That's just it. They don't exist in the same strata. We've never found primate fossils anywhere near the strata we find dinosaurs. And we've never found dinosaurs above the K-T Boundary, which is a layer of rock found literally everywhere on the planet in the same relative place. It is a literal "band" of distinct rock. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Beyond that point, we don't see very many big animals until much later.You probably wouldn't see humans and apes anywhere near the dinosaurs, Must have got caught in different mud slides.
One thousand years is not remotely long enough. Multiply that number a few hundred-thousand or so times and get back to me.And as the Story goes, People didn't die originally. Adam and Eve could have been around forever if they had not eaten the forbidden fruit. So you wouldn't find fossilized humans. Who can say how long they lived since their timers didn't start until they ate the forbidden fruit and sin entered the world. At that point their days were number to 1,000 years which is equal to 1 day in God time. As he said, " In the day that you eat of it you will surely die."