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Question for the Non-Muslims


Well-Known Member
Modern psychology disagrees with this.
How so?
btw, "modern psychology" can be very unreliable source to understand the human psyche to a Muslim.
Some people are born in to families that teach them to choose to be unethical. The fact is that these people have less of a chance of becoming good ethical humans. Others are born with chemical imbalances in their brains to greater or lessor extents. These folks have less of a choice on how they behave. Is it not clear that God makes it hard for some and easy for others. Is that in any way fair? So God is stacking the deck against some people and throwing them into Hell. Some folks who he seems to love he gives all the advantages of a good life then brings them to unending joy in heaven. Many of our brothers and sisters are given evil parents who teach them how to be selfish and hurt-full from birth. They are both sexually and physically abused from day one. How can you say we can't blame God.
So the human being doesn't exceed being a victim to his circumstances and he has no control over his life, behavior and choices?!! Sorry, I view the human being differently. We all have the chances to be unethical, to act immorally and also we have the chances to act ethically and to act morally, we have all the potentials and means to control our circumstances and also we also can allow the circumstances to control us.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
From what I've read on the subject, it seems that study after study has found that we're born with quite a bit of our personalities, thought processes and abilities already set by genetics and/or the effects of the pre-natal environment. Children don't need to be taught what is fair to have a concept of fairness, for instance.

btw, "modern psychology" can be very unreliable source to understand the human psyche to a Muslim.
Just as the Quran can be a very unreliable source to understand the human psyche to a non-Muslim. ;)


Well-Known Member
If you're right and Hell is actually perfectly good, doesn't the failure on my part and on the part of many, many others to recognize its goodness point to the fact that our innate moral sense is utterly unreliable? And if so, then how could it be just for God to punish us for coming to the "wrong" conclusions based on this flawed moral sense that he placed in us?
No, he gave you all the means, the causes, the potentials and the signs to reach the right conclusions.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, he gave you all the means, the causes, the potentials and the signs to reach the right conclusions.
And using the things made available to me, I have come to the conclusion that the concept of Hell is unjust. How do you reconcile the contradiction?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read on the subject, it seems that study after study has found that we're born with quite a bit of our personalities, thought processes and abilities already set by genetics and/or the effects of the pre-natal environment.
Like some people are born with a tendency to be thieves, for example?

Children don't need to be taught what is fair to have a concept of fairness, for instance.
The innate moral sense? :)

Just as the Quran can be a very unreliable source to understand the human psyche to a non-Muslim. ;)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Like some people are born with a tendency to be thieves, for example?
Maybe. Some psychological problems are hereditary, some arise during our lives. For the most part, I don't know enough about the subject to say what causes specific problems.

The innate moral sense? :)
Right. I think the evidence points to the fact that everyone is born with one; TashaN apparently disagrees. However, I don't know whether his disagreement is based on the Quran or something else.


Well-Known Member
And using the things made available to me, I have come to the conclusion that the concept of Hell is unjust. How do you reconcile the contradiction?
You used them? I don't know about that.
I believe that if you were truly sincere and you didn't save any effort to reach the truth, you eventually would.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
So the human being doesn't exceed being a victim to his circumstances and he has no control over his life, behavior and choices?!! Sorry, I view the human being differently. We all have the chances to be unethical, to act immorally and also we have the chances to act ethically and to act morally,

Here are some facts:

-A child who is molested is much more likely to grow up to be a child molester. This is just a fact.

-If you have alcoholism running in you family you are much more likely to become an alcoholic.

-A child who is raised in a loving home is much more likely to grow up to be loving.

You can believe what you want. But if you want your world view to be reflective of the reality of the real world you must except this as fact. Many people are born with the deck staked against them. Take a child who was exposed to alcohol in uterus and is born with fetal alcohol affect. Are you telling me that kid has a equal chance to live a moral life when he is unable to attach to any other human being?

I was born in a rich county with decent parents. I try to live a moral life. I don't know if this would be true if I was raised differently.

we have all the potentials and means to control our circumstances and also we also can allow the circumstances to control us.

