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Racist memes spread after false claims that immigrants kill and eat pets.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It sounds as though you are more worried about immigrants and have some investment in this.
I've no worries.....other than a bigoted
felonious treasonous demented rapist
winning the presidency again.
As though just pointing stuff out that could have happened is bad of itself. That sounds like your problem, not mine.
Do you prefer Trump to Harris?


Haitians are poor per the data. They literally live in a failed state. That is a real economic designation.

Poor people steal. Per common sense.

Saying they make sacrifices is not xenophobic any more than saying Christians celebrate the Eucharist. Its a cultural religious practice they have. How is acknowledging this racism? Unless you think I have a problem with animal sacrifice, which I haven't.

Point out the factual errors here.

Poor people stole to engage in a religious ritual. That's my argument.
It is NOT common sense to claim poor people steal! That's ridiculous and pure prejudice. 10% of all people will never ever steal no matter what. 10% will always steal for the thrill and challenge and because they can. That leaves 80% that "could" find themselves on the fence if necessity and opportunity come together. This is retail management 101. And one of the things that oftentimes pushes one off the fence is the assumption that they will steal. There's an old saying, if you want a man to act like a man then treat him like a man. The same goes for many areas of human behavior. If you want people to be good then treat them as good -- the majority of poor people are good people when we believe in them. With 20% it makes no difference.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes. This is why it is important to not let such hateful lies live unchallenged. Making up demonizing stories about outsiders is at least as old as our species. And it frequently gets people hurt, often killed and occasionally it leads to genocide.
These lies are dangerous and must be challenged, balked and thwarted--intolerated--in order to preserve peace, stability and the rule of law.
This is why I've even less tact than my usual meager attempts.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
It is NOT common sense to claim poor people steal! That's ridiculous and pure prejudice. 10% of all people will never ever steal no matter what. 10% will always steal for the thrill and challenge and because they can. That leaves 80% that "could" find themselves on the fence if necessity and opportunity come together. This is retail management 101. And one of the things that oftentimes pushes one off the fence is the assumption that they will steal. There's an old saying, if you want a man to act like a man then treat him like a man. The same goes for many areas of human behavior. If you want people to be good then treat them as good -- the majority of poor people are good people when we believe in them. With 20% it makes no difference.
Where are you getting these statistics?


Well-Known Member
We've already established earlier in this thread that the bottom picture wasn't related to Springfield. What did you hope to accomplish by spamming this?
A black man brought up the issue of Haitian immigrants eating peoples pets. So there was a basis for Trump mentioning it.


colors your eyes with what's not there

I am making a logical argument to prove that it could have happened in this way, regardless of whether it did.

And now I'm being called a racist. If white natives were sacrificing animals I'd say the same about them. Europeans tend to steal pets for profit and it's a problem in England.

Is that racist?

A lot of assumptions were made about me on this thread. All I did was make a logical deduction as to how it could have happened had it done.

This is me being fair to both sides. I didn't ever say it actually happened but that it could and why.

This is neither racist nor offensive. It's an inference from known facts.

You keep saying that word logical. Perhaps your arguments are not as logical as you believe them to be.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
As I stated, it's "retail management 101." It's the guideline used in training to prevent shoplifting. Treat everyone equally and respectfully, but stay aware and conscientious of opportunity you may be providing.

Actually when I first read your post I misread and thought I was reading something posted by somebody else (I'm on a phone and in a hurry). Otherwise I wouldn't have asked.

I respect you enough to give you the benefit of a doubt.

Sorry for the mishap.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you getting those implications from.

I've spent several hours between yesterday and today looking on the internet to see who's saying what about which, and probably half if not more of the people saying this is going on, or that it could be going on, are actually African American.
First you need to get a life. Really

Second for your survey you would have to be able to collect posting data from either a substantial number of posters and know their ethnicity or you would need sophisticated tracking programs that should identify a valid and randomized sample. I will guess that you don't have either.

Looking at you links
He isn't saying that Hattians or anyone are stealing pets to sacrifice and eat them.
Among other claims this woman makes is that thousands of black children every year are kidnapped by wealthy white people to be used as sex slaves
That the Covid vaccines are being used to inject people with nanotechnology that will build mind control machines in people's brains
and even stranger things.

the man here is named Richard Jordan. what isn't shown is the city council asking him about his claims. And no he didn't actually witness anyone taking ducks from the park referring to the picture posted and debunked here as evidence.
Note: I'm not offering any of this as evidence that it's actually going on, I'm just pointing out that, no, it isn't just white people saying this.

Edit: and really, the assumption that it's just white people making these claims is itself a pretty racist assumption.
and you assumption that i was saying it was just white people is also a racist one. The only individual i have said is making the claim that immigrants are abducing peoples pts for sacrifice and to eat is Donald Trump


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not sure where you getting those implications from.

I've spent several hours between yesterday and today looking on the internet to see who's saying what about which, and probably half if not more of the people saying this is going on, or that it could be going on, are actually African American.

Note: I'm not offering any of this as evidence that it's actually going on, I'm just pointing out that, no, it isn't just white people saying this.

Edit: and really, the assumption that it's just white people making these claims is itself a pretty racist assumption.
Well, if someone is exhibiting bigotry, we
naturally presume they're white, ie, some honky,
hillbilly, redneck, peckerwood, trailer trash,
or polar bear.
(I should know, being a cracker meself.)