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Saved to what end?


You're a bit dramatic. God doesn't threaten to torture and murder you, you do it to yourself.

I guess the Lord could have made you a perfect drone to worship Him, with no thought, mind, or personality. I guess He wanted more for you, so He gave you the chance to do more. Life is what life is. It's a gift, enjoy it while you can. If you want to upgrade to the eternity plan, you'll have to submit for that. Otherwise, back to the dust and what not. Can't complain. You wouldn't have had anything and wouldn't have known the difference.

Take the blessings or continue to hate them. Whatever works for you. But at this point, you are without excuse.

BULL! The Bible says YHVH created these imperfect beings.

And you folks teach he set up this torture and death Hell crap, as we have been debating, - for minor infractions!



It's illogical to you. It's real to me. I think you are born into sin. You disagree. Well, okay. My point of view is as valid as yours, whether you appreciate it or not. Neither can prove nor disprove. Surely we both didn't just realize that, eh?

Many are called, few are chosen. The path to destruction is wide, salvation is narrow.

Guess you drew the short straw. Sure you don't wanna opt in? ;)

LOL! Short straw?

Reality/actuality wins over fairy tales every time.

All you have is a myth/belief. NO PROOF of any of it.

Thus your belief stacks up with frog princes, and talking butterflies.



Veteran Member
Reality/actuality wins over fairy tales every time.

I couldn't agree more..
The reality is that we experience pleasure, and we experience pain .. and as we are aware of existence RIGHT NOW, there is no reason to believe that this will stop being the case.

eg. if we die, then what comes after

..much like if you think there is 'an end' to the sky, what is behind it?


I couldn't agree more..
The reality is that we experience pleasure, and we experience pain .. and as we are aware of existence RIGHT NOW, there is no reason to believe that this will stop being the case.

eg. if we die, then what comes after

..much like if you think there is 'an end' to the sky, what is behind it?

Why would anything come after death?



Active Member
Again, since you have a flawed mind, how do you know your thoughts aren't flawed? Secondly, you talk about what you observe in man, and some comparison between man and jesus based on experience? Where does your experience with jesus come from?

Even if you have some experience with jesus that is comparable to your experience with mankind, how are you competent to compare the two? Seeing as you have a defective mind?
At 26 years while living a quiet life my mind was opened up powerfully to something I had never realized. I had no understanding of what religion is about or what it meant.
Many concepts came into the mind and I was shown the mind of an immortal in a comparison to my own. I partially collapsed and could barely breath. It was very real and totally unexpected. I had been thinking about a dream from the previous night.

God is an energizing Spirit and makes everything seen appear at every instant. God wears light as with a garment. We have our being and presence in God.
God is an observer just beyond and a little deeper than the mind that is thought from.
For three years thoughts came as though from another mind. Whole concepts were understood without effort.
This planet is being observed and some people are being communicated with.

I read the Bible and eventually interacted with Christians where it was found that there was no resemblance to what it reads it should be like.

We can be saved from a deceitful and problematic nature that shows all manner of defective traits that is ruled by reactionary impulsiveness and potentially going to destroy all life on this planet.
The Luciferian leaders of mankind will force every one to worship the way they say. Non conforming Christians and atheists will be dominated to comply. It is coming under the guise of a new world order but has its beginning in Babylonian times if the seals and symbols are noted. The whole world is being positioned and run by a Jesuit order out of Rome.


At 26 years while living a quiet life my mind was opened up powerfully to something I had never realized. I had no understanding of what religion is about or what it meant.
Many concepts came into the mind and I was shown the mind of an immortal in a comparison to my own. I partially collapsed and could barely breath. It was very real and totally unexpected. I had been thinking about a dream from the previous night.

God is an energizing Spirit and makes everything seen appear at every instant. God wears light as with a garment. We have our being and presence in God.
God is an observer just beyond and a little deeper than the mind that is thought from.
For three years thoughts came as though from another mind. Whole concepts were understood without effort.
This planet is being observed and some people are being communicated with.

