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Question for the Non-Muslims


Actually, eselam think--and i hope i'm right--that there is a fear shared by many non-Muslims and atheists especially, that what the Muslims say about hell and the life after death might be true, which means they have a slight doubt about their own beliefs. They still think there is a chance that Muslims are right about this whole hell issue. So, by using logic, if those people don't believe that hell or Allah exist, they shouldn't care about all of that because they believe it's not happening, it's a delusion, etc, right? So, if they are keeping complaining about how hell is unfair, then that means they have a doubt, that their unbelieve in Allah might be wrong.

It's true that non-believers of Islam might have some small doubt in their beliefs, and consider that other belief-systems have a small chance of being right. But this includes all beliefs, not just Islam. And there are many denominations of Christianity, as well as those of Judaism and Islam, who will claim that they are right, and if you don't believe they are right, you are extremely likely to go to hell for all eternity. So who is right and who should be followed?

You can say: "pray hard and the answer will come to you" - but people from Christian and Jewish sects will say this too, except they believe that their answer is right, and that you are deluded. So again, the question arises: "who is right?" Personally, I'm more inclined to say that rather than asking: "who is right?", the question could better be phrased as: "who is more right?"

You can quote the Quran all you want, but if the person being quoted to doesn't believe that to be literally true to begin with, then you've essentially proven nothing.


Then i reached to an answer or a semi-answer as i call it--because i'm still thinking about this issue--i started thinking about weird stuff which i'll share here with the members for the first time, after i was keeping in it all for myself. :p

I said, imagine if i made some robots, do i have the right to terminate them and destroy them permanently without a reason? yes of course, i said to myself. To Allah, we are just like toys which he put souls into.

I asked again, imagine if i'm a mother who believe in abortion, would i let go of the baby? then the answer came, yes of course. The mother, who did absolutely nothing to get this child, she just had sex with a male and BINGO, she got pregnant, she is choosing to abandon this child for good, and no body will complain, it's her own child right? some might say.

Now, imagine with me if this so called Creator were the one who created this flesh and blood, bones, eyes, ears, hair, of this child. He gave this child the ability to grow by his own will. He gave him a soul. He gave him a mother to care for him, he gave him strength to grow and be an adult and if i talked about the things the creator did, i would write a book about it. The Creator sent prophets to guide people who went astray from his path. He sent them to take them from darkness into light. From ignorance into knowledge. If the Creator did all that, does he still have the right to destroy this child for instance in the womb of his mother "if he want" or not? you think after he did all of this, he deserve the denying and neglecting of this soul?

Does the robot posses a soul? A consciousness? If so, then it wouldn't be just to terminate it. It would be akin to murder.

If not, then you really can't compare the termination of a robot to the termination of a human. It would be like comparing murder to throwing away a broken toy.

Personally, I'm not in favour of abortion either.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Does the robot posses a soul? A consciousness? If so, then it wouldn't be just to terminate it. It would be akin to murder.

If not, then you really can't compare the termination of a robot to the termination of a human. It would be like comparing murder to throwing away a broken toy.

Personally, I'm not in favour of abortion either.

My analogy is not perfect, and it wasn't meant for a debate. It was just something i have imagined to make the reader get closer to the picture i have in my mind, so it's pointless to criticize my analogy and forget about the *idea* behind that analogy.

I gave this example to Mr Spinkles for a reason. I felt he would understand what i'm trying to get at. I hope you will get it too. I concentrated on the concept of Allah, but why is that?

When we human kill each other, that would be murder, but what if God took a soul of someone, a soul which he gave to that person, would you say he murdered him/her? of course not.

That's why i already explained in a relatively long post about what Allah has done for us, about who is Allah, the Creator of the universe.


Well-Known Member
So, by using logic, if those people don't believe that hell or Allah exist, they shouldn't care about all of that because they believe it's not happening, it's a delusion, etc, right? So, if they are keeping complaining about how hell is unfair, then that means they have a doubt, that their unbelieve in Allah might be wrong.
In a word, no; it doesn’t mean any such thing. You believe a myth, your holy book(s) is a collection of fables. But you and millions of others believe it. But you are not content with simply believing it. You insist others believe as well. And THAT’S why we care about what you believe. Because, if you get your way, we will be compelled to act as if we believed your myth. We see this happening already in the Muslim world where that mythology is written into law.

We see the same things in Christian countries were religious devotion and religious symbols and holidays are prescribed by law.

We have no fear of your myth. We fear YOUR actions caused by YOU believing it.


