Great Moon
Do we know all about the laws of nature?
We no enough to say that a simple command cannot change chemical structure, i.e., Jesus says "So be it" will not turn water into wine.
Didn't Jesus base his beliefs on logic and reasoning on Scripture?
So what if he did? He didn't used logic and reason to defend scripture.
Jesus often referred to or quoted Scripture to make his point and as final authority on matters.
This presumes a belief in Scripture. If the scriptures were true, then yes, Jesus would be telling truths. But the Scriptures themselves are devoid of logic and reasoning, and thus, to use them as final authority does nothing to support or defend god, miracles, and heaven.
At the time of Adam's loosing paradise, as far as time frame is considered, paradise was far away starting at the time of Adam's sin. In a nut shell, time was needed for mankind to be born and choose how they want to live.
We are now living at the time frame of 2nd Tim [3vs1-5,13] the last days of badness on earth before Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth starting with the living on earth sheep-like ones of Matt [25v32]. Those people can remain alive on earth and have the prospect of everlasting life on earth on a beautiful paradisaic earth. So what Adam undid, so to speak, Jesus will undo the damage Satan and Adam caused.
Might I point out that, first of all, that almost every Biblical scholar, archeologist, and historian, considers Revelations was written about Nero? But I can see why you would disagree, so I won't push that point.
Doesn't it say that the Temple of Solomon has to be rebuilt before the end times can come? From what I remember, there were three steps. The Jews had to return to the homeland, Israel had to be refounded, and the temple had to be rebuilt. Then the events described in Revelation would happen. Since the temple hasn't been rebuilt, I see no reason to believe the end times are going to happen anytime soon. Why do you?
If you were God having the ability not only to create but regulate weather conditions wouldn't you do so? What we see surrounding the earth today is the result of Adam choosing independence from God. What we see earth wide is proof that man can not successfully direct his step. Mankind needs God to step in and bring to ruin those ruining the earth as Rev [11v18 b] brings out.
So, if I accept the direction of a being whose existence cannot be proven, he will give me unending life in a magical paradise?
I see no reason to believe this, besides a hopeless idealism that is more easily fulfilled by Far-Right Nationalism (at least we can see the empirical effects of that).
If not God's kingdom government [Dan 7vs13,14; 2v44; Isa 9v7;11v4] as the solution of mankind's problems, then what do you see that will succeed?
Reason and Logic.