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Saving Yourself for Marriage?


Well wait just one second here.....LOL!!Not that i have never slept with anyone else in my life but I have a designated spouse.And sex with him is not boring for either one of us even after many many years.In fact its more fun now than ever.I have absolutely no desire to go out and have sex with anyone else because Im bored.Hes as good as it gets .I mean if it ain't broken why fix it?
How can you say that for sure though? For all you know there's a guy out there that would completely blow your mind and make you forget your husband's name. You've just decided to stop searching because culture has told you to remain in the bounds of a monogamous relationship. I personally wouldn't even think about a permanent relationship unless it was established that we could both sleep with whoever we want to. That's how you find your unicorn :yes:


Depends Upon My Mood..
How can you say that for sure though? For all you know there's a guy out there that would completely blow your mind and make you forget your husband's name. You've just decided to stop searching because culture has told you to remain in the bounds of a monogamous relationship.

Because my mind is already blown enough that I cant remember my own name let alone his.And no its not culture that told me that.We have a deep deep bond.Created over years in layers.Including making it through many tough times together.If I ever have a sex dream when sleeping its him in the dream.Not to mention he has my body memorized knows every inch and he knows exactly what I like to a finite degree and what I don't.We have tremendous chemistry .You can not tell me I'm not completely sexually fulfilled by him physically and emotionally just because you think I've somehow been brainwashed not to keep trying out different men for the rest of my life.If I'm ever not interested in sex with him its because I'm ****** off at him or we are having relationship difficulties.Or because I'm in a NOT horny mood because I ebb and flow that way.But in those times I don't want sex with ANYONE .

Also monogamy is found in other places in nature.No culture taught them that.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh also I'm talking about me and others I have met that honest to God have no desire to be with someone else they are still filled with sexual passion for thier long term SA.They only want that one person.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else they would be more fulfilled being monogamous if they aren't.

I also know married people who have bad sex life's and are unhappy about it.But its usually not because they want to be with more than that one person.Its usually frequency differences ..or one spouse is not interested in variety as to sexual acts.Or one spouse avoids sex all together or lays there like a dead body til its over.

Me Myself

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Ahem....Dustin's source is a bit lacking, as I explained. My source is my personal experiences. After all, personal experiences and anecdotes seem to be not a problem for those on the other side here, why not mine?

I'm not going to get into the why's and how's here, as I said before. Talk to me personally and I will. But yes, it is about number of partners more so than number of times altogether, I'll say that at least. And also, male ahem..."self-stimulation" will result in this, as the Indian Brahamcharyists also agree, in my view. But not for females.

Anecdotal evidence doesnt show anything.

If I went by anecdotal evidence I will have to tell you all atheists believe in somthing supernatural and that all black people are poor.

Thats just way not reliable enough.


Well-Known Member
Are there any advantages to not having sex before marriage? If so, what are those advantages? How important are they when compared to the advantages, if any, of having sex before marriage?

Bob and Sally wouldn't be fighting over Pat