sociopathic tendncies alone cant lead to sex either. They also aren`t a motivation.
So if you need your cause to be the only cause, you cant blame socipath for that. I understand any of them have moral codes, mostly so they dont feel too inhuman.
Rape happens when a number of factors coincide.
"About no one rapes unless", that would be similar to saying that the primary cause of all divorces is marriage. No one ever divorces without having been married. The reality is that while that may be shared with all divorces, there are a lot of marriages that dont end on divorce and being married alone would not be the cause of divorce (though you could list it as a cause).
Again, everytime you want to point at one single cause you will fail. Stuff has multiple causes. It`s the way stuff works.
Most people won't rob a bank at gunpoint if they don't have money. But it's fair to suggest that lack of money is a motivating factor in robbing a bank at gunpoint.
Most people would try to get a loan... ask friends and family... get a job... etc...
But the bank robber isn't "most people". He can't get what he wants, so he finds a way to take it. It's criminal, there's no justification for it.
I'll repeat this, there is no justification.
Why when offering a possible motivation does it get turned into an accusation of justification?
Similar to the bank robber being motivated by a(n extreme and/or desperate) lack of funds, the OP suggested that at least some rapists are motivated by a lack of sex. When he can't get what he wants legally, he'll find a way of getting it illegally.
At no point does this position try to excuse the rapist or place blame on the victim.
Since the arguments here seem to be the same, I'll respond to both of them together.
I didn't say that either one of you was trying to justify rape; I just think the argument that sexual desire alone can be a primary motivation for rape is flawed.
Also, I don't think comparing rape to car theft is an accurate analogy. A person who steals a car and one who legally buys a car both get the same thing in the end, albeit through different means; however, a person who rapes someone and a person who desires consensual sex do
not get or desire the same thing. I don't feel like going out and actually raping someone when I have sexual urges, and most people don't either.
The same goes for the bank robbery analogy: A person who robs a bank and a person who doesn't both may desire to have money, but one of them doesn't have enough regard (if at all) for other people's feelings or well-being to prevent them from committing the robbery. This isn't like rape, as I explained above.