detransitioners are regularly marginalized and even ostracized by others in the trans community.
Nobody should be marginalized and ostracized for being detrans, but that's due to the propaganda and ideology of bad faith right wingers pretending that detransitioners are more numerous than they are, and against trans healthcare which they aren't.
If the rate was so successful with transitioning there wouldn't be detransitioners, much less their numbers continuing.
About as stupid as saying that 'if x surgery with overwhelmingly successful results were so successful, there'd be no regrets.' That's not how life or medicine works. Yes, small numbers do matter, but not in the way you're trying to make it. Small numbers of regrets prove the success of the system, not its detriment. Does that mean there is no room for improvement? No, but it's incredibly cringe and eyeroll worthy to pretend this has anything to do with 'radical ideology'.
Detransitioners are routinely written off as a non-issue.
You're writing off the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of detrans STILL IDENTIFY AS TRANS, and pause, stop or reverse transition for reasons that have nothing to do with being 'misdiagnosed' or 'rushed treatment.' Because of your propaganda and ideology.
They can struggle to get the additional health care they need because they're "no longer trans" and insurance won't cover treatment and procedures as they do for persons who still identify as trans.
I am, in general, not a fan of insurance as a concept. And would rather push against transmedicalism and for universal healthcare, where even cosmetic surgeries are still covered in many circumstances.
I, like most 'trans activists' are for expanded coverage for gender affirming care, including for trans and cis.
No amount of dismissiveness will make their numbers less or make them disappear nor cease to reflect that there are serious issues being ignored.
Assistance should start within the very community where people treat them as pariahs. The same outspoken activism in the community and medical community turn their backs on them, so how are they to get better care?
You could start by climbing off someone else's cross to pretend you're a concerned ally.
those are the people you're accusing of using scare tactics,
No, the people I'm accusing of using scare tactics are bad faith actors on the right (or US centrists which are still actually on the right) trying to use detrans as leverage against gender affirming care access, as if that would help.