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Religion spreads hate & intolerance


Well-Known Member
After 35 years of watching the actions of religious and non-religious people, I've come to a clear conclusion that religion tends to create judgmental, unstable, psychotic, intolerant and hateful people... therefore all religions that promotes intolerance should be banned.

I can't speak of other religions specifically outside of christianity, so I won't. If you're still struggling to make sense out of the christian religion, I'll try to explain to you how you can free yourself from the negative thinking that comes along with it -- without becoming an atheist or a non-believer... although there's nothing inherently wrong with being either.

First, let me address one of the big questions touted by non-believers and it's a damn good question... "Why doesn't God heal amputee's?" Same reason he/she doesn't heal all people... he/she apparently doesn't work that way. If God does heal people, then it's a hit or miss deal... doesn't seem logical. Maybe he has a preference to one group but not others. For example, he will answer the prayers of a soccer mom asking for more spending money but ignores the cries of the 3000 children dieing each day of starvation... or the small child being raped and murdered somewhere in this world as you read this. That doesn't make sense either... does it? Perhaps God doesn't answer prayers... or maybe prayer doesn't work the way we expect... based on the expectations we were taught growing up. It's that or God despises amputee's, many children dieing of cancer, starvation, abuse and on and on.

What we do know for a fact is... we are here. Exactly how, no one knows. Sorry bible thumpers but the creation story is just that, a story told by more than one point of view i.e., religion. It's the same story lacking any logic that's been borrowed from and edited down throughout the ages... even before having a bible in the home was common. Come on.. you don't think that we've always had mass printing capabilities do you? Besides, the creation story wreaks of fiction in the face of common sense... namely that you can't get light & dark before creating the stars... oops, guess the anonymous dudes that wrote that didn't know back then, what we know now. Surprise, surprise... they also thought the world was flat back in that day.

Not to debate the obvious inaccuracies found in the bible... back on track...

In my family there is a mix of your fundamental christians and those who either don't believe any of it or believe in a "Creator" but disregard the "interpretations" offered by various religions. The interesting thing is, the difference in personality between the two.

The Sunday goers tend to be uptight, judgmental and always out to show they are beter than group b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l,....... you get the idea. On the other hand, those that aren't going to church every sunday because of FEAR, seem to be the most rational, reasonable, responsible and TOLERENT of all.

Then of course you have study after study that shows a direct correlation between IQ and belief... the smarter, the less religion... the dumber, the more you better watch them... they tend to be the one's ready to throw someone away for life for smoking pot or anything else THEY don't believe is right... like they make the rules. Not so surprisingly, 84% of those incarcerated in prison proclaim themselves to be religious. At first, this information surprised me, but not now. In one month there have been two women (one a sunday school teacher) that have killed a child... something else condoned "back in the day". More people (men, women and children) have died because of intolerance and fear brought on by religion, than any infectous disease could ever hope to measure up to. It's clear to me and those that see it for what it is... not so clear for those still clutching their *** cheeks together from the fear that they still might go to hell. Which brings me to a BIG question...

If you believe in a God that created us and heaven and hell... put yourself in a parental role for a moment and ask yourself this...

Is there ANYTHING at all that one of your children could do that YOU would feel it justice to throw them into hell to suffer for eternity? No? Then why do you insist on believing that a God that created you would do the same? Religion has given God a bad rap... in the name of control and fear. After all, back then it was the CHURCH that controlled the political scene... some say they still do. Back to the question... one step in... say you are God... sitting there and people from all walks of life are coming through... what thing would make you want to throw someone over your shoulder into eternal hell? You say a child killer or mass murderer... Some would agree with you. But as God, there's one problem... you KNEW before you created the person what he or she would do (yes, omnipotent as stated in the bible right?) so wouldn't it have been more merciful to NOT have created this person in the first place? A merciful and loving God would certainly do EVERYTHING within his or her will to keep from having to bruise even a knee of one of his/her children.

Exactly who God is, why he made us... why we're here.... who knows... no one can. But I can tell you one thing... I find more proof of God in each day of my life, justing living, than all the sermons and other crap I've heard put together.