Well-Known Member
In a word, no; it doesn’t mean any such thing. You believe a myth, your holy book(s) is a collection of fables. But you and millions of others believe it. But you are not content with simply believing it. You insist others believe as well. And THAT’S why we care about what you believe. Because, if you get your way, we will be compelled to act as if we believed your myth. We see this happening already in the Muslim world where that mythology is written into law.

We see the same things in Christian countries were religious devotion and religious symbols and holidays are prescribed by law.

We have no fear of your myth. We fear YOUR actions caused by YOU believing it.
Exactly, well said.
Hi Tashan :) ,

I'll tell you the trick behind that question and i hope eselam won't hate me for ruining it. :foot:

Actually, eselam think--and i hope i'm right--that there is a fear shared by many non-Muslims and atheists especially, that what the Muslims say about hell and the life after death might be true, which means they have a slight doubt about their own beliefs. They still think there is a chance that Muslims are right about this whole hell issue. So, by using logic, if those people don't believe that hell or Allah exist, they shouldn't care about all of that because they believe it's not happening, it's a delusion, etc, right? So, if they are keeping complaining about how hell is unfair, then that means they have a doubt, that their unbelieve in Allah might be wrong.
Ahhh, yes that does explain a lot, thank you. Do you realize this is not generally accurate? Does eselam?

Remember that there are two (perhaps three) different issues and it's easy to confuse them: (1) The existence of Hell, and its rightness or wrongness; and (2) The existence of the IDEA of Hell and its uses in society/politics.

Issue (1) to me is just an empirical question. Either there is evidence that Hell exists, or there is not. Hell either exists, or it does not, whether it is right or wrong i.m.o.

Tashan I would be thrilled if someday you cared to read a little book by probably my favorite author, George Orwell. Do you know who he is? I love him for his brutal honesty ("I was no good ... an unattractive boy"), as he puts it he has always had "a power of facing unpleasant facts". He worked to help poor communities and volunteered to fight the fascists in the 1930's during the Spanish Civil War, and witnessed both the aggression of fascism as well as the terrors of Stalinism. The book is called 1984, it's basically a portrait of a future fascist/communist state (Orwell himself was a socialist) and I especially want to draw your attention to the concept of "thought crime". (Or, if you don't have time for an entire book read Orwell's essay "Such, such were the joys" which consists of his memories of the boarding school he attended as a child, which in some ways had characteristics of a totalitarian regime (for children).)

The point is that there is a collection of ideas which are very useful for controlling and bullying and demoralizing people, and imposing authoritarian rule over people:

  • You can be convicted for your THOUGHTS (not just your actions). And not just thoughts about hurting others, but mere thoughts about philosophy, the facts of the world or the authenticity of historical events.
  • You must simultaneously FEAR and LOVE the leader (or the country, whatever).
  • Everything you do, and say, and feel, and think, is being watched.
  • Everything good comes from the Leader. Everything bad is because you were disobedient.
  • The leader is infallible.
This is a system of thought that pervades the Abrahamic religions but also pervades fascist and authoritarian thinking (including the atheistic Stalinist and Maoist thinking). With these ideas, it is basically not possible for anyone to be good. Even if you accomplish something, you didn't really accomplish it, it was only through the grace and blessings of the Leader. It follows that the leader (or God, the Church, whatever) is doing us a favor by even tolerating our pathetic existence. We are in debt and have no right to ourselves, our lives, our thoughts, etc.

The problem I have with these ideas is that I think (1) they are not actually true, and (2) this is a way to control people and to prevent people from entertaining unorthodox thoughts.

You will of course point out that Islam embraces learning, debate, thinking outside the box, etc. But you cannot deny that there would be MORE learning and thinking outside the box if people did not believe in "thought crime". It's not just Islam of course, but I have seen many times even on RF Muslim posters talk about how Muslims must guard their faith. In other words, they must take precautions not to have unacceptable thoughts or they might be persuaded, and go to hell. This is a very different outlook from a person who is willing to change their mind and accepts the possibility of being persuaded by something new.

If I was wrong about something, but I thought I would go to hell for thinking differently, HOW WOULD I KNOW that I was wrong? How could I ever find out? Think about this. I did, when I was Christian.

Tashan said:
If i were you, i would look for a deity which have a higher standard of mercy, logic, and morals than me, otherwise i won't believe in it.
Actually that's not really true, and this is important. I believe in the existence of things because there is physical evidence for them (beyond human mythologies). I don't necessarily think the planet Jupiter or my uncle Bob have higher standards than me, yet I believe they exist. I think gods are part of human mythologies and therefore it is possible for me to judge them in that context, because the idea of gods is an extension of human thought. So I'm not really thinking about whether Allah is merciful. I'm thinking about the mercy of the people who would celebrate this human-made idea, and (what I see as) the contradictions in the idea, which are a consequence of an ancient idea confronting a changed world.

