the game itself in my opinion.
The sciences have had plenty of influence propagating the 'inferiority of this man or that one' since the fall of the Roman Empire and rise of the European 'elite'. I don't blame science, I blame the men who used their field for influence and power, such as Samuel Phillips Verner, who didn't get the memo that ownership of men was prohibited when he put men on display as 'pygmies' in the 1904 World's Fair..
Sad to say though, religion has played a part in slavery particularly when some misunderstood the Biblical description of the sons of Noah.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
lol -- so here's another answer for you so you can call me ignorant of genetics and gaps, ok?
1.6% separates human genes from gorillas | BioTechSquad.
And lookie, lookie at the picture. So cute! A human mother might take home a little baby gorilla.
So close genetically, yet so far -- maybe -- in your mind, or maybe not. If only that 1.6% could be found, my oh my isn't that something. Gap? No gap? Difference? Not much difference? Aside from calling me ignorant, what do YOU think? Gap? Or no gap. Somehow something just can't be found -- yet. :)
Are you human theist claiming if you absorb the apes life into your human body you will be reborn a fully returned original human not mutated man life sacrificed?

As two bodies two separate bodies melded into just one human body with no ape?

Consciousness evil minded baby man.

I began O in ovary. Human being mother full one human owns ovary.

No man in his science theism.

Instead you directly think about next body adult type ape as a thinker only using data and not natural life as concepts. As DNA type.

As you don't respect natural whole life owning it's own natural babies for thousands of years. By natural sex.

Apes DNA dies does not live the same biological lifespan as human DNA.

Human DNA dies also. You don't thesis it's death do you.

Theists humans were told the only lie.

As your thoughts don't own created presence.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)

...The sciences have had plenty of influence propagating the 'inferiority of this man or that one' since the fall of the Roman Empire and rise of the European 'elite'. I don't blame science, I blame the men who used their field for influence and power, such as Samuel Phillips Verner, who didn't get the memo that ownership of men was prohibited when he put men on display as 'pygmies' in the 1904 World's Fair..
Same as with eugenics some decades ago, also promoting extermination of those considered inferior or unwanted by the superior killing forces. When I was in college I was rather interested in eugenics, just as I would be with something astoundingly absurd in a way. I am so glad to eventually learn what the Bible has to say, that God is not applying "natural selection" supposed to be in evolution to the outcome of mankind. And the earth.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Then surely you provide links to these tests?

Is the mustard seed really the smallest?

Bashing the heads of infants on rocks and ripping up fetuses in utero because their parents did not worship the correct way is a good thing?
For the sake of reasonableness, let's look in another direction for a moment. Just a moment. Not 24 hours perhaps. Would you say that the murders of people today in warfare is a good thing?

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
Sad to say though, religion has played a part in slavery particularly when some misunderstood the Biblical description of the sons of Noah.

Like I said, I refuse to permit excuse or forgiveness from the wicked man who hides behind scripture as his justification. To me, blaming religious scripture for existing and thusly enabling them to stand behind it, is forgiving or excusing the man.

Just my personal inadequacies and biases. In the justice system when the 'mob boss' for example, remains untouched while all their underlings pay for their crimes, I am equally disapproving.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
For the sake of reasonableness, let's look in another direction for a moment. Just a moment. Not 24 hours perhaps. Would you say that the murders of people today in warfare is a good thing?
Would you like to die as a so called indoctrinated patriot?

Who by preaching gives up life a human to be sacrificed by claiming it will save their family.

They are living owning the human body the family. Living. Holy Family. Holy life. The mind contradicts it's owned teachings.

Makes no rational sense.

It proves human consciousness is by AI interference not concerned to be body balanced mind to body to then choose self destruction.

Was the fallen star Muslim warning behaviours of the old.

Don't believe said the teachings. The warnings.

Be self present only.
Be equally self present only.

So men taught that status to men only.

As you were the theist of the sciences as the human.

You know women are equally holy. A human. Without them life does not continue.

Suddenly science mind is motivated to cell clone. Then goes eviler by thesis to AI cloning to a biology connection theme.

Possession of human science theist mind proven caused man's science history and star fall gas burning hot water brain Inheritance.

Changed by force unnatural bio chemistry that only exists in cooled water.

It is a stated human caused inheritance where the teaching is one hundred percent ignored as a human is one holy species two of one holy species equal.

With O earth one God reasoned by a human.

Not as a pre clause before I existed. It was a pre clause that said by a human only nature existed first then animals who I own dominion bodily consciously over.

Did not and has not made any other claim.

As human genesis DNA can only be discussed in exact human body presence.

Human egotism. Human ceremony about egotism involving egotism status. Group controls was our warning's .

Love would conquer all by a human loving their family enough to fight argue for its unity just as a loving human.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Like I said, I refuse to permit excuse or forgiveness from the wicked man who hides behind scripture as his justification. To me, blaming religious scripture for existing and thusly enabling them to stand behind it, is forgiving or excusing the man.

Just my personal inadequacies and biases. In the justice system when the 'mob boss' for example, remains untouched while all their underlings pay for their crimes, I am equally disapproving.
Watching some things lately I have come to realize that God has set law and order for the superior authorities in order to maintain a certain degree of peace. But the laws of the countries are not particularly set by God. That is to come by judicious and unassailable decree in the future.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Like I said, I refuse to permit excuse or forgiveness from the wicked man who hides behind scripture as his justification. To me, blaming religious scripture for existing and thusly enabling them to stand behind it, is forgiving or excusing the man.

Just my personal inadequacies and biases. In the justice system when the 'mob boss' for example, remains untouched while all their underlings pay for their crimes, I am equally disapproving.
God takes all this into account. That is why there is a judgment coming.