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Richard Dawkins Reads His Hate Mail

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Active Member
He is ignorant of the damage he is doing to science by putting theists off from studying it...creating division as he does...the fool.

That is harmful...that is bad.
Several members have picked up on your comment and disagreed with it. What in particular is it that you think Dawkins is doing to put religious folk off studying science?

I don't know what your religious views are, but what if I said, vocal Creationists were putting non-believers off studying the Bible? Should they silence themselves?

Should any of us silence ourselves out of concern that those who disagree with us might be offended?


Active Member
I would go farther and say his comments on religion are basically harmful and unnecessary....as well as ignorant.
Are any of Dawkins' comments regarding religion not ignorant? Which, would you say, is one of the most ignorant of his remarks? And by ignorant do you mean ill-informed or rude, or both?


Active Member
So Richard Dawkins is still a git, good to know.
A 'git' in my Oxford dictionary means 'an unpleasant or contemptible person.' What makes him unpleasant and contemptible in this video? Is it the fact that he would read aloud, perhaps to his family, unpleasant and contemptible hate e-mails sent to him, presumably by his religious critiques, or that he would allow said video to go public? Would you not wish to direct your contempt to those who would pen such vile tripe?

You might think that in his public appearances he is unpleasant and contemptible but what makes him so in this video? Is he more unpleasant and contemptible, in the context of this video, than the e-mails he read?
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A 'git' in my Oxford dictionary means 'an unpleasant or contemptible person.' What makes him unpleasant and contemptible in this video? Is it the fact that he would read aloud, perhaps to his family, unpleasant and contemptible hate e-mails sent to him, presumably by his religious critiques, or that he would allow said video to go public? Would you not wish to direct your contempt to those who would pen such vile tripe?

You might think that in his public appearances he is unpleasant and contemptible but what makes him so in this video? Is he more unpleasant and contemptible, in the context of this video, than the e-mails he read?

Which Oxford dictionary are you using?


Active Member
Mocking people because of their spelling mistakes and for not being as educated as you is not a good sign of character in my view.
These are people who sent him hate mail! Do they not deserve to be mocked? Besides, I am sure the letters were selected, not just because of the grammatical errors, but because the hate filled language they contained is in such contrast to the loving claims of the religion they espouse. Such people clearly don't practice what they preach. Also, I wonder if the lack of editing in their diatribes – apparent in the messed-up grammar – reflects the amount of thought they've put into examining their own beliefs?


Active Member
You also keep an entourage of guffawing Jack-a-napes, who find your most inane utterances profound and hilarious, with you at all times?
My thought was that the laughter may have come from his family members – perhaps his wife and children? But they were only laughing with him, at the letters he read, not at any reflective comments he, himself, was making. I don't believe he offered any comments.
My thought was that the laughter may have come from his family members – perhaps his wife and children? But they were only laughing with him, at the letters he read, not at any reflective comments he, himself, was making. I don't believe he offered any comments.

I'm glad you found that I had already answered your question. I have 3 for you.

Why do you think it is his family?

What difference does that make?

What does this video achieve?


Active Member
I'm glad you found that I had already answered your question.

monta said:
Why do you think it is his family?
I thought it had the appearance of a home video. No other reason than that.

monta said:
What difference does that make?
I think a loving family that agrees with us is likely to provide support by laughing along with us. It may have been Dawkins way of showing them he was not concerned or worried by that sort of trash showing up in his in-box. It would have been interesting had we been privy to the discussion that took place before the e-mails were read. In the absence of such it is difficult to pass reliable judgment.

monta said:
What does this video achieve?
It shows those who sent the hate mail that he's not going to lose sleep over them. Hopefully, also, those who sent the e-mails will at least be embarrassed should they recognize themselves and help them understand that such letters reflect poorly on them and their faith. Perhaps next time they will put more thought into what they type.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Several members have picked up on your comment and disagreed with it. What in particular is it that you think Dawkins is doing to put religious folk off studying science?
Calling religion evil is good starter. Maybe it's because I used to be a very devoted Christian and I know and understand where they are coming from, but when you are told that science is being manipulated by the devil, a scientist saying that religion is evil only reaffirms that the devil does indeed have a firm grip on science. Not all science, but evolution, playing God, abortion, and so on. It also a very unfriendly invitation to learn science. However if religion was kept entirely out of science, and there was no mentioning of how absurd Y.E.C. is and evolution disproves it, there would be more people that wouldn't have reinforces that science is of the devil. And as more people became more knowledgeable without a religious bias, then they could figure out the rest.


Active Member
Calling religion evil is good starter. Maybe it's because I used to be a very devoted Christian and I know and understand where they are coming from, but when you are told that science is being manipulated by the devil, a scientist saying that religion is evil only reaffirms that the devil does indeed have a firm grip on science.
I think your view has some merit. I didn't realize that some were teaching that science is manipulated by Satan. Though, I guess, it is really the scientists whom they claim are under demonic control. I wonder how many people hold such views? I did learn from one Christian forum that some people also believe that demons are in charge of various cities across the United States. This whole thing sounds like so much crazy talk.

