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Question for the Non-Muslims

firtsly, can you please read about the islamic concept of hell here before answering the question, that would be very much appreciated.
In fairness I have to confess that I read several passages throughout, but not the entire thing (it's very long....)

eselam said:
Q: why do you care if Allah was to send you to hell?
As you surely know, I think Islam is a man-made religion just as you think all the pagan religions are man-made. I do not think there is such a thing as a hell, just as you do not think there is such a thing as Valhalla (read about it! :) )

But if the Islamic concept of hell existed of course I would not want to be tortured for eternity, who would want that? The whole idea of hell is extremely convenient for Muslims (and some Christians, Jews, etc.) It serves as mind control to constrain people from thinking too much for themselves. It also serves as a convenient explanation for why not everyone is Muslim: because non-Muslims are blind, lack humility, they are thoughtless, disobedient, etc. It is not because non-Muslims have examined Islam and do not find it compelling. It is not because non-Muslims have their own coherent belief systems or compelling thoughts. If that were true, you might be tempted to examine non-Muslim beliefs, and then there would be the danger of being somewhat persuaded by them.
the change i'm talking about is believing after disblieving. people are attracted to this world and they do not want paradise which is etternal, so why should Allah give them paradise when they never wanted it? they chose hell knowing that it is etternal.
eselam, do you realize that many religions throughout history have threatened eternal punishment for non-believers? Many sects of Christianity say that both you and I are choosing to go to hell by not believing Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is that true? Are you and I choosing to go to hell, or do we simply not believe Jesus was the son of God, and we simply do not believe it is true that we will be punished for this?

so why should thoe kind of people be equal to the ones who struggeled all their life to attain paradise?
I have a question: I have heard Muslims refer to the Islamic god as "Allah, Most Merciful". But if I had the power to do so, I would let everyone go to heaven, except maybe a short time in Hell for those who committed crimes, and the time in Hell would not be eternal, it would be in proportion to the crime. Having independent thoughts, or believing or disbelieving in any idea or religion, would not be a crime. So how is it possible that I, an imperfect human, am more merciful than Allah? Either there is no such thing as eternal hell for disbelievers, or Allah is not "Most Merciful".


Intentionally Blank
good question, i think i should have explained this at the start.

i asked this question because when it comes to why Allah acceets only islam as a religion most non muslims say why would god care if we had another religion other than islam, so now i'm asking why would a non muslim care if Allah was to send them to hell?

Can someone please translate this into Human for me? Thanks.


Can someone please translate this into Human for me? Thanks.

Non-muslims: Why would God care about the religions other than Islam?
Eselam: Why would non-muslims not care if Allah sent them to hell for following religions other than Islam?

I don't see his point, either . . .


Well-Known Member
It's not about whether or not there IS personal gain; it's about non-attachment to it. Besides, selfless service is also meant to diminish the ego.

And, for the record, it can take several years to fully develop the mentality of complete selflessness.
Non attachment would be key, yes. However, even the diminishing of the ego is self gain.


I want Khilafah back
BTW, I don't have a job. I'm on student allowance.

so why do you take it then? you know that centerlink pays you money for going to school, thats the same as if you were working. not only that, but you are going to school to get an education and a dimploma or what ever so you can make a living out of it. very simple, we do things to get things.


I want Khilafah back
Now let's get this straight. Life is a temporary test, but it's never too late? Tests have deadlines. When the test is over, it is too late to change your answers.

exactly, thats why Allah says turn to me in repentance and i will forgive you. Allah will not force you to repent, that would mean no free will. so it's up to you to get things right before the deadline.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
so why do you take it then? you know that centerlink pays you money for going to school, thats the same as if you were working. not only that, but you are going to school to get an education and a dimploma or what ever so you can make a living out of it. very simple, we do things to get things.

Unfortunately, survival is dependent on some sort of selfishness in materialistic societies such as ours.

I have a feeling that the ideal can really only be reached by a person who gives away everything he earns. Basically a homeless person who works a lot but gives all he has to other homeless people. The vast majority of people CANNOT reach this.


I want Khilafah back
Unfortunately, survival is dependent on some sort of selfishness in materialistic societies such as ours.

I have a feeling that the ideal can really only be reached by a person who gives away everything he earns. Basically a homeless person who works a lot but gives all he has to other homeless people. The vast majority of people CANNOT reach this.

every way you turn, people are all doing things to get things.


Allah is the god of YOUR psyche. Not mine.

Therefore he can send you to the Allahell of YOUR psyche.

No Allahell exists in my world. YOUR chosen god rules you. Not me.


so why do you take it then? you know that centerlink pays you money for going to school, thats the same as if you were working. not only that, but you are going to school to get an education and a dimploma or what ever so you can make a living out of it. very simple, we do things to get things.

You seem to know the Australian system pretty darn well. :sarcastic

Anyway, money is a necessity of life. I need it to live. The reason I'm on the bare minimum payment from the government possible is so that I can get a degree in the field that I enjoy. But using that degree, I want to do research to help cure potentially deadly disease. So my contribution to the field I enjoy is a good thing. And it's like the perfect career for me, too, because I'll be helping people without having to associate with people too much. It's a win-win.

So no, I'm not doing my degree or getting student allowance solely for myself. I'm doing it, partly, so that I can help others.

And if I go to hell despite that, then so be it.


I want Khilafah back
You seem to know the Australian system pretty darn well. :sarcastic

i live in oz mate.

Anyway, money is a necessity of life. I need it to live. The reason I'm on the bare minimum payment from the government possible is so that I can get a degree in the field that I enjoy. But using that degree, I want to do research to help cure potentially deadly disease. So my contribution to the field I enjoy is a good thing. And it's like the perfect career for me, too, because I'll be helping people without having to associate with people too much. It's a win-win.

So no, I'm not doing my degree or getting student allowance solely for myself. I'm doing it, partly, so that I can help others.

And if I go to hell despite that, then so be it.

same with islam, one tells others about it and hopefully people accept it and thats a win-win for all. i go to paradise, you go to paradise, everyne that accepts islam goes to paradise. why is it OK to work for money but it is not OK to work for paradise?


The Creator
nameless said:
but the punishment in hell is forever while it is not same here, why amount of punishment differs for the same sin ?

eselam said:
i've got to go know, but i personally do not know the answer to that question so give me some time to find something and i will respond to it.

eselam, does quran has any explanation to that? or you accept concept of hell is illogical?

how long i need to wait for your reply? already 4 days over


I want Khilafah back
how long i need to wait for your reply? already 4 days over

the punishment doesn't differ, the more sins you do the more severe the punishment. if you go killing people in the street and you get jailed for 300 years the punishment is still the same, it's no ones fault if you die in prison.


The Creator
the punishment doesn't differ, the more sins you do the more severe the punishment. if you go killing people in the street and you get jailed for 300 years the punishment is still the same, it's no ones fault if you die in prison.

you are purposefully acting ignorant as you have no answer.

but the punishment in hell is forever while it is not same here, why amount of punishment differs for the same sin ?

once more i will say, for example if a guy stolen something, according to islamic laws, he would be jailed for some years and will be left free, so his sufferings has an end. But for the same crime the punishment in hell would be never ending, so there is huge difference in the punishment in hell and here, it is not the same. Understand now? waiting for explanation.