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Race riots in England

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
You mean like the conservatives who took away cold weather payments for brits living abroad?
And froze pension increases too.
Yes they can all **** on the little fella. But this thread is all about racism

Racism was a big problem here in the Enoch Powell era but I don’t think British people are,a small minority at most.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I suggest getting a grip mate, you’re starting to sound hysterical, and we know where that leads.

If you think immigration is the reason for record homelessness, you’ve been lied to. Decades of right wing economic policy has brought our country to it’s knees, not Muslims and brown people. Selling off all the council houses and turning the housing market into an investors casino is the primary cause of homelessness. Whilst free market fundamentalism has led to stagnant wages and underfunded public services; those same public services wouldn’t function at all without immigrant workers btw, but I suspect you must know that.

Hysterical,not at all,I agree that the NHS wouldn’t function without legal immigrant workers,they met with requirements for entry and contribute,easy question,will the thousands of illegals?.


Well-Known Member
I actually do think it’s worse up north but hardly noticeable here.

Anti immigrant sentiment seems to be at it's most intense in places with the lowest levels of immigration.

Obviously the optics of keeping asylum seekers in hotels in places like Blackpool and Hartlepool, instead of quickly processing those applications, is terrible. But I suspect that's deliberate policy by the last government, who tried to exploit this issue for electoral gain.,

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Do you have any evidence that grooming gangs are still a thing after the prosecutions?

Or are you just stirring the ****?

It’s “gangs” now:

Operation Dalesway is gathering pace. Dalesway is the police investigation into child sexual exploitation offences in the Bradford area. West Yorkshire police are uncovering hundreds of offences against girls by grooming gangs and have prosecuted a staggering number of individuals already with many more to come.

Dec 23

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Anti immigrant sentiment seems to be at it's most intense in places with the lowest levels of immigration.

Obviously the optics of keeping asylum seekers in hotels in places like Blackpool and Hartlepool, instead of quickly processing those applications, is terrible. But I suspect that's deliberate policy by the last government, who tried to exploit this issue for electoral gain.,

Or,more likely,Starmer will give amnesty to the illegals and spread them about hoping nobody is stupid enough not to notice and definitely not doing anything about the boats.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Course you didn’t.

I’d say you voted Reform , if I had to guess. Who are very much part of the problem imo.

I didn’t vote Labour is enough,Reform would be better off without Farage and are an unattractive proposition although they are popular for the issues they raise but I wouldn’t say they are a significant part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Well the good news is, the far right thugs who have been terrorising their local communities largely stayed at home last night; hopefully somewhat cowed by the fast tracked sentencing of a few of their number, and the dawning realisation that throwing rocks at the police will get you a lot more than a night in the cells to sleep it off. Meanwhile, thousands of anti-racist demonstrators assembled peacefully in Bristol, London, Brighton, Birmingham and Liverpool


Oldest Heretic
This is a fairly universal problem today.. the riots attract the same sort of people as Maga in the USA.
They are attracted by the same sort of rhetoric as given out by Trump Farage and Robinson. And any other conspiracy theories that become spread on social media.

In the UK they tend to blame all their problems on incomers of all kinds, and want to make England White again, though along the easts coast it is as much against European migrant workers.and fishing boats.

Unfortunately these people feel empowered by the successes of Reform in the recent election.

At the same time as these protests, we have shortages of skilled labour especially in the NHS, the care industry, hospitality, and agriculture.
The people protesting against having their jobs taken, are either unwilling, unsuitable or too unskilled to fill these many vacancies..

The actual rioters are on the uneducated fringes of society often supporting themselves on the margins of criminality. However their leaders are usually fluent rabble rousers in the mould of Farage and Robinson, who keep themselves well away from the ongoing action while fanning the flames on social media.