Okay, I'll provide an example. I meditate specifically about a person I may be having a relationship problem with and invoke feelings of forgiveness (overlooking my perception of their errors) into what is my conceptualization of their being. I may also invoke things like seeing them in a basking glow of light, or similar such ideas. I do all this with the idea that it will plausibly impact my further judgments of who they are to me, but also with the hope that it will impact the relationship and overcome any (and I do mean literally any) problems I am having in relating with them.
In some cases, this has resulted in circumstances that I would've though not possible prior to my invoking a different perspective. Such as the person within days contacting me to express regret or apologies and desire to be on more friendly terms. That strikes me as 'magical' when it occurs and as if a supernatural force moved them. More often than not, I'm the one that changes and may express regret or apologies, which may not seem magical, but considering where things stood just hours/days before the 'action I took' (i.e. the forgiveness invocation), it is a significant change.
And sometimes, I'm just not feeling it. I go through the motions, but am not particularly moved to take any further action with regards to the relationship, but feel forgiveness helps in not having me be hung up on a grudge.
I consider forgiveness to be a white magic type action, but I'm guessing you don't care how I define it.