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Race riots in England


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Funny you should say that .. is it because the Qur'an is vocal about Muslims
defending righteousness?
It certainly threatens those with status .. but so did Jesus threaten authority .. and
we all know that he was sentenced to death because of it.
It's because the Quran obsesses endlessly about non-Muslims and how bad they are in so many ways. The Quran criticizes non-Muslims literally over 500 times. That strikes me as divisive, no?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I can not think of a party that wants to lose the Muslim vote. They represent a significant proportion of the British population. And they are a vital contributor to our economy.

I’m going to throw it out there,I would say labour.
The only way that we can control the illegal boat people is with the cooperation and help of France where if anything it is an even greater problem, as the numbers in camps in France is far greater than those who Land on our shores.
However since we left thee EU such official processes that had existed are now ended.

I reckon that stable door was never closed after Mrs Merkel,France has massive problems but in reality it’s Europe that has a problem that is a taboo subject,France and Europe sure need help as much as we do.


Veteran Member
It's because the Quran obsesses endlessly about non-Muslims and how bad they are in so many ways.
Not exactly .. different verses are to be understood in the context of those verses.
Some refer to those disbelievers who wished them harm .. whoever they may be.

..and others refer to staunch atheists, and not "the people of the book".

The Quran criticizes non-Muslims literally over 500 times. That strikes me as divisive, no?
If people wish to spread evil, then they are the ones who are causing division.

Righteous people don't cause division .. they don't make a problem for the police.
satan likes for his followers to provoke others .. get drunk and lose control.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Not exactly .. different verses are to be understood in the context of those verses.
Some refer to those disbelievers who wished them harm .. whoever they may be.

..and others refer to staunch atheists, and not "the people of the book".

If people wish to spread evil, then they are the ones who are causing division.

Righteous people don't cause division .. they don't make a problem for the police.
satan likes for his followers to provoke others .. get drunk and lose control.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Not exactly .. different verses are to be understood in the context of those verses.
Some refer to those disbelievers who wished them harm .. whoever they may be.

..and others refer to staunch atheists, and not "the people of the book".

If people wish to spread evil, then they are the ones who are causing division.

Righteous people don't cause division .. they don't make a problem for the police.
satan likes for his followers to provoke others .. get drunk and lose control.

“Righteous people don't cause division .. they don't make a problem for the police.”

This is awesome,righteous people like the pope or the new leader of Hamas yahyar Sinwar would never cause division.


Veteran Member
“Righteous people don't cause division .. they don't make a problem for the police.”

This is awesome, righteous people like the pope or the new leader of Hamas yahyar Sinwar would never cause division.
But right wing popularists, like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, etc. do cause division.


Veteran Member
Classic example of the card,thanks for verifying.
This is silly.

How would you know from your own admission?.
There's a big backload of asylum cases. That's a problem. Cases have to be evaluated and decisions made and this all takes time and money and labour. There are people who come to the uk for work, study, or visiting. All this has to be processed. More work.

I'm guessing this bureaucratic nightmare isn't what people mean as having their country stolen.

Your claim of xenophobia misses the mark in several ways.

That said, I'm happy to admit that IMO Islamists should not be allowed into secular societies. This is just a simple matter of comparing ideas and acknowledging that Islamists' stated intentions are to undermine secularism. Why would secular countries want people who hold those ideas in their countries?
No you're right, our country is being stolen by Islamists, that's what it is. No xenophobia here.

Wee bit of shouting racial slurs and chanting "get the p***s out", and assaulting people of various races, and bit of throwing bricks at Muslims, also attempting to set fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers who are coming from many places with many religions and none. Some nazi saluting in the high streets. Some stopping cars to check the drivers are white. Burned down a library and a citizens advice bureau - I'm guessing because they provide services that many immigrants depend upon.

Anyway, nothing xenophobic about the "taking our country back / our country got stole" crowd. Just out to stop Islamists or something.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
But right wing popularists, like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, etc. do cause division.

They all feel righteous which was the point
But right wing popularists, like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, etc. do cause division.

There’s no real rule for righteousness so why not,I suppose you’ll bring up brexit next,I think you missed the bus on this one.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I think you will regret Labour in power as up to 10 million people will understand by their fuel poverty this winter,i agonised over voting,we’re in a cycle of uselessness,Tories are full of cowards like Cameron who really let the people down and labour like liar Blair and financial **** up Brown who have acknowledged that they ****ed up.

Two tier kier doesn’t even know he’s already ****ed up even if it was in the shape of a concert piano falling on his head,indeed the Labour Party of the working man doesn’t exist,we are just left with globalist idiots imo.
Oh no! The rhetoric ....really!
What was there......Cameron put down, Mr Blair (elected to office 3 or 4 times in a row) reduced to 'liar'. A silly nickname for the PM... And Gordon Brown ripped up.
If you want to impress me with your outstanding political talents you would need to actually have ,'really good ideas,' yourself.
I haven’t been on a bus for years but on a visit to Oxford the aroma was that of a chip shop fryer that had dirty oil,you can indeed “ask who I voted for”.
Don't look down on public transport, Lionheart, it goes you a slightly elitist image. :)
OK, so you couldn't bring yourself to answer my question straight. Now Mr Cameron would have answered, you know.