I read the Bible and eventually interacted with Christians where it was found that there was no resemblance to what it reads it should be like.

We can be saved from a deceitful and problematic nature that shows all manner of defective traits that is ruled by reactionary impulsiveness and potentially going to destroy all life on this planet.
The Luciferian leaders of mankind will force every one to worship the way they say. Non conforming Christians and atheists will be dominated to comply. It is coming under the guise of a new world order but has its beginning in Babylonian times if the seals and symbols are noted. The whole world is being positioned and run by a Jesuit order out of Rome.

There is no autonomous evil Satan in Tanakh. Later Jesus followers misunderstood/mistranslated what they were reading, then added in ideas from other religions, and came up with the evil autonomous Satan out to get you for himself, and torture-Hell ideas.



An Págánach
My only concepts of salvation are:
a. A person actually physically saving the life of another, or interceding directly or indirectly to better another person's life. Usually in a very significant way.
b. Achieving personal freedom in life by overcoming ignorance, harmful addictions, etc.


Active Member
There is no autonomous evil Satan in Tanakh. Later Jesus followers misunderstood/mistranslated what they were reading, then added in ideas from other religions, and came up with the evil autonomous Satan out to get you for himself, and torture-Hell ideas.


This whole world is being run and positioned for complete control. There is enough evidence and it is in their own literature and on public record. It is understood by some to be a Lucifer leadership who will want every one dead who does not conform.

Satan is a word used that encompasses what goes in the mind and thoughts. We are self empowered and that self is encumbered with temptation, prompting to do things when there is opportunity. Everyone who is honest owns up to this because they resist acting out and hold back.
Psychology shows that 80% of males and 45% females think about killing someone at some time. Most can feel violent and direct it towards another person.
With increasing regularity young people are committing horrendous acts and killing people, then saying something made them do it or God told them to.
The human will can be hijacked to a point where some acts can not be drawn back from.
Something is latched on to the human mind.

There is a way out and it will lead to immortality.


This whole world is being run and positioned for complete control. There is enough evidence and it is in their own literature and on public record. It is understood by some to be a Lucifer leadership who will want every one dead who does not conform.

Satan is a word used that encompasses what goes in the mind and thoughts. We are self empowered and that self is encumbered with temptation, prompting to do things when there is opportunity. Everyone who is honest owns up to this because they resist acting out and hold back.
Psychology shows that 80% of males and 45% females think about killing someone at some time. Most can feel violent and direct it towards another person.
With increasing regularity young people are committing horrendous acts and killing people, then saying something made them do it or God told them to.
The human will can be hijacked to a point where some acts can not be drawn back from.
Something is latched on to the human mind.

There is a way out and it will lead to immortality.

This is your belief, - not reality.

There are no evil ghosts, demons, trolls under the bridge, or Satan/Lucifers, out there waiting to get their clammy evil hands on humans.

Humans just are what they are.

Our aggressive behavior comes from survival instinct.

However, so does our ability to feel empathy, and live and let live.

Most of us have evolved enough to live in relative peace, - but some have not.

No evil being is required, to explain those with empathy problems.



Active Member
I call this the human ego. It can be a savage beast at times, but well-adjusted people can usually reign it in.

Yes, but many think of Satan as a being and don,t realize where he sits in the mind.
The ego is the place as well as the self. Lucifer magnified himself above God and opposed Him placing himself in charge.

This is the spirit of Satan that is in man's mind. The self with the ego are firmly in the personality as it is seen by others. There is a subconscious recognition by familiar human traits or type and the mind will respond usually by blocking with a reactive response. The whole interaction is predatory much like the biological animal world. Everyone is involved in a web of interaction and this is the kingdom of Satan.
There is a potential to be saved from this.


Active Member
This is your belief, - not reality.

