Guys, for some reason I'm getting the impression that analyzing the rape from the victim's side or the advice given to the community as safety measurements for future reference and awareness, or any attempts of doing it for that matter, is viewed as blaming the victim and gets criticized harshly. This is really puzzling and doesn't make sense to me!
An enemy comes to kill you in the battle field while you're spacing out, you panic and shoot at them at random, they approach and give you serious injury, you manage to shoot again but with composure this time and manage to put them down. Advising you afterwards to stay focused, not panic and keep your composure would be considered blaming you according to that logic.
Analyzing things on the victim's side for any kind of crime is not blaming them. Giving awareness about it is not. It is not telling them they were at fault.
I'm oblivious by nature and I could be wrong, but I can't see the logic in that! Please explain it to me. Don't be an angry beaver and come at me with stupid bashing charges. Explain it to me like well mannered educated person so I can get what that logic is all about.
I notice a funny thing about gauging the frequency of rape.
Whether a victim will tell one depends so much upon their relationship.
Some people might never have a victim open up to them.
Others do hear of it.
I know victims, but what I don't know is how many other acquaintances are, but just haven't told me.
And statistics must be viewed with a jaundiced (skeptical) eye because definitions vary with time & political perspective.
I don't think victims talking about it is a standard that decide whether rape is widely spread or a serious problem.
As for statistics, where I live, crimes and punishment of criminals were advertised on local TV the time I was growing up. I had been hearing about murder crimes all the time, but rape crimes was an extremely rare news to hear on TV, newspaper, older people in senior family gathering, but murder and armed robberies I hear of in more than a handful number of occasions. If rape was a serious problem in my community as you say, I'd know about it. At least for the times I grew up in.
That's my real life experience in it. What's yours?