So I'll guess that like me you voted for a Green candidate, presumably one who had promised to sort out Oxford buses?


Well-Known Member
I didn't create religion :) I just think we have to be honest about it.

Religions tend to be divisive in nature, Islam tends to be one of the most divisive.

You didn’t create religion, but it seems you are happy to make sweeping generalisations about religious people based on prejudice.

Do you actually know any Muslims? Do you talk to any? I live in London, one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse places on earth, and my experience is very far from the dystopian fantasy of right wing imagination. This city has a mayor who happens to be a Muslim but he’s never tried to convert anyone as far as I know, nor tried to close pubs, ban alcohol, or stop anyone from working on a Friday.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I can not think of a party that wants to lose the Muslim vote. They represent a significant proportion of the British population. And they are a vital contributor to our economy.

The only way that we can control the illegal boat people is with the cooperation and help of France where if anything it is an even greater problem, as the numbers in camps in France is far greater than those who Land on our shores.
However since we left thee EU such official processes that had existed are now ended

Actually Starmer’s initial support for Israel during this latest conflict does appear to have cost Labour a lot of Muslim votes. There are however, 19 Labour MPs who are Muslim, 2 Tory and 4 independents.

What there isn’t, is a Muslim bloc of any sort in Parliament, any more than there’s a Jewish or Roman Catholic bloc; though there is an organisation calling itself the Muslim Vote.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Oh no! The rhetoric ....really!
What was there......Cameron put down, Mr Blair (elected to office 3 or 4 times in a row) reduced to 'liar'. A silly nickname for the PM... And Gordon Brown ripped up.
If you want to impress me with your outstanding political talents you would need to actually have ,'really good ideas,' yourself.

A good idea would be to address peoples concern in parliament,if there is t a problem they should show there’s not but it’s obvious there is but that’s unlikely.

Cameron was a coward and it’s shocking that he was given a peerage,Blair is branded a liar because he lied about Iraq that cost lives,it’s obvious why he didn’t get a peerage,they should have given brown an abbacus for obvious reasons.

It was Blair and brown who opened the floodgates on immigration and even they admitted it was a mistake.

Don't look down on public transport, Lionheart, it goes you a slightly elitist image. :)
OK, so you couldn't bring yourself to answer my question straight. Now Mr Cameron would have answered, you know.

I’m not,having a car is not elitist,I have no need to use public transport.

So I'll guess that like me you voted for a Green candidate, presumably one who had promised to sort out Oxford buses?

I don’t live in Oxford so I’m not bothered much.


Veteran Member
They all feel righteous which was the point

There’s no real rule for righteousness so why not,I suppose you’ll bring up brexit next,I think you missed the bus on this one.
But Brexit was won by dividing the country, and it is only slowly recovering when Farrage and Yaxley Lennon start their race baiting games.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Cameron was a coward and it’s shocking that he was given a peerage,Blair is branded a liar because he lied about Iraq that cost lives,it’s obvious why he didn’t get a peerage,they should have given brown an abbacus for obvious reasons.
Why exactly was Cameron a coward?
Sir Tony did not lie, he believed in what the Americans were telling him. Most of Britain was happy to see Sadam defeated. We made mistakes, that's all.
Gordon Brown has quite a good reputation.
Your 20/20 hindsight is just that, your an expert after that fact, maybe?
It was Blair and brown who opened the floodgates on immigration and even they admitted it was a mistake.
You see? They told the truth, yes?
I’m not,having a car is not elitist,I have no need to use public transport.
Lucky you. ;)

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Why exactly was Cameron a coward?
Sir Tony did not lie, he believed in what the Americans were telling him. Most of Britain was happy to see Sadam defeated. We made mistakes, that's all.
Gordon Brown has quite a good reputation.
Your 20/20 hindsight is just that, your an expert after that fact, maybe?

You see? They told the truth, yes?

Lucky you. ;)

Cameron walked away from what he instigated with a dumb question.

I watched Blair squirm at the inquiry into the Iraq WMD,he will always carry the liar tag,we surely did make mistakes with devastating consequences for many.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You didn’t create religion, but it seems you are happy to make sweeping generalisations about religious people based on prejudice.

First off, you clearly don't know me, so lay off the personal insults.

Now to your point: I think we should take people at their word, don't you? Being a Muslim is a choice (or is it?). Sure, let's say that being a Muslim is a choice. If a person grows up in a Muslim society, I'm sure it's not easy to leave the faith, but it IS possible. So if a person chooses to be a Muslim that has meaning in the world. At the very least it means:

- You believe the Quran to be the perfect, timeless, unalterable word of god.
- You believe Muhammad's life was the perfect role model for how to be a good Muslim.

Do you agree so far?