All of us are not born with the same potentials. Can a person with an IQ of 85 have the potential to be a world leader ( George Bush seems to be an exception to this rule) Just like a person who was molested and tortured as a child may not understand the nature of morality.
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non-existential luminary
How so?
btw, "modern psychology" can be very unreliable source to understand the human psyche to a Muslim.
as well as to the Insane.
So the human being doesn't exceed being a victim to his circumstances and he has no control over his life, behavior and choices?!! Sorry, I view the human being differently. We all have the chances to be unethical, to act immorally and also we have the chances to act ethically and to act morally, we have all the potentials and means to control our circumstances and also we also can allow the circumstances to control us.
:) wrong everything is predetermined. nothing can be changed.


non-existential luminary
You used them? I don't know about that.
I believe that if you were truly sincere and you didn't save any effort to reach the truth, you eventually would.
I'm affraid it is you who has not used them. Agnosticism is Truth.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
In that case, then I think this implies something that contradicts your position from before.

How so? How does it contradict my previous position? which position?

Depending on how you look at it, sin is either action or choice. If all our actions and choices take place in life, then all our sins must take place in life as well. Our lives are finite, therefore our actions and choices - including our sins - must be finite as well.
You don't make the rules, God does. You been created by him, your body, soul, belong to him, and you are living on his land, planet earth, so you can't say God should do that or that. God said this life is a test and you either pass and enter heaven forever, or fail and enter hell, forever. There are consequences for your choices in this life. What you are claiming is similar to an argument which can be made by a thief "It took 1 hour to steal, why should i stay in prison for 10 years?" or like a murdered when he says "i killed that person within 20 minutes, why should i be locked up in prison till i die?".

You said that infinite punishment is warranted because God knows that the person will continue to reject him forever. But this is predicated on the idea that the person (or his soul) will exist forever. Who chose to make that person's soul immortal? Who chose to sustain that person's existence? Not the person himself; only God.

I can appreciate (though not necessarily agree with) the argument that responsibility for the initial sin falls on the sinner himself. However, the responsibility for the infinite nature of that sin must fall to God, since it was never in the power of the sinner to change that aspect of the sin.
What kind of argument is that? This argument is the weakest one ever made by you.

This is like a murderer saying, my mom chose to raise me instead of dumping me, leaving me to die alone out of hunger, that's why i blame her for growing up and becoming a murderer.

You think it's justice to leave evil people get away with what they have done in this life? To live on earth then just die?

God promised that every soul which has done something, will be judged accordingly. I think it's you who doesn't want for God to be just. It's not an act of justice to let people just die after what they have done in life. Good people will be rewarded and evil people will suffer in hell.

That's fine. I wasn't trying to say that these purposes were necessarily the purpose of Hell; I was only trying to illustrate that the purposes for earthly punisment that we normally consider to be just wouldn't apply in Hell.
True, and that's irrelevant because in Islam, we believe that anything which have to be done, must be done during this earthly life. No more work in the hereafter, whether it was good or evil. Also, i already have told you, God would punish some people in this life and give them a chance to repent and think, to change themselves, and believe in God, and do good.

The question remains, though: what's the purpose of punishment in the hereafter? Why would it be just to make a person - any person - suffer in Hell?
All this discussion and you still don't know why people will go to hell?

Well, yes and no. I know enough for me to be sufficiently responsible for my decisions and actions that it's just to punish me for making the wrong ones, aren't I? ;)
Not yet, you are still alive and kicking. You still didn't finish your trip in this life. :)

If judgement after death is just at all, then despite all our human failings, we must have at least a certain ability to tell right from wrong. If my moral sense is so unreliable and useless that I think that I would call something perfectly evil when it's actually perfectly good, then how would it be right to use that same useless moral sense as the basis of judgement against me in the afterlife?

I think that if our moral senses really do work, then we can recognize the concept of Hell as unjust. And if they don't work, then it would be unjust to punish us for their failings, since we would have never had a proper basis to avoid sin by choosing right from wrong. Either way, Hell is an unjust concept.
Again, your parents, society and yourself make your moral senses, not God. And you keep repeating that hell is unjust as if this repetition would make your stance correct out of the blue.

Like I said, the choice to make a person's soul immortal is God's. If God had chosen to give a sinner a finite soul, then there would be no way that his sin could ever have been infinite.
I already answered that.

Modern psychology disagrees with this. However, I do agree that this doesn't necessarily imply that our moral sense has to have a divine source.

Fair enough.

