It's just to silence people when they know they've lost. It's to silence someone when a better reply is not immediately available. It's to silence disagreement, and it's very rude.
I've changed diapers, lost nights of sleep, been there for health and illness, fears and excitements, school and extra curricular events, helped coach sports teams, been there for crushes and heart aches, gave sex talks, so, yeah, that crap is just to silence me especially as I have the education and professional experience to form a better foundation for my views. Doesn't matter, they say. They think I just don't understand. Yeah, actually I do.
Interesting story, had an eight-year-old client, and a few us strongly suspected the client is homosexual. Ok, so maybe those of us who saw this where LGBT of some sort but we picked up on this and that, pieced things together and yeah, turns out the client is homosexual and we saw the struggles of internal turmoil and conflict of realizing this difference and difficulties in accepting and coming to terms with that.
But no, I don't understand.