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Racist memes spread after false claims that immigrants kill and eat pets.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Yes but...

As a centrist I agree the far right is a problem in many ways. full stop.

But the far left is also a problem. Many on the far left make racism THE MOST IMPORTANT THING !! And it's just not. And over-the-top, far left activism on racism just feeds into what the far right does, AND it turns off many centrists.
lol, what? How did you come up with this? Where do you see this?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I missed that. I don't get where all this race **** is coming from. I never said anything about white people.

Lol! Let me fill you in on that: I'm a straight white male who lives on the American west coast, so I've been subjected to a bit of, "you're just saying that because . . .".

Took me a while to figure it out but now I know what that actually means is, "I don't have a rebuttal for anything you just said so I'm just going to try and see if I can shame you into shutting up".
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Well-Known Member
I just connected two things that seemed to go together.
And that was your mistake, prior biases in your head connected the topic of xenophobic posts without evidence to a conclusion that was not logically defensible based not on evidence, but prior assumptions that poor people steal and Haitians are poor and further ignoring the evidence that these were already xenophobically inspired accusations. I.E. bad logic.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
And that was your mistake, prior biases in your head connected the topic of xenophobic posts without evidence to a conclusion that was not logically defensible based not on evidence, but prior assumptions that poor people steal and Haitians are poor and further ignoring the evidence that these were already xenophobically inspired accusations. I.E. bad logic.
Haitians are poor per the data. They literally live in a failed state. That is a real economic designation.

Poor people steal. Per common sense.

Saying they make sacrifices is not xenophobic any more than saying Christians celebrate the Eucharist. Its a cultural religious practice they have. How is acknowledging this racism? Unless you think I have a problem with animal sacrifice, which I haven't.

Point out the factual errors here.

Poor people stole to engage in a religious ritual. That's my argument.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
"Poor French Christians steal wine for Eucharist."

When this is racist let me know.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I just connected two things that seemed to go together.
They don't. You introduced a factor into a claim that is already built on thin air, and now they're poor is why we should be concerned.
But ultimately this is what American Values look like:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
-Emma Lazarus, The New Collusus.


Veteran Member
I can't be bothered. I've made myself clear. I have responded to as many who addressed me as I felt the need to.

It's clear that the majority here believe this was made up out of thin air by random anti immigrant groups. I don't believe that kind of thing.

My thesis is there is likely a kernel of truth to the rumours. My posts explain why. I'm prepared to be wrong.

But when these threads devolve into calling me a racist I am not going to play that game.
Again, I've not called you a racist anywhere.

I'd love for you to address the content of my post that was in response to your "logical deduction." I asked you a number of questions that I don't see any response to here.

So, did you just come here to complain about everyone and then run off? 'Cause I haven't seen much in the way of you responding to anything that's being said to, or asked of you, in regards to your posts. Aside from some racist comment, I guess.

It does appear to be a made up internet rumour. Those are a dime a dozen these days.


Veteran Member
I said it may be happening and here is why.

That's a logical deduction.

It's called playing Devil's Advocate.

I'm putting forward an argument.

Also why is it always about race with you people. Race doesn't exist. Different cultures do.

I don't even live in the US I don't care which group is doing what. I'm making arguments for you guys to interact with.

Race this race that.

Other cultures have other practices. All cultures have thieves.

If don't know why this is so sensitive for people. How would you respond if some Haitians were doing this? Would you assume all of them were? No. That's stupid.

Stop putting that on me, it's Anglophobic.
Many people in this thread have explained why they're so "sensitive" about it.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If we're now at the point where we can't say poor people tend to steal more than other groups I don't know what to say.
There is an obvious difference between saying that and "poor people in general are thieves and should be dealt with accordingly."


Veteran Member
And he could be a sixth generation American who has no problem with grabbing an aggressive goose by the neck and taking it home . . . or maybe he's taking it to a park to release it. Those rascals will try to take possession of a parking lot in a quickness and attempt to keep you away from your own car. Pictures are not always worth a thousand words -- at least not a thousand words of truth.
I had to save my niece from an angry and aggressive gaggle of geese once a few years back.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If we're now at the point where we can't say poor people tend to steal more than other groups I don't know what to say.
Notice I said in certain contexts. And, indeed, when you look upon a poor person and assume thief amd clutch your purse that is classist. It's the same sort of thing that made Frankenstein's Creature into a monster.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
That US Americans no longer believe in genetic race does not mean we cannot create racist tropes such as Trump's comments in 2016 against almost all Mexicans. The fervor created by his comments got him onto every news platform and got many other candidates ignored. There were at the time nine or ten major competitors for the Republican nomination, and many gave up quickly as they could not get enough media attention. There were some decent people who got completely ignored. Pres. Trump benefitted from saying such an outrageous thing, but as a result he has a reputation for exaggeration.

That is why this comment about Haitians is under dispute. JD Vance has said it, and it has absolutely no credibility as a result. He obviously wishes to get media attention, and the media obviously love him for it and betray their own leftists. By saying such an outrageous thing he directs public attention away from very important subjects.

That does not mean Haitians do not eat ducks or hunger for doggies. I wouldn't blame them if they did. I think US Americans are a bit weird about valuing our pets while eating other animals. I wouldn't eat dogs, because I have a loyalty bond with them. I do not, however, think that all people must. Dogs are wild beasts who would just as soon eat a Haitian. I don't expect Haitians to be loyal to them.