Wow. You made that sound so nice. Like someone else said, the wording would be totally different. IOW, most of the time, it won't sound as logical and straight-forward as that, but I think what you said is
supposed to be the driving idea. And
sometimes I'm sure it obviously will be. But, most of the time in my personal encounters with the "saving type" thier message revolves around being saved from the wrath of God and the fires of Hell. It usually goes like this:
You: "I don't believe in Hell, or a single angry and jealous God who is also benevolent.
Them: "Then you are a lost sheep who has not heard 'the word.' Hell is very real! Your spirit, your very soul is at stake! We all sin and we all must repent or we shall suffer in the lake of fire for all eternity and forfiet the glories of Heaven!..." and yatta yatta yatta.