Shadow Wolf said:
However if religion was kept entirely out of science, and there was no mentioning of how absurd Y.E.C. is and evolution disproves it, there would be more people that wouldn't have reinforces that science is of the devil. And as more people became more knowledgeable without a religious bias, then they could figure out the rest.
Don't you think that scientists like Dawkins are being drawn into the debate by the Creationist attack on evolution? American astrophysicist Neil deGrass Tyson goes after them because of their rejection of his science. Don't you think they will see any teaching that contradicts Genesis as demon inspired no matter how polite the discussion is? When they try to shut down teaching that doesn't support their holy scripture, and the matter is taken to court, there is no option but to point out that their beliefs are faith based and not supported by science.

I see your point, but I wonder if Dawkins approach is perhaps more successful with those who are a lot less certain of the legitimacy of their religious position?


Calling religion evil is good starter.

look at its history in the bible with all the mass murders and genocide
look at its history since the bible was written, genocide and countless murders
look at its current history, religion has divided countries and the wars continue

Maybe it's because I used to be a very devoted Christian and I know and understand where they are coming from, but when you are told that science is being manipulated by the devil,

imagination in my opinion

a scientist saying that religion is evil only reaffirms that the devil does indeed have a firm grip on science.

imagination in my opinion

Not all science, but evolution

I can understand when one talks about things no one knows with certainty, BUT evolution is not one of them, this is solid and there are no debates about this. Ignoring the solid science is your choice but excellent information that goes beyond theory is there for one to advance his or her intellect. Evolution is not even up for debate and creation is not taught in schools to our children for good reasons. even the pope says evolutionary science has merit.

playing God, abortion

this is a sore subject, but murdering doctors is not the answer and give religion a black eye. The fact the two sides cannot agree shows how primitive man is in my opinion

, and so on. It also a very unfriendly invitation to learn science. However if religion was kept entirely out of science, and there was no mentioning of how absurd Y.E.C. is and evolution disproves it, there would be more people that wouldn't have reinforces that science is of the devil

this is a matter of religion not just poking its head in science, this is war to creationist. They are the ones who have draw lines for science to defend.
Please help all you can to keep religion out of science, the more they block advancement, the less we know.

. And as more people became more knowledgeable without a religious bias, then they could figure out the rest.

I agree :grill:

Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Several members have picked up on your comment and disagreed with it. What in particular is it that you think Dawkins is doing to put religious folk off studying science?

I think Dawkins creates division and antipathy between christians and atheists, he creates an US and THEM situation...with his constant attacks.
Yet I also admire his brilliant mind...he should stick to evolution and biology he is far better at it.

I don't know what your religious views are, but what if I said, vocal Creationists were putting non-believers off studying the Bible? Should they silence themselves?

I think they (fundies) do put non believers off from studying the Bible objectively but I wouldnt have them silenced...never...people have to make choices for themselves it is not my or anyones elses right or duty to make choices about what or what cannot be said...that path leads to censorship and ultimately tyranny.

Should any of us silence ourselves out of concern that those who disagree with us might be offended?

Certainly not, he can say what he likes, I dont have to like it though.
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Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of balance I wish to say I support the Royal Family and though I do not always agree with our Canadian Governor General I am behind the institution 100 percent.

Easy for a foreigner to say, you dont have to pay for their upkleep.

To hell with the Monarchy..elitist parasites.

Balance = Stagnation ;)
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Oh did it?

im sorry but im quite sure religion has always fought the truth when it doesnt go along with ancient mans views %100

this is plain old history that affected , gallileo, darwin and anyone else with a different view.

these men have never been known for attacking religion.

Try reading some books he has written. ;)

again this would be because of the attacks on science. That is what you call defense

if it was offence you would know. I take an offensive stance to what I believe are ancient myths of all religions stopping progression of humanity.

the firet thing they teach you is to box religion in with facts and reason but DO NOT go after there beliefs because they will run because they cant fight facts. I find this defensive tactic wrong and I think the time is right to take it on the road.

But hey thats just me lol :)
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Primordial Annihilator

Well-Known Member
im sorry but im quite sure religion has always fought the truth when it doesnt go along with ancient mans views %100

this is plain old history that affected , gallileo, darwin and anyone else with a different view.

these men have never been known for attacking religion.

No they havent, certainly not Darwin he was a devout christian.

Dawkins however makes unnecessary comments, unfair generalisations and sometimes pure hyperbole, not befitting a university man.

He should not lower himself to the level of demagogue.


No they havent, certainly not Darwin he was a devout christian.

Dawkins however makes unnecessary comments, unfair generalisations and sometimes pure hyperbole, not befitting a university man.

He should not lower himself to the level of demagogue.

he has valid points that many refuse to notice in the defense of science.

you have to break down the myths to look at rational explanations of what we do not know. If religion stops the first step, none are taken
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