And for the record... dinasours did exist and not just a mere 6000 years ago. It's common knowledge the world over. Better figure aliens into your religious formula because it's pretty obvious now that we can't be the only living beings in an endless universe of universes. Don't forget ghosts either. lol We all know they are real and obviously do NOT fit into the normal scope of christian religion. After all, children ghosts... come on! I mean, that's where I'd expect a little divine helping hand... can't see why there are children ghosts at all. But as with healing and miracles, it's obvious that things just don't work the way we expect them to or believe them to, regardless of what pastor joe said last sunday.

The sooner we as a whole, the world over, let go of the insidious nature of religion, the sooner we will all find what we are truly seeking... acceptance, love and peace. Not in my lifetime I'm sure.

I welcome any and all questions or critisicms.


I am sorry you feel that way ... its only because you were introduced to this:

2 Corinthians 11:13

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into apostles of Christ.


I agree completely except I would add christianity, buddism or any other religion that can operate on the level you state... pure and undefiled... that would require that we become divine in some sense add or subtract whatever depending on your religion... your mileage may vary... come on please... anyone have a debate with some MEAT?

So what's your solution? That we all become the same?


I'm going to be assimilated, aren't I? Am I anymore or must I exist as we?
I never liked hearing about Christian who hated Jews. First we say that Jesus was killed by "mankind (humankind)", then you have those idiots who also say "The Jews killed Jesus". Certainly, it was the Romans who killed Jesus, anyway. ;)
No one could kill Jesus, he lay down his life of his own free will. He lay it down knowing that he would take it up again. He's not dead, he is alive. I like saying it that way better.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
I never liked hearing about Christian who hated Jews. First we say that Jesus was killed by "mankind (humankind)", then you have those idiots who also say "The Jews killed Jesus". Certainly, it was the Romans who killed Jesus, anyway. ;)

True Christianity is not a religion but the character of God. Therefore true Christians should never hate, their correcting advise may look like hate, but actually they are loving you.
ALSO the Romans phicycally killed Jesus but Jesus answering Pilate said in John 19 - 11, " you would have no outhority over me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered we up to you has the greater sin." As a result of this Pilate made efforts to release him, but the Jews cried out, saying, if you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar; everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes Caeras."


Well-Known Member
True Christianity is not a religion but the character of God. Therefore true Christians should never hate, their correcting advise may look like hate, but actually they are loving you.
ALSO the Romans phicycally killed Jesus but Jesus answering Pilate said in John 19 - 11, " you would have no outhority over me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered we up to you has the greater sin." As a result of this Pilate made efforts to release him, but the Jews cried out, saying, if you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar; everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes Caeras."

Christianity is a religion, biblically speaking ..shall i start a new thread for that?


Well-Known Member
"He lay it down knowing that he would take it up again. "

If true, what's the big deal? He dropprd a coin and picked it up. THIS is some kinda miracle?


Well-Known Member
"Therefore true Christians should never hate, their correcting advise may look like hate, but actually they are loving you."

Son, spare your "love." I'll find my own, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think certain people don't get this yet?
Maybe because there is still enough fear instilled in people so that they are afraid to look too closely at what their religions really teach and what their religious books really say? Some people still belief absolute faith, no matter what, is a requirement for their salvation.


Well-Known Member
Religion dont spread hate,people do this.
Yes that is true. However, where do people get the beliefs that inspire them to do what they do? They usually get their beliefs from a number of places. Religion is a huge impacter on beliefs of individuals and if your religion is one that teaches that knowing God involves an elite club mindset, then there are those who don't make the grade and by default are considered "inferior" by the members of the elite club. Religions as they are set up, tend to divide humanity, not unite them. However, the core fundamental beliefs of religions are pretty similar. I think we need to recognize that and allow that all people are equal in their creators sight and that God doesn't care how you come to him or what you believe about it. The divisiveness of religion is imo the biggest drawback and what makes it so dangerous when people buy into the belief they are right and everyone else is wrong.


Well-Known Member
True Christianity is not a religion but the character of God. Therefore true Christians should never hate, their correcting advise may look like hate, but actually they are loving you.
ALSO the Romans phicycally killed Jesus but Jesus answering Pilate said in John 19 - 11, " you would have no outhority over me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason he who delivered we up to you has the greater sin." As a result of this Pilate made efforts to release him, but the Jews cried out, saying, if you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar; everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes Caeras."
No if it feels like hate, it is hate. Religions have been saying this for centuries of atrocities. The danger of religion has always been one religion thinking they are the ones that have it right and that they need to get everyone who doesn't believe the way they do to see the light. There is no such thing as a "only right" religion. Spreading that kind of propaganda is disrespectful.