We're getting into an area where I'm not too sure of the Muslim theology, but maybe it'll help if I lay things out from a Christian perspective (Catholic, specifically) and you can tell me how the Muslim view differs.

According to Catholic teaching, for a sin to be capable of sending you to Hell by God's judgement, it has to have three necessary elements:

- grave matter: the action has to be serious. Since I know some people say that offending God in the slightest degree is a very serious matter, I'll take as given that for whatever sin we're talking about, this requirement has been met.
- deliberate consent: the person had to wilfully choose to commit the act.
- full knowledge: the person had to have committed the act knowing it was wrong and knowing that it would have a negative (or "evil") effect.

Before we go further, do the Muslim ideas of sin and judgement agree with this? If not, what's the Muslim view?
Muslims do not accept that there is anything called 'original sin'. They strongly reject the idea of God begetting a son for this purpose: To them God is one and one only; He does not beget, nor is He begotten; and there is no one like God.

Sin, from the point of view of Islam, is a conscious and willful act that violates a commandment of God or the right of a fellow being. We cannot consider a person to be a sinner if he or she acts under duress or out of ignorance. Because, human accountability is an important aspect of justice as envisaged in Islam. And no one can be truly held accountable for an action he has no power to avoid. Because, God does not lay more burden on a human than he can bear.

Islam teaches that sin is an avoidable act that harms the perpetrator's own soul. This means that there is no innate or inherited nature that prompts a person to disobey God. That is to say, it is a person's free choice whether to sin or not; and one's disposition to sin is only as much as, if not less than, their inclination to do good.

Full text:
Reading Islam

Please also read:
Reading Islam

I've got to jump in here: don't these two points imply that God is not all-powerful?


God could change anybody's mind if he chose to, couldn't he? If he's capable of anything, then he's capable of giving even the most ardent non-believer a perfectly convincing argument or demonstration, right?

True. That's why God said in the Quran:

13. If We had so willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its true guidance: but the Word from Me will come true, "I will fill Hell with Jinns and men all together." (Quran 32:13).

Which word? it's the promise he had made which i have mentioned earlier ...

39. (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-
40. "Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."
41. ((Allah)) said: "This (way of My sincere servants) is indeed a way that leads straight to Me.
42. "For over My servants no authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee."

43. And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all!
44. To it are seven gates: for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned.
45. The righteous (will be) amid gardens and fountains (of clear-flowing water).
46. (Their greeting will be): "Enter ye here in peace and security."
(Quran 15:39-46)

He made a promise that those who disobey him would enter hell, if it wouldn't for that promise, God says, he would have guided all humanity.
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I want Khilafah back
I do not trust any religious fanatic to guide me to the truth.

i was not talking about no man to guide you, certainly not me. All guidance comes from god. so ask him to guide you, if you want to be guided that is. i can't make no one be a muslim, a christian or what ever. it's your choice.

so do you want to be guided?

just for a second leave your doubt behind and believe that a god exists. ask him to guide you to the right way. it's up to though, you may choose to do that or you may choose not to do that.


I want Khilafah back
I am not "blaming" you of anything.

"the picture you paint" is a phrase that roughly means "that which you describe"

didn't know that but now i do. thanks.

I think it is possible, however unlikely, that a god could possibly exist.
In fact, I think it is just as possibly that ALL the painted gods exist.

well if that statement was true that would mean Allah also exists, if he exists then no other god can exist. so there is just one god. (islamic perspective)

Um, no.
I do not believe either way.
Though I am not closed minded about it either.

thats good to hear.


I want Khilafah back
hence i am not a muhammudist. :) if you read the Gnostic texts the creator was a demon, it made everything seam beautiful to trick us into worshiping him.

whats a muhammudist?

were those texts of the gnostics revealed from god?
how can you know stuff about something
1) you cannot see
2) you most definately think doesn't exist
3) unless that something actually told you that stuff (i doubt this deamon/god thing actually told them of his evil plan though)


I want Khilafah back
Then convert to Bobby Henderson's made up religion. Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is the only true way. All non-believers and spagnostics shall never know the true beauty of his Great Noodly Appendage.

You don't want to do this? Why not?

i have accepted Allahs will over mine and i have no doubt of Allahs existence. if i ever had any doubt i could just as easily convert to anything i thought was the right path.

if you do not doubt gods existence then maybe god will make you see that he exists. if you do not doubt that he will guide you to the right way then maybe god will guide you to the right way.

if i was an atheist i would have doubts. think for a while, would life be so great if there was no one guiding us? would you have ever grown up to care for other people, want to do good things if you had no guidance from your parents or from someone else like a guardian?

