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Saving Yourself for Marriage?


Wonder Woman
I want to know the science here. Just what is it, supposedly, that is causing this shift in actual physical looks? What is it Shermana? Are you trying to claim it's a chemical thing? That for every exposure to different DNA encoded semen it has some "uglification" effect on a woman? Is that it? It somehow speeds the aging process on her face by affecting her hormones or something? What? And what for men? Everytime their penis comes in contact with different vaginal fluid it does the same? Rearrange their face? Come on. Share this groundbreaking science with us and also explain why it's never been studied or substantiated. Why are you the ONLY ONE who knows this great mystery of life. Are you just that gifted with knowledge that you are the only one with enough intelligence in the world to figure out this great scientific conundrum?


Ahem....Dustin's source is a bit lacking, as I explained. My source is my personal experiences. After all, personal experiences and anecdotes seem to be not a problem for those on the other side here, why not mine?

I'm not going to get into the why's and how's here, as I said before. Talk to me personally and I will. But yes, it is about number of partners more so than number of times altogether, I'll say that at least. And also, male ahem..."self-stimulation" will result in this, as the Indian Brahamcharyists also agree, in my view. But not for females.


Well, if we are going by anecdotal experience, I find that people are less experienced at sex are, in fact, a poor performer in sex. Nor do I witness a sudden decline in attractiveness after I have slept with them.

There seems to be no explanation on how this mechanism of degrading beauty works. Nor any attempt to explain anything regarding my questions.


I want to know the science here. Just what is it, supposedly, that is causing this shift in actual physical looks? What is it Shermana? Are you trying to claim it's a chemical thing? That for every exposure to different DNA encoded semen it has some "uglification" effect on a woman? Is that it? It somehow speeds the aging process on her face by affecting her hormones or something? What? And what for men? Everytime their penis comes in contact with different vaginal fluid it does the same? Rearrange their face? Come on. Share this groundbreaking science with us and also explain why it's never been studied or substantiated. Why are you the ONLY ONE who knows this great mystery of life. Are you just that gifted with knowledge that you are the only one with enough intelligence in the world to figure out this great scientific conundrum?

There is no science here.


I want to know the science here. Just what is it, supposedly, that is causing this shift in actual physical looks? What is it Shermana? Are you trying to claim it's a chemical thing? That for every exposure to different DNA encoded semen it has some "uglification" effect on a woman? Is that it? It somehow speeds the aging process on her face by affecting her hormones or something? What? And what for men? Everytime their penis comes in contact with different vaginal fluid it does the same? Rearrange their face? Come on. Share this groundbreaking science with us and also explain why it's never been studied or substantiated. Why are you the ONLY ONE who knows this great mystery of life. Are you just that gifted with knowledge that you are the only one with enough intelligence in the world to figure out this great scientific conundrum?

Sorry, I said I'm not going to discuss that here, but I'll be happy to discuss it in private.


Shhhh, we know that, but he obviously doesn't and I want to see him explain it dammit. It's funny.

It's okay, if you want to believe that my observations and experiences are all wrong, you're more than welcome.

It's really a subject I can't discuss on a debate board because no studies have been done on it, so it's really just anecdotal based experience like everyone else's claims here.


So your claims are backed up by... that's right... nothing but anecdotal experience subjected to the biases of your personal taste. Have fun with that.

No problem. I think I was quite clear about that. But it doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else on the other side, strangely.

It's cool, if you want to believe that virgins aren't more attractive than non-virgins in general, that's fine. Maybe one day I'll be able to find enough Conservatives who want to pay for a study to test my hypothesis and see if my myriads of observations aren't all a big series of flukes, when they aren't busy paying for anti-abortion campaigns.


But seriously, Shermana, have you ever considered that the reason you might find non-virgins to be less attractive than virgins is because, on average, the non-virgin will be older? Perhaps it is merely youth that you are finding appealing, and have mistaken that for virginity.

I've met a few virgins past age 28, they were far more attractive than most girls (come to think of it, perhaps all) at that age but I haven't met enough for the sample size to make the comparison in the other age brackets.

However, virgins at age 18-23 are, in my experiences, much more attractive in general than known non-virgins aged 18-23.

My example with the Chabad Rabbi's wife for example, she must have been in her late 30s or 40s at least, with 7 kids, but I'm pretty sure her husband was the only one, and she was one of the best looking women at that age I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
I've met a few virgins past age 28, they were far more attractive than most girls (come to think of it, perhaps all) at that age but I haven't met enough for the sample size to make the comparison in the other age brackets.

However, virgins at age 18-23 are, in my experiences, much more attractive in general than known non-virgins aged 18-23.

