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Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!


Woke gremlin
Maybe if we never made flu vaccines, the flu wouldn't be a problem today.
What kind of logic is that?

Maybe if we didn't use anti-bacterial soap, some people wouldn't get sick at the slightest thing.
While this is true, the invention of soap still dramatically increased life expectancy and general quality of life.

Maybe if they actually gave us the cure for AIDS, poor people wouldn't die from it.

It's amazing that that they know AIDS is likely to turn into something worse, but they still hand-feed the public other vaccines.
Are you serious? Are you honestly holding the fact that they have yet to conjure up a cure of AIDs against science? You do realize that such things take years and years of research. It doesn't happen overnight. And what about all the diseases science has cured? Diptheria, malaria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, typhoid? Do any of these mean a damn thing to you?

Maybe you should open your eyes.
I believe the Bible says something about removing the log from your own eye...

All these things contribute to the de-evolution of man, but who cares, right?
What "de-evolution"? Do you even realize that this phrase makes no sense? How can something de-evolve, exactly? And how is humanity de-evolving when studies show that we are getting healthier, stronger and smarter?

Medicine has already been shown to affect the brain and body in many adverse ways. I do not know of any true Christian who pops anti-depressants or depends on medicine in general except for when it is critical.
I don't know many non-Christians who do that either. What's your point?

And it just so happens that Christians at large seem to do just fine.
It seems to me that, miraculously, atheism and science bears a lot of issues.
Only if you ignore all the positives and focus exclusively on a bunched of almost entirely imagined negatives.


Active Member
What kind of logic is that?

While this is true, the invention of soap still dramatically increased life expectancy and general quality of life.

Are you serious? Are you honestly holding the fact that they have yet to conjure up a cure of AIDs against science? You do realize that such things take years and years of research. It doesn't happen overnight. And what about all the diseases science has cured? Diptheria, malaria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, typhoid? Do any of these mean a damn thing to you?

What "de-evolution"? Do you even realize that this phrase makes no sense? How can something de-evolve, exactly? And how is humanity de-evolving when studies show that we are getting healthier, stronger and smarter?

I don't know many non-Christians who do that either. What's your point?

Only if you ignore all the positives and focus exclusively on a bunched of almost entirely imagined negatives.

First of all, you should know that soap alone is just deodorant. The run-off from bathing and showering is what cleans you.

People die everyday of aids, and yet the rich seem to not. And yes, science has found vaccines and cures for various illnesses, but through that new illnesses arise.
That doesn't grant science some kind of morality.

Studies have shown that medicine is over-used, over-priced, and contribute heavily to a number of obscurities- everything from weak immune systems to brain flawing. Medicine will be the reason why humans never become more than they are now. People becoming smarter is not due to medicine, but rather how information is more easily attainable.

And what about doctors who prescribe practically anything for any reason? Anti-biotics are so heavily induced that I wonder how some people have an immune system at all. Among other things, there is a visible problem with medical science.
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Well-Known Member
Saying that I don't believe in 'evolution' by it's definition is your own warped logic. I never denounced evolution, only that I don't believe that there is a 2 billion year history of it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh, "schience/evolution is laughable"...remember that?

Maybe if we never made flu vaccines, the flu wouldn't be a problem today.

Right, cause the Flu only kills people because its p***** off at humans for trying to vaccinate it.

Maybe if they actually gave us the cure for AIDS, poor people wouldn't die from it. It's amazing that that they know AIDS is likely to turn into something worse, but they still hand-feed the public other vaccines.
Maybe you should open your eyes.

Wow, you never cease to amaze with your logic. You do realize that the Bill Gates foundation has donated almost $300 million to AIDS prevention, research, and medication worldwide. Mainly in Africa, where the majority of AIDS cases reside. And he's just one of many.

ANd do you also realize that through science, doctors are now able to prevent AIDS being xfered from a women with AIDS to her unborn fetus? Damn that medical science is worthless.

All these things contribute to the de-evolution of man, but who cares, right?


Medicine has already been shown to affect the brain and body in many adverse ways.

Correct. Medicine aleviates ailments such as depression, psychosis, epilepsy...again, why bother with medical science..

I do not know of any true Christian who pops anti-depressants or depends on medicine in general except for when it is critical.

Would love to hear your definition of what it entails to be a "True Christian". You may just insult more Christians than militant atheists here.

And it just so happens that Christians at large seem to do just fine.
It seems to me that, miraculously, atheism and science bears a lot of issues.

Yea, because you have the inside track on what some 2 billion Christians do and do not do medical wise.

I will repeat myself once more...you need to think before you type.


Woke gremlin
First of all, you should know that soap alone is just deodorant. The run-off from bathing and showering is what cleans you.
Actually, no it isn't. Soap is what kills bacteria - water doesn't. But, hey, if you want to try just using just water without soap to clean your hands every time you use the bathroom, be my guest.

People die everyday of aids, and yet the rich seem to not.

Are you serious?

And yes, science has found vaccines and cures for various illnesses, but through that new illnesses arise.
That doesn't grant science some kind of morality.
I didn't say it did. Science is a methodology for understanding how the Universe functions, not a moral ideology for dictating how you should feel or act. Regardless, the advancement of science has still done far more to benefit mankind than any other endeavor in human history.

Studies have shown that medicine is over-used, over-priced, and contribute heavily to a number of obscurities- everything from weak immune systems to brain flawing. Medicine will be the reason why humans never become more than they are now. People becoming smarter is not due to medicine, but rather how information is more easily attainable.
You are right in this regard, but you're completely ignoring the simple fact that that medicines still save and improve lives. Are medicines over-used? Yes. Does this lead to our natural immune systems being weaker overall? Yes. Does this matter when you consider that thanks to modern medicine dozens of diseases have been wiped out, average life expectancy has doubled and overall quality of life has been improved for billions of people? No.

Also, in what way are you saying that human beings could "become more than they are now"? Have you looked back just a hundred or so years? Do you not see the leaps and bounds we have made in this last century alone thanks to the advancement of science and modern medicine?

And what about doctors who prescribe practically anything for any reason? Anti-biotics are so heavily induced that I wonder how some people have an immune system at all. Among other things, there is a visible problem with medical science.
Such as...?


Active Member
Both of you are so in denial, It's pitiful.

Mostof what both of you stated isn't even worth the trouble of explaining.

The flu gets ****** off because we vaccinate it?
Your intelligence bleeds through :D


Woke gremlin
Both of you are so in denial, It's pitiful.

Mostof what both of you stated isn't even worth the trouble of explaining.

The flu gets ****** off because we vaccinate it?
Your intelligence bleeds through :D

... Says the person who thinks it's the "run-off" that cleans you when you wash. It's almost as if you never even heard of bacteria.

Now, instead of just acting smart, how about you actually demonstrate some intellect by responding to my arguments?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
How can you not criticize a God that at one point in history, literally justified death as punishment for homosexual acts? How can you not criticize a church that takes the word "disordered," used in a negative context, and applys it to a minority of people.That is prejudice sir, and I cannot percieve it any other way.

My post wasn't about me - it was about you and you missed the point entirely.


Active Member
Someone is a fan of polio.


I'm just going to label them as I see them.

... Says the person who thinks it's the "run-off" that cleans you when you wash. It's almost as if you never even heard of bacteria.

Now, instead of just acting smart, how about you actually demonstrate some intellect by responding to my arguments?
The last time I checked, there is no bacteria fighting agent in regular soap. You arguments show no intellect, I am not wasting my breath any longer responding to such moronic statements. I've spent a lot of time explaining the most basic of things, some of you atheists are just retarded, plain and simple.
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Woke gremlin

I'm just going to label them as I see them.
Incorrectly, then.

The last time I checked, there is no bacteria fighting agent in regular soap.

You arguments show no intellect, I am not wasting my breath any longer responding to such moronic statements. I've spent a lot of time explaining the most basic of things, some of you atheists are just retarded, plain and simple.
How very Christian of you.

Why not just admit it? I destroyed your arguments and made you look foolish, and now you're running away. At least have the balls to admit when you're outsmarted.


Active Member
Incorrectly, then.


How very Christian of you.

Why not just admit it? I destroyed your arguments and made you look foolish, and now you're running away. At least have the balls to admit when you're outsmarted.

Wth are you talking about 'you destroyed my argument'-
You destroyed yourself. All you did was throw up how a bar of fat kills bacteria and how science has in no way, ever ever ever,, contributed to buffed up *** germs and viruses.

How very atheist of you.

Strawmanning is all you atheists do, which is something I intend to bring up more often because it's poor taste in any debate. And there's no point in denying it because it's visible up and down these threads.
Having it take 50 posts to get a simple point across is a good example. It flip flopped according to any combination of wording at someone's choosing, and became warped into a whole other idea. Over and over and over and over.. so of course I'm explaining the same thing over and over and over. Not only do you all strawman, but you think it's actually parallel with reason.

As I mentioned before, it makes me wonder who you all are really trying to convince.
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Well-Known Member
Having it take 50 posts to get a simple point across is a good example. It flip flopped according to any combination of wording at someone's choosing, and became warped into a whole other idea. Over and over and over and over.. so of course I'm explaining the same thing over and over and over.

Yea..that tends to happen when the crap you say makes absolutely no sense. You can argue till you are blue in the face, It wont change the fact that your asinine posts go in circles and contain about as much intelligence as a bucket of wet hair.

So you can continue to make a complete a** of yourself. At least it makes for entertaining reading.


Active Member
Yea..that tends to happen when the crap you say makes absolutely no sense. You can argue till you are blue in the face, It wont change the fact that your asinine posts go in circles and contain about as much intelligence as a bucket of wet hair.

So you can continue to make a complete a** of yourself. At least it makes for entertaining reading.

Your just a flat out moron if you think that. Anybody with half a brain would tell you the same, but since you have your idiot army backing you, I can't even tell you all the sky is blue.

So go ahead and keep posting these weak, purposefully ignorant statements and I won't even have to tell you these things anymore. You can just continue the work of making you look like a real ignorant baby.
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Well-Known Member
Your just a flat out moron if you think that. Anybody with half a brain would tell you the same, but since you have your idiot army backing you, I can't even tell you all the sky is blue.

Well, clearly the sky is blue because God wanted it that way. Don't you agree?


Well-Known Member
I don't know, should I refer Stephen Hawking to the case?

Your an idiot.

lol, poor guy. You sound frustrated.

Although you are right, that crazy guy with the robot voice. He doesn't know anything. No idea why many consider him one of the smartest people alive. :shrug:


Active Member
lol, poor guy. You sound frustrated.

Although you are right, that crazy guy with the robot voice. He doesn't know anything. No idea why many consider him one of the smartest people alive. :shrug:

Yeah, I know, right? No reason for atheists on here to be denying what I quote from him every time physics is brought up..

You know what you atheists do, that I've slowly been coming to realize? You all don't even want to know any 'truth', you all rather just want to be 'right'. There's a big difference. See, I aim for truth and go for it with reason. You all aim to be right and go for it with assumption, thinking that since there is a thing called science, you can simply lye back and relish in some false idea that you have the upper hand. You all jump on me because I bring out the reality of that.
And science itself.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
People die everyday of aids, and yet the rich seem to not.

Vasily Aleksanyan, Stephen D. Hassenfeld, Steve Rubell, Sean Strub, Richard Berkowitz, Elizabeth Glaser, Amanda Blake, Rock Hudson, Michael Jeter, David Oliver, Anthony Perkins, Tony Richardson, Peter Adair, Tom Cassidy, Peter Jepson-Young, Michael McDowell, Max Robinson, Tom Fogerty, Paul Giovanni, Liberace, Freddie Mercury, Roy Cohn, Terry Dolan, James K. Dressel, Paul Gann, Makgatho Mandela, Stewart McKinney, Rand Schrader, Chris Smith, Arthur Ashe, Glenn Burke, Bill Goldsworthy, Magic Johnson, Greg Louganis, A. J. Antoon, Robert Joffrey, Isaac Asimov, Sheldon Andelson, Lucille Teasdale-Corti, etc, etc, etc...

AIDS is nondiscriminatory and your statement reflects a willful ignorance of reality.


Active Member

I admit, my wording was off. Such is something I should be aware of when dealing with atheists who hump semantics like nothing I've ever seen in my life.

They live a whole, whole lot fecking longer. Does that work? Damn

You people are so ******* asinine. I'm done wasting my time. It is no wonder nobody else wastes time arguing with you all. It's like talking to a bunch of frogs. It's no wonder you all don't like religion, you don't have an ounce of depth or reasoning to understand any of it. Rude, insensitive, and as soon as someone loses their patience, you all point fingers like a bunch of children. Whatever. Peace//
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Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me how insulting someone else for a page and a half has anything to do with....Nevermind. I answered my own question.


Well-Known Member
I admit, my wording was off. Such is something I should be aware of when dealing with atheists who hump semantics like nothing I've ever seen in my life.

They live a whole, whole lot fecking longer. Does that work? Damn

You people are so ******* asinine. I'm done wasting my time. It is no wonder nobody else wastes time arguing with you all. It's like talking to a bunch of frogs. It's no wonder you all don't like religion, you don't have an ounce of depth or reasoning to understand any of it. Rude, insensitive, and as soon as someone loses their patience, you all point fingers like a bunch of children. Whatever. Peace//


BTW, I wonder how many times you've said " I'm done wasting my time". I would say between this thread and others......1982673 times. An estimate but probably pretty accurate

Poor little guy