Could it be that you have a certain perception of reality that isn't going to go away merely because of choice?

sort of yes. each person is born with the natural disposition (called Fitrah in arabic).
if you want to read about an islamic explanation of this fitrah i can get you a link.

It's all well and good to say that you could convert to Flying Spaghetti Monster-ism. But I seriously doubt you're willing to do it. You don't believe in that reality, so why would you?

yeah i wouldn't. i do not doubt my current belief. if i did then i could very easily convert to anything i thought was the right path.

Belief is not a matter of choice.

not 100% but i'm sure you get the idea.

You poor, lost soul...

Here, come with me and I shall show you how the Christian God is the true God. You can save yourself from damnation, but the question is... do you want to be guided?

you missunderstood me too. :sad:

god will be the one to guide you. but the question is "do you want to be guided?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The issue here is that people don´t deserve hell for disbelief. Fact is they don´t deserve hell for anything


So HE can do anything, he just hasn't wanted to. what if he wants to now? :eek:


That doesn't address the point.

If I created something special that I loved, then sending it off to eternal torture is something I would not do. It makes no sense that some creator would do such a thing to Humans.

We are not his favorite creatures, we are just one type of his creatures. He created us out of nothing and he can do whatever he want with us.

Some people are born in to families that teach them to choose to be unethical. The fact is that these people have less of a chance of becoming good ethical humans. Others are born with chemical imbalances in their brains to greater or lessor extents. These folks have less of a choice on how they behave. Is it not clear that God makes it hard for some and easy for others. Is that in any way fair? So God is stacking the deck against some people and throwing them into Hell. Some folks who he seems to love he gives all the advantages of a good life then brings them to unending joy in heaven. Many of our brothers and sisters are given evil parents who teach them how to be selfish and hurt-full from birth. They are both sexually and physically abused from day one. How can you say we can't blame God.

286. On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. ( Pray: ) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith." (Quran 2:286)

That's why, God will judge people according to the circumstances which they were born into and what they been through. The test of this life is equal for everybody, but it's not the same. You might think that some people are "lucky" or "fortunate" and others aren't so, but the fact is that, God has created the rich and poor, the healthy and the sick, etc and he has placed a specific test for each one of them, and each one of them will be judged accordingly.


Well-Known Member
But what is that purpose? My question isn't so much the one you gave but "What can Allah gain by your punishment, period?"
Maybe to purify the soul from its evil? To truly admit that you were arrogant and admit your evil deeds? To acknowledge that Allah is so great and the truth and all this wasn't just a meaningless game? A matter of justice?

When it's said to the students, study well as there would be an exam and either you pass or fail...who worked hard and studied would pass and who were careless would fail...the law of consequences of this life...but what if the students were told "all of you will pass eventually whether you studied or not"...who will bother studying after this? It doesn't matter, after all they all will pass. And would it be just for all; those who studied and didn't study to pass? Is this your concept of justice?
What I am saying is that the idea of consequences for our choices and deeds is necessary for our movement in this life.
The exact same with heaven and hell. They are essential for our movement here.

The concept of the hereafter ensures the element of justice and that we are not created aimlessly and we can not just act aimlessly otherwise everything would be a joke and God is greater than this:
"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?" Therefore exalted be Allah, the King, the Reality: there is no god but He, the Lord of the Throne of Honour!"َ Qur'an.

Do you think being responsible and accountable for our own deeds is unfair? And being punished when breaking the law is unfair? Do you think that all people should get the same result regardless of what they did?

The mention of hell in the Qur'an is a mercy for us. First, it let us know the entire scenario and in details, it's an alert, it makes us pay attention and motivates us to search, move and to avoid evil.

And hell is not perfectly good, it's a severe torture and punishment that repels the soul and this is required to avoid it. And if it wasn't severe and harsh, what would be the point if everything was good and we all would go to good places although some of us did good and some did evil?!
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
That's why, God will judge people according to the circumstances which they were born into and what they been through. The test of this life is equal for everybody, but it's not the same.

Ok I think I get it... God has a sliding scale... Thanks for helping me understand your views.