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Racist memes spread after false claims that immigrants kill and eat pets.


Admiral Obvious
"Hate speech" is nothing but a thought/speech control concept. It's Orwellian garbage. In America, we have a little something called the First Amendment so legally there's no such thing as "hate speech".


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
An observation would entail something you have first hand knowledge of. You assumed I was "miffed" and unless you are now going to pretend to be a telepath was not an observation.
You assumed I cared in any way that you spent all that time on a pointless task.

Ah, I see: opening up with "Get a life" was your way of showing everybody how poised and mature you are when it comes to all this, rather than an emotional reaction to having your covers blown. :thumbsup:

My bad.
The reality is I actually felt sorry for you that you have so little else going on in your life that you were willing to spend your time investigating the race . . .

I was investigating a rumor (you know, that thing we were talking about?). That's what grown ups do when they're trying to form an opinion.

Anyway, you were the one to bring race into it, remember?

(Of course not, that would be inconvenient)
of anyone making comments on this.
and your comment on "the conversation just graduated to a level that you're not comfortable with." seems to be baes on your insistence

Go back and read all that again because apparently it all went over your head.

And if you still don't get it let me try and clear that up for you: you were objecting to the fact that I actually went to the trouble of substantiating my claims, and it caused you to have, as I pointed out, an emotional reaction to it (which of course you'll deny).

What I was saying was that apparently you aren't ready to be involved in debates where the participants actually go to the trouble of substantiating their claims and insist that their opponents do the same.

That's what I meant by saying that the conversation had graduated to a level that you weren't comfortable with.

Or capable of most likely.

that I said that that only white people are concerned about this. Again something I never said but you can always quote me and show that I am wrong.

I already did, but what the heck: here it is again:

Falsely claiming that immigrants are taking the pets of American citizens (implied white citizens) to sacrifice and eat is racist

Edit: anyway, I'm still waiting for you to provide some links demonstrating that the links I showed you are invalid.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
What have I said that's transphobic?

What have I said about wokeness that's nonsense?

I'm not about to delve into the depths of your post history. You surely remember scaremongering about trans in bathrooms, claiming trans rights were somehow misogynistic, and about so-called "wokeness", as if that were a cohesive thing. "Wokeness" can mean any random thing that any random conservative doesn't happen to like or understand, making it a completely worthless term.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I'm not about to delve into the depths of your post history. You surely remember scaremongering about trans in bathrooms, claiming trans rights were somehow misogynistic, and about so-called "wokeness", as if that were a cohesive thing. "Wokeness" can mean any random thing that any random conservative doesn't happen to like or understand, making it a completely worthless term.
Again, you somehow think you're the arbiter, ha ha.

Yes, I think trans activists pursue misogynistic policies. But that's not BS. What authority do you have to conclude that that's BS?

As for wokeness, do an internet search on the term, you'll get endless hits. Just because the woke are too cowardly to own their own stances doesn't mean it's not real.

So here we are, we disagree, and you stoop to personal attacks.

In my book, that's not ever the sign of a good argument :)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Again, you somehow think you're the arbiter, ha ha.

Yes, I think trans activists pursue misogynistic policies. But that's not BS. What authority do you have to conclude that that's BS?
Again, logic and evidence are the arbiters. They conclude what's BS.
As for wokeness, do an internet search on the term, you'll get endless hits.
A search turns up dumb **** like conservatives complaining about metal straws and plant-based sausage patties, as expected.
Just because the woke are too cowardly to own their own stances doesn't mean it's not real.
Who are "the woke"? What are the qualifications? Am I a "woke"? If so, what stance am I not owning?
So here we are, we disagree, and you stoop to personal attacks.
What personal attacks?


Well-Known Member
Haitians are poor per the data. They literally live in a failed state. That is a real economic designation.

Poor people steal. Per common sense.

Saying they make sacrifices is not xenophobic any more than saying Christians celebrate the Eucharist. Its a cultural religious practice they have. How is acknowledging this racism? Unless you think I have a problem with animal sacrifice, which I haven't.

Point out the factual errors here.

Poor people stole to engage in a religious ritual. That's my argument.
Hey, Springfield Ohio is not in Haiti, these people are working in jobs in America,
Your P2 poor people steal is also not true, Logician you are not, nor apparently possessed of much common sense.

"Poor people stole to engage in a religious ritual. That's my argument."
Yes we know, and you have no evidence only your preconceived biases.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
We aren't talking about Evolution denial. We're talking about a xenophobic story that was pulled out of thin air just like the garbage of Dems running a child sex ring.
That's not what I'm talking about - two different conversations (at least two) - in this thread


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Again, logic and evidence are the arbiters. They conclude what's BS.
Your claims of BS come across like rants in an echo chamber. You've been asked for examples...

A search turns up dumb **** like conservatives complaining about metal straws and plant-based sausage patties, as expected.

In which case, you've put yourself into an echo chamber, and haven't bothered to understand other opinions.

BTW, any thoughts about Robin or Ibram?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
@Father Heathen -

Indeed, that bad faith can work in both directions. But so could good faith.

Step back and think about making a request for a citation or example. The requestor is assuming a couple of things:

1 - that THEY are somehow the arbiter of what's common knowledge and what's not
2 - that the claim maker is operating in bad faith.

This is orthogonal to critical thinking.
It's still a failure to support one's claims.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hate speech laws are not Orewellian. Lots of countries with them are even freer than America.
Except regarding controversial speech.
You'd trust Trump with the power to
prosecute what he considers "hate speech".
I don't.
I like the right to criticize Muslims, Christians,
Jews, Hindus, blacks, Scientologists, etc.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yeah, it turns out social responsibility really only cuts freedom for ******** who's stuff is known for starting trouble.
Or, there's more to freedom than being able to run your mouth.
Okay, so you seem angry but I don't really know about what or what your point is. But my point is, if you can't even express yourself honestly, you have no freedom at all. You're just living under a tyranny that thinks it can decide what you are allowed to express. How can you support that?