There are no evil ghosts, demons, trolls under the bridge, or Satan/Lucifers, out there waiting to get their clammy evil hands on humans.

Humans just are what they are.

Our aggressive behavior comes from survival instinct.

However, so does our ability to feel empathy, and live and let live.

Most of us have evolved enough to live in relative peace, - but some have not.

No evil being is required, to explain those with empathy problems.


You haven't thought this over with any depth.
A demon is a fixture of the mind. fixation, fixated, mind set, cultural mind set.
Anything that is deeply engrained in the mind can hijack the will to act out.
What happens is that you can get cornered into doing something you don't want to even if it is just to keep someone quiet. Or you don't do something when you know you should.

Do we need to be biological with instincts which are predatory because they hurt others.
We all find a comfortable place and then do not want to change because no need is seen. Terrorism is taking over and will go further than the comfortable want.

A mind change can occur but from a comfortable place it must be induced.


You haven't thought this over with any depth.
A demon is a fixture of the mind. fixation, fixated, mind set, cultural mind set.
Anything that is deeply engrained in the mind can hijack the will to act out.
What happens is that you can get cornered into doing something you don't want to even if it is just to keep someone quiet. Or you don't do something when you know you should.

Do we need to be biological with instincts which are predatory because they hurt others.
We all find a comfortable place and then do not want to change because no need is seen. Terrorism is taking over and will go further than the comfortable want.

A mind change can occur but from a comfortable place it must be induced.

Which has nothing to do with imaginary evil characters.



Active Member
Which has nothing to do with imaginary evil characters.

Of course it hasn't the words used have been made into something other than what they are.
Take some quiet time and let your thoughts take you places. Memories of how you have behaved, why did you do it. Why was I treated like that. Why did I speak to mum like that?
etc. These strike at the heart of the matter.


Hammer of Reason
My only concepts of salvation are:
a. A person actually physically saving the life of another, or interceding directly or indirectly to better another person's life. Usually in a very significant way.
b. Achieving personal freedom in life by overcoming ignorance, harmful addictions, etc.
Awesome! Thanks.


Of course it hasn't the words used have been made into something other than what they are.
Take some quiet time and let your thoughts take you places. Memories of how you have behaved, why did you do it. Why was I treated like that. Why did I speak to mum like that?
etc. These strike at the heart of the matter.

I think you have been reading too many New Age books.



Active Member
I think you have been reading too many New Age books.


If a person came to their conclusions about a religion by observation then it would be off the mark as to what it is about. Christians can be quite nasty and learn in the way that they are told to. Even the scriptures that are written by a minority relate that religion is a tradition and the people heap up teachers for themselves to say things they want to hear.
The Bible relates something that cannot be imagined because it is about the steps to follow for the person to be taken into a transformation that will lead to immortality.

It is necessary to find the divine nature and God the creator of the whole universe will energize the Love in it.
It is very interesting and rewarding.


Veteran Member
Humans just are what they are.

Our aggressive behavior comes from survival instinct.

It's not as simple as that..
What about envy, and sexual motivations?

..and please don't tell me that 'sexual motivations' are part of survival instinct .. that's not what I mean .. I refer to a whole range of sexual crimes..



You are basically saying to "those who are enslaved, love your chains, for your Master knows best". No. Just...no.

Meine Formel für die Grösse am Menschen ist amor fati: dass man Nichts anders haben will, vorwärts nicht, rückwärts nicht, in alle Ewigkeit nicht. Das Nothwendige nicht bloss ertragen, noch weniger verhehlen – aller Idealismus ist Verlogenheit vor dem Nothwendigen –, sondern es lieben.

my translation:

My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing else, not forwards, not backwards, not in all of eternity. Not merely bearing what is necessary, much less conceal it - all idealism is a pack of lies in the face of what is necessary – but to love it.

- ecce homo

do you not agree?

appropriately enough, this is my 666th post!