Well-Known Member
Fear. Fear is what drives people to religion and allows them to be mislead by those who would use religion to control them.
Yes you are right. Mostly it is fear that has been drilled into them by those that wish to control. Their fear leaves them vulnerable and open to believing all sorts of things. Absolute faith is something some people are so proud of. This is dangerous because it allows people to do things they wouldn't do otherwise. They fear questioning so they justify their deeds by saying, I'm doing it for God so therefore it's okay. The end justifies the means mentality!


Liebe ist für alle da
Yes that is true. However, where do people get the beliefs that inspire them to do what they do? They usually get their beliefs from a number of places. Religion is a huge impacter on beliefs of individuals and if your religion is one that teaches that knowing God involves an elite club mindset, then there are those who don't make the grade and by default are considered "inferior" by the members of the elite club. Religions as they are set up, tend to divide humanity, not unite them. However, the core fundamental beliefs of religions are pretty similar. I think we need to recognize that and allow that all people are equal in their creators sight and that God doesn't care how you come to him or what you believe about it. The divisiveness of religion is imo the biggest drawback and what makes it so dangerous when people buy into the belief they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Wow, thank you for grouping all religions together. It's really nice to know that I am so ignorant about my beliefs that I have to be told by someone that it the same in the end like Christianity and is hateful and biased.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you for grouping all religions together. It's really nice to know that I am so ignorant about my beliefs that I have to be told by someone that it the same in the end like Christianity and is hateful and biased.
Is that what you got from that? I didn't group them all together but merely said if your religion made all others wrong and inferior because you were right and superior than that was a problem because it was divisive instead of uniting. I don't see Christianity as hateful and biased. I actually don't see any religion that way. I do see the potential for it to be there in any group but I also see the potential for it to be very uplifting and inspirational also. If you don't feel you are part of a religion that divides humanity, then you don't need to feel included.


Liebe ist für alle da
Is that what you got from that? I didn't group them all together but merely said if your religion made all others wrong and inferior because you were right and superior than that was a problem because it was divisive instead of uniting. I don't see Christianity as hateful and biased. I actually don't see any religion that way. I do see the potential for it to be there in any group but I also see the potential for it to be very uplifting and inspirational also. If you don't feel you are part of a religion that divides humanity, then you don't need to feel included.

Ok, my mistake ^_^ I went back and reread the post. Sorry about that.
Maybe because there is still enough fear instilled in people so that they are afraid to look too closely at what their religions really teach and what their religious books really say? Some people still belief absolute faith, no matter what, is a requirement for their salvation.

Yeah I agree at least from my own experience. It took years for me because of the fear crap. But once I decided that any true loving God wouldn't condemn someone he created because that person just wanted to find a more clear understanding things, I dug in deep... that was 10 years ago. After going through all the disappointment and being po'd, I finally came to the realization that anything that has a basis of fear built into the framework (religion or otherwise) goes against the overall theme most religions proclaim to begin with.

I agree though that not all practicing believers are hateful or intolerant, but it seems in my experience, the majority fall in that category one way or another. That's the part that made me start to question everything about christianity anyway.
Yes you are right. Mostly it is fear that has been drilled into them by those that wish to control. Their fear leaves them vulnerable and open to believing all sorts of things. Absolute faith is something some people are so proud of. This is dangerous because it allows people to do things they wouldn't do otherwise. They fear questioning so they justify their deeds by saying, I'm doing it for God so therefore it's okay. The end justifies the means mentality!

Yes so true... when I was a practicing christian (whatever that really means) sure I was all about helping others (that I felt were like me based on belief) but there were always a series of groups that I was highly intolerant of... mainly people that other christian friends would condemn in talks and other discussions. It was a herd mentality for sure and after 22 plus churches, I always seemed to see the same mindset... "we're better than them, we're going to heaven, they're not...." that rubbish. So no, I can't accept the bible and it's teachings if it says non-believers are doomed. It smacks of intolerance to other people for no reason other than a difference in "speculation" since that's all anyone really has on this subject anyway. To me God, must be outside of any human-created definition.