My example with the Chabad Rabbi's wife for example, she must have been in her late 30s or 40s at least, with 7 kids, but I'm pretty sure her husband was the only one, and she was one of the best looking women at that age I've ever seen.

What about Christina Hendricks?


You can't tell the difference? Okay, at least we've established something. So then, what you are saying is that you have observed a sample of women who were very attractive virgins, had sex, and then became less attractive.
Or were average looking virgins, had sex, and then became ugly.


Correct. A large sample at that.

My point being, how the heck do you know they were virgins in the first place? Hymen examination? Negatory, captain. That's not a good indication of virginity. Because they told you?

I'm well aware of the problem of not TRULY being able to know whether she's virgin or not. Judging by the culture and circumstances, (and using Baye's Theorum), I'm going to say odds are quite realistic that most of them were in fact truthfully virgin. Plus, virgins have a very specific sort of personality trait I've noticed that sort of fades when they lose it. But in my religious belief, I do believe that the truth of one's virginity can be revealed in a dream if the answer is prayed for, but we'll leave that one out for the non-believers here.

However, if the argument is that I can't know if a girl was truly a virgin, then we can't have any of this discussion whatsoever. But what I can also say is that this same logic applies to girls with fewer partners.

1) In order to support even an anecdotal claim, you need to have a sample of women you KNOW were virgins, had a certain level of attractiveness, and then became less attractive. Hence, I think it is quite appropriate to ask whether you can spot a virgin.

No, I cannot spot a virgin with 100% accuracy. I can take a good guess. I have been wrong before in thinking a girl was NOT a virgin only to be told, with convincing confidence, they were.

2) In order to support even an anecdotal claim, you need to have some clear definition of what a virgin is. So, what's your definition?

In my definition, a TRUE virgin, a truly "Scottish" Virgin, has not had any contact whatsoever with the male appendage. Anywhere. Unfortunately, many girls, especially in the Jewish community, naively believe it only counts if the actual intercourse hasn't happened.

3) In order to support anything MORE than an anecdotal claim, you'd need to have even a vague measure of scientific evidence. At this point I'd be willing to accept a bare-***** guess at anything that might cause the sort of change you're discussing, since it would be a step forwards. Given your avoidance of many of the questions I asked you last post, forgive me if I don't hold my breath.

I'll give you a hint: It has something to do with why married couples noticeably end up looking like each other after a while. The reason I avoid it is because no studies have been done on the matter yet so what am I supposed to do other than state my theory which will be swatted at immediately?

Oh, for goodness sake, if you make a claim that virgins are more attractive, and that the same woman becomes less attractive when she's a non-virgin, there is an implicit claim of being able to recognize a virgin. Unless your claim is that women always tell you the truth about their virginity. Either way, I find it an interesting claim.

There's no implicit claim of being able to recognize a virgin. There's an implicit claim of stating that a known (with reasonable certainty) virgin will be generally more attractive than most non-virgins. That's it.

Whilst I know you are claiming a virgin becomes less attactive after sex, I have no idea at all how you believe this happens. So forgive me if I try to read some vague logical connection into what you've posted.

There is a bio-chemical process involved with minor DNA changes.

The point isn't whether a guy is good looking. It's whether you think a guy becomes less good-looking after he has sex. More to the point, is your belief that your looks will diminish after having intercourse.

Yes, I believe they will become less attractive the more they lose seed.

So you don't masturbate?

No, I've been strictly Brahma-Charnya for several years now. What does my personal actions have to do with it.


What about Christina Hendricks?

Without makeup:




I'm not sure how exactly this plays into my theory, (it does somehow but I'm not sure the precise particulars) but apparently there is SOME basis to the idea that more attractive women have less casual sex.

The Most Attractive Women Have the Least Casual Sex * Hooking Up Smart


1. For women, the number of sexual partners decreases with increasing physical attractiveness.

2. Very physically attractive women are more likely to form exclusive relationships than to form purely sexual relationships.

3. Attractive women are less likely to have sexual intercourse within the first week of meeting a partner.

4. Underweight and normal-weight women are more likely to report romantic experience.

5. Overweight women report approximately 10% more partners than normal-weight women whereas obese women report approximately 10% fewer partners.

6. For women the effect of being underweight on within-relationship outcomes resembles the effect of being very physically attractive.

Well there you have it folks.

I haz a study!!!
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Depends Upon My Mood..
That's just boring..

Well wait just one second here.....LOL!!Not that i have never slept with anyone else in my life but I have a designated spouse.And sex with him is not boring for either one of us even after many many years.In fact its more fun now than ever.I have absolutely no desire to go out and have sex with anyone else because Im bored.Hes as good as it gets .I mean if it ain't broken why fix it?