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Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!


Woke gremlin
Wth are you talking about 'you destroyed my argument'-
You destroyed yourself. All you did was throw up how a bar of fat kills bacteria and how science has in no way, ever ever ever,, contributed to buffed up *** germs and viruses.
So, you didn't even read my arguments, then, considering I repeatedly granted you the fact that increased immunity and decreased exposure meant a greater diversity in threats and lower overall tolerance to germs?

Also, weren't you the first person to mention "anti-bacterial soaps" being the cause of new bacteria forming?

How very atheist of you.
I wasn't aware there was a supposedly "atheist" way to act.

Strawmanning is all you atheists do, which is something I intend to bring up more often because it's poor taste in any debate. And there's no point in denying it because it's visible up and down these threads.
Actually, strawmanning is what you're doing. You just did it in the paragraph above - twice.

Having it take 50 posts to get a simple point across is a good example. It flip flopped according to any combination of wording at someone's choosing, and became warped into a whole other idea. Over and over and over and over.. so of course I'm explaining the same thing over and over and over. Not only do you all strawman, but you think it's actually parallel with reason.
Or maybe it's because people point out the flaws in your argument, so you then change your argument and make huge U-turns then act as if you never made a mistake. For example: the fact that you've gone from saying "maybe if we didn't use anti-bacterial soap, some people wouldn't get sick at the slightest thing." to saying "there is no bacteria fighting agent in regular soap".

As I mentioned before, it makes me wonder who you all are really trying to convince.
Depends. Who are you trying to convince, because based on the weakness of your arguments so far it certainly isn't any of us.
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Active Member
Hey look, I'm still posting.

You all are liars. You point out no flaws, you just straw man my statements. Nothing more. Don't flatter yourself with lies.

The only thing you all are capable of, really. It needs to be brought to light on behalf of all other theists on this site. You all are just extremely rude, irrational bigots who gang up on people with fallacies and ignorance. And theists are supposed to succomb to this? These are religous forums, it should be you all for the purge.
It's a mockery to intuition and thought.

Or maybe it's because people point out the flaws in your argument, so you then change your argument and make huge U-turns then act as if you never made a mistake. For example: the fact that you've gone from saying "maybe if we didn't use anti-bacterial soap, some people wouldn't get sick at the slightest thing." to saying "there is no bacteria fighting agent in regular soap".
Or maybe it's because I'm not twisting anything at all. Maybe it's because you all are so damn ridiculous, that I must explain in 50 different ways the most simple idea. What nonsense.
Like I said, we theists must succomb to this horse ****?

Yes, I've lost my patience and yes, it is not Christian of me at all. I'll admit that. But this has gotten old. You all need to grow the hell up.
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Well-Known Member
Hey look, I'm still posting.

You all are liars. You point out no flaws, you just straw man my statements. Nothing more. Don't flatter yourself with lies.

The only thing you all are capable of, really. It needs to be brought to light on behalf of all other theists on this site. You all are just extremely rude, irrational bigots who gang up on people with fallacies and ignorance. And theists are supposed to succomb to this? These are religous forums, it should be you all for the purge.
It's a mockery to intuition and thought.

YouTube - Everyone Is Now Dumber - Billy Madison


Woke gremlin
Hey look, I'm still posting.

You all are liars. You point out no flaws, you just straw man my statements. Nothing more. Don't flatter yourself with lies.
I've not strawmanned you once - every single point of yours made is directly quoted and responded to in my posts.

The only thing you all are capable of, really. It needs to be brought to light on behalf of all other theists on this site. You all are just extremely rude, irrational bigots who gang up on people with fallacies and ignorance.
And yet, who is the one who resorts to calling people names?

And theists are supposed to succomb to this? These are religous forums, it should be you all for the purge.
It's a mockery to intuition and thought.
You're very defensive, aren't you?

Or maybe it's because I'm not twisting anything at all. Maybe it's because you all are so damn ridiculous, that I must explain in 50 different ways the most simple idea. What nonsense.
So, completely changing your position and contradicting yourself is just "explaining the same idea in a different way"?

Nope, sorry, not buying it.

Like I said, we theists must succomb to this horse ****?
You're the one whose made the most outlandish and ignorant claims in these threads and resorted to mockery and insults when the argument doesn't go your way. Quit your projection and try and deal with these issues in a mature and reasonable way.

Yes, I've lost my patience and yes, it is not Christian of me at all. I'll admit that. But this has gotten old. You all need to grow the hell up.
Remove the log from your eye.


Active Member
I've not strawmanned you once - every single point of yours made is directly quoted and responded to in my posts.