For example, think about the Greek god Poseidon. If we believed he really existed, of course you and I and every sane person would pray to him before any sea journey. If he really existed, it would be hard for us to answer questions about how he can be "great" when he sends hurricanes, etc. We would just have to accept it is a bit of a mystery, but anyway the gods are great and powerful and who are we mortals to question them? It would be as stupid and pointless to question or judge Poseidon as it would be to question or judge a hurricane or a volcano.

The problem with this is that if it is okay for a god to behave in such a tyrannical way, why not humans? If a god can treat humans like playthings, why can't the State treat them that way especially if the State is an extension of the god's power on Earth? You only need to convince a minority of loyal fanatics that this is true.

But since we DON'T BELIEVE Poseidon actually exists.... then it is possible to judge him. And it is possible to entertain a mode of thought which can overcome established tradition and question power and take responsibility for itself when necessary.

Sorry, hope I'm not ranting too much... :p

Tashan said:
I said, imagine if i made some robots, do i have the right to terminate them and destroy them permanently without a reason? yes of course, i said to myself. To Allah, we are just like toys which he put souls into.

I asked again, imagine if i'm a mother who believe in abortion, would i let go of the baby? then the answer came, yes of course. The mother, who did absolutely nothing to get this child, she just had sex with a male and BINGO, she got pregnant, she is choosing to abandon this child for good, and no body will complain, it's her own child right? some might say.

Now, imagine with me if this so called Creator were the one who created this flesh and blood, bones, eyes, ears, hair, of this child. He gave this child the ability to grow by his own will. He gave him a soul. He gave him a mother to care for him, he gave him strength to grow and be an adult and if i talked about the things the creator did, i would write a book about it. The Creator sent prophets to guide people who went astray from his path. He sent them to take them from darkness into light. From ignorance into knowledge. If the Creator did all that, does he still have the right to destroy this child for instance in the womb of his mother "if he want" or not? you think after he did all of this, he deserve the denying and neglecting of this soul?

This Creator made it happen because he said Be then it been. How can he not end this life simply, or throw it away, or burn it, or bury it, or do whatever he want with it?

There would be a problem in the way we reach to our conclusions if we didn't give this Creator, God his proper place and his real role. He is not just a normal king who is waiting for you to obey him. He is the Creator of this entire universe. If you really started to think of him as the Creator of the entire universe and of all these great things we have in life, oh, if you really know who is God, you would start thinking how tiny and how selfish, and how ungrateful we are.

After you know what this God claim to be and he has done for us, then you can judge him.

Think about what i told you and tell me if i slightly could reach to an answer or even a semi-answer to your question, because it was my question too at the end of the day, and i'm still working on it. Do you think my reasoning is flawed somehow, or i'm on the right track?
I think you are on the right track, but also a little bit off track. In my opinion of course. :D

First of all, you have changed the question a little. Suppose you do have the right to send the robots to burn forever, on the sole basis of their beliefs about the universe around them--particularly your own existence. The question is, would that be the "Most Merciful" action to take?

Secondly, I know very, very well the feeling of being awed and thankful for everything God has given me, and the feeling that I am just a tiny speck and how wonderful it is..... keep reading, now ;) .... how wonderful it is that God would send his one beloved son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Yes, I am VERY well acquainted with that feeling, and I never rejected the feeling but I was persuaded by facts about the world.
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I do not believe in a creator God that judges. Therefore I cannot be threatened by something I do not believe in. I find most religions that teach that there is a heaven and a hell are quite simplistic. There has not been a lot of thought put into why there would be a heaven and a hell other than a need for God to get revenge or justice on it's creations. That does not make any sense however, not to me anyway.

I am Hindu and I don't believe in a Hell & Heaven, which I think is synonymous with Autocracy, I believe in Karma & Rebirth. Karma forces me to examine my actions, take responsibility for them and try to correct them if I can. An example: I am driving and cause an accident. Along with others, I die. In the hell & heaven concept, i get down on my knees and beg for mercy like a dog. If he forgives me, i get to trip into heaven.

In the Karma & Rebirth concept, I must come back, make amends, but this is not forced upon me, i must come to the realization by myself. My goal is Moksha, true enlightenment with God as my Guru. A Teacher is not interested in punishing her students, she is there to instruct, encourage and correct.


Well-Known Member
My analogy is not perfect, and it wasn't meant for a debate. It was just something i have imagined to make the reader get closer to the picture i have in my mind, so it's pointless to criticize my analogy and forget about the *idea* behind that analogy.

I gave this example to Mr Spinkles for a reason. I felt he would understand what i'm trying to get at. I hope you will get it too. I concentrated on the concept of Allah, but why is that?

When we human kill each other, that would be murder, but what if God took a soul of someone, a soul which he gave to that person, would you say he murdered him/her? of course not.

That's why i already explained in a relatively long post about what Allah has done for us, about who is Allah, the Creator of the universe.
To be picky, then he didn´t give us our soul, since giving us our soul would mean he would steal it if he took it back without our permission. Lend might be a better word.


The Creator
why is it not possible for allah to free the sinner once the same amount of punishment is given as in this world?

it is not ethical to give more punishment than one actually deserves. If someone does adultery, according to islamic laws a punishment of 100 lashes are given, so for that sort of sin, the doer deserves only that much punishment. But when it comes to punishment in hell, it is forever, so it does not match with the punishment given in this world. The sinner should be left free once the same of amount of punishment in given, but it is not like that. So why allah doing like this?

eselam, any hope? more than 2 weeks now :)
once if you answer this i have few more questions for you, so kindly do it soon.


I want Khilafah back
muslims who do sins in this world, are punished in hell for some amount of time and are taken to paradise after that. where as non muslims lived all of their lives in denial of Allah and Allah has given us this world as an opportunity to believe in him, because if god was to appear before us we would all believe in him. on the day of judgement non muslims will want to return back to earth and obey Allah this time, but it will not be allowed for that to happen. the non muslims choose the etternal hell themself, you only get what you wish for.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Any God who would torture ANYONE for guessing wrong is a monster. Any being who leads through fear rather than example is a tyrant.

Why would you WANT to worship such a creature?


I want Khilafah back
Any God who would torture ANYONE for guessing wrong is a monster.

there is no need to guess. the truth has been made clear from the false.

Any being who leads through fear rather than example is a tyrant.

i'm glad you said that, Allah uses many examples for us that we may believe.

Why would you WANT to worship such a creature?

i'm not. i'm worshiping Allah.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
there is no need to guess. the truth has been made clear from the false.
No, it hasn't. If it had, there would be no debate on the matter, as everyone reasonable would believe the same thing. God or no God, we're left to guess.

Say you died and the Christian God sentenced you to hell for your blasphemy. Would that be just?


I want Khilafah back
No, it hasn't. If it had, there would be no debate on the matter, as everyone reasonable would believe the same thing. God or no God, we're left to guess.

you aren't left to guess if god exists or not. the quran mentiones many examples about the eixstence of god but those who do not wish to believe in them simply don't.

Say you died and the Christian God sentenced you to hell for your blasphemy. Would that be just?

that wouldn't come to happen. there is only one god. and i have no doubt that that god is Allah. if Allah turned out to be just some immaginary thing and the christian concept of god was to be true, then so be it. in such case i would say that the christian god was weaker than this man made other god and his soposed laws to humanity. but one thing you should note is that Allah has sent about 124thousand prophets and many revelations, so if he didn't make his revelation stand out from the corrupt ones then i wouldn't know what to say to that. his fault i guess. but the quran and islam stand out from the rest of the revelations and religions, if you can't see that then i can't make you.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to have an honest discussion about the justice of damnation. Now I see that you just wanted to tout the superiority of Islam.

Bored now.


I want Khilafah back
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to have an honest discussion about the justice of damnation. Now I see that you just wanted to tout the superiority of Islam.

Bored now.

i just gave you an example to your question, it doesn't necesaraly have to be islam. i don't see how that caused any harm?


Well-Known Member
"but one thing you should note is that Allah has sent about 124thousand prophets and many revelations, so if he didn't make his revelation stand out from the corrupt ones then i wouldn't know what to say to that."

BTW, why does a god NEED prophets? He can't get his message out himself? Seems easy enough for the creator of the universe. Yet NONE of the gods we have ever invented have been able to do this. They ALL had some mortal creatures selling their message.

Seems passing strange.:confused:


Well-Known Member
"but one thing you should note is that Allah has sent about 124thousand prophets and many revelations, so if he didn't make his revelation stand out from the corrupt ones then i wouldn't know what to say to that."

BTW, why does a god NEED prophets? He can't get his message out himself? Seems easy enough for the creator of the universe. Yet NONE of the gods we have ever invented have been able to do this. They ALL had some mortal creatures selling their message.

Seems passing strange.:confused:

Response: When Allah sends a prophet, He does send the message himself, for the prophet is the message.