And yet, who is the one who resorts to calling people names?

You're very defensive, aren't you?

So, completely changing your position and contradicting yourself is just "explaining the same idea in a different way"?

Nope, sorry, not buying it.

You're the one whose made the most outlandish and ignorant claims in these threads and resorted to mockery and insults when the argument doesn't go your way. Quit your projection and try and deal with these issues in a mature and reasonable way.

Remove the log from your eye.

There's nothing outlandish about anything that goes against your extremely disturbing assumptions. You are just extremely argumentative to the point where straw manning becomes your primary thing.

It's not like I'm lying, the proof is literally riddled all over the thread. I repeat, the truth is literally riddled all over the thread.
But I'm not surprised to see you still deny it, because the simplest of truths are obviously too much for the average atheist to handle.\

You atheists are just insulting by nature, it seems. You have a lot of nerve to talk **** about me. Let's not forget who always starts with the trolling on any and every thread.
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Woke gremlin
There's nothing outlandish about anything that goes against your extremely disturbing assumptions.
Oh really? Care to name a few of my "extremely disturbing assumptions"?

You are just extremely argumentative to the point where straw manning becomes your primary thing.
Okay then - point out where I have strawmanned you. I can demonstrate you strawmanning myself at least twice, and at a push I could probably produce a few more examples.

It's not like I'm lying, the proof is literally riddled all over the thread. I repeat, the truth is literally riddled all over the thread.
And nobody but you can see it, right?

But I'm not surprised to see you still deny it, because the simplest of truths are obviously too much for the average atheist to handle.
I just gave you the opportunity to stop mindlessly throwing insults and accusations and, instead, respond intelligently and this is what you come back with?

Once again: remove the log from your eye.


Active Member
And nobody but you can see it, right?

I just gave you the opportunity to stop mindlessly throwing insults and accusations and, instead, respond intelligently and this is what you come back with?

No, others can see it, they are just fellow atheists who share the same exact shallow interpretation of science and are not going to admit it.

I just told you that I am not debating with someone who thinks that generic soap kills bacteria.
Such endeavors are an infuriating waste of time.


Than be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.
Um...THEN! (not picking on you personally, just a mistake becoming more and more common the more people stop reading books, and do all their reading online, and it is swiftly becoming a pet peeve of mine) (oh, and, yes, I am becoming a spelling nazi! ;))

Now, I am finding some things presented in the OP that I agree with, and I am finding things I agree with in posts with an oppositional view to the OP. I guess I am somewhere in the middle on this, leaning slightly towards the OP.


Woke gremlin
No, others can see it, they are just fellow atheists who share the same exact shallow interpretation of science and are not going to admit it.
When all else fails: invent a conspiracy.

I just told you that I am not debating with someone who thinks that generic soap kills bacteria.
Such endeavors are an infuriating waste of time.
What are you talking about? What do you mean by "generic soap" and where have I said that "generic soap" kills bacteria? This is clearly a straw man, and you are clearly a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
No, others can see it, they are just fellow atheists who share the same exact shallow interpretation of science and are not going to admit it.

I just told you that I am not debating with someone who thinks that generic soap kills bacteria.
Such endeavors are an infuriating waste of time.

Poor guy is stuck in a loop. He's repeated the same crap so many times, claimed to be leaving the thread so many times, I think he's actually going to spontaneously combust. :clap

And you must be a complete glutton for punishment, if these endeavors are infuriating, yet you just cannot help yourself but spout your garbage. If I were actually religious, I would be extremely embarrassed for you.

BTW, how is that street corner evangelism working out for you?


Active Member
Actually, no it isn't. Soap is what kills bacteria - water doesn't. But, hey, if you want to try just using just water without soap to clean your hands every time you use the bathroom, be my guest.

Wanna run all that back one more time?


Woke gremlin
Wanna run all that back one more time?

And where did I say "generic soap", exactly? Also, what exactly is "generic soap"?

Also, thanks for reminding everyone here that you claimed that it was the "run off" from showers that cleaned you. It's funnier the second time around.


Woah, let's back this up a little. You're drawing conclusions and betraying reason.

Who ever said Adam never existed? You can take it literally or metaphorically, and it still fits the bill on what is trying to be explained. In the beginning, there was an act of sin. Thus, good and evil became realized.
It's a simple concept of a domino effect. One is pure, one becomes tempted, one sins. They feel ashamed, realize they are naked, hide in fear, etc., Good and evil are realized, and therefore become reality. Adam cursed man forever.
Or better yet, the Adversary did. Vanity is a key term here- it was the original sin before mankind.

See, this is the essence of the OT. God imposed harsh laws, as exaction and balance were needed for sin. Mind you, sin is not an act of evil, but rather it likely ends up resulting in evil acts. This is why God demanded balance and exaction.

Homosexuality- became a sin because God wanted man to grow. The population then was very low, and were very barbaric times in general. If everyone was gay, how does a nation grow? Such was His command to the Levites.
The NT does not speak on homosexuality practically at all, and since it essentially replaced the book of Leviticus in law, I see no reason why it should still be an issue.

As far as what you're saying with 'poisoning children's minds- Most Christians and Christian families I know are very happy and content people. You speak as if it is some kind of disease.
Science has yet to become some magic wand that denounces all of religion. You will be surprised by it's limits.

Just because Christians do not contribute to the efforts of science means very little. Do they have some sort of obligation to do so? Since when did this world become so subjective that everyone must mind each others business?
Let's not forget some of the damage that science has done- vaccines, anti-bacterial soap, disinfectant, etc.- this is why viruses and whatnot get deadlier.
Aesthetics- instead of helping the poor, people are getting boob jobs.
I could go on with a trillion other things in that respect, but the point I'm making is that the world is both too smart for it's own good and too bad for it's own independence all at the same time. A God is simply necessary.

You're idea of the world coming together and adopting universal morals- it'll never happen. Just take a look at history and the world today.
You want to know one theory on why aliens may have not visited Earth? Because they destroyed themselves before they got to that stage of advancement.
Something to marinate on.
I have to disagree with you here. I do not believe "a god is necessary". I do not believe that anyone is born in "sin". I also do not believe anyone is born as shallow and stupid and willfully ignorant as you have implied. I think that if we truly raised our children believing that they are intelligent, creative, and capable, they will be exactly that. The problem is that the majority are raised to think exactly the opposite, and to feel that they need someone in charge of them to tell them what to think, how to act, what to wear, and to discourage independent thought as much as possible. This is the legacy in the United States of a society which based its morality on puritanical protestantism from it's very inception. Now, I would not condemn any kind of spirituality offhand, in fact, I have practiced, and currently practice quite a few of them at one time or another, and there is much of value in spirituality of all kinds. The problem is when one group wants to benefit at the expense of all others that we have a problem, and this is a problem with any grouping of humans, not just where spirituality is concerned.
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Active Member
I have to disagree with you here. I do not believe "a god is necessary". I do not believe that anyone is born in "sin". I also do not believe anyone is born as shallow and stupid and willfully ignorant as you have implied. I think that if we truly raised our children believing that they are intelligent, creative, and capable, they will be exactly that. The problem is that the majority are raised to think exactly the opposite, and to feel that they need someone in charge of them to tell them what to think, how to act, what to wear, and to discourage independent thought as much as possible. This is the legacy in the United States of a society which based its morality on puritanical protestantism from it's very inception. Now, I would not condemn any kind of spirituality offhand, in fact, I have practiced, and currently practice quite a few of them at one time or another, and there is much of value in spirituality of all kinds. The problem is when one group wants to benefit at the expense of all others that we have a problem, and this is a problem with any grouping of humans, not just where spirituality is concerned.

You let your prejudice betray reason. A God is necessary to the the extent that man will likely kill itself and life will cease forever otherwise. You seem to think that mankind can pull together, but that has never happened in it's history and never will. There will be war and poverty forever. Until we all die.

People are born into sin:
You need to take it literally. You are born into sin. Earth. Therefore, you become a sinner. There's not much you can do about it. Take in the story of Eden how I interpreted it.
Heed the difference between 'sin' and 'evil'.


You let your prejudice betray reason.

Um...I think I am one of the least prejudiced people around, when it comes to religious/spiritual topics. I would say that I am using my reason instead of just accepting what I have been told without question. My problem is not with a particular religion, it is with the large portion of religionists who promote willful ignorance, and rampant stupidity that I take issue. I think a lot of these backward attitudes are what is holding the human race back from it's potential.


Active Member
Um...I think I am one of the least prejudiced people around, when it comes to religious/spiritual topics. I would say that I am using my reason instead of just accepting what I have been told without question. My problem is not with a particular religion, it is with the large portion of religionists who promote willful ignorance, and rampant stupidity that I take issue. I think a lot of these backward attitudes are what is holding the human race back from it's potential.

Like Sodom and Gomorrah? Or China? The most moral places ever to grace Earth I guess..

Religion has made a huge contribution to good morals. Some of it is just tough reality. The Bible speaks a lot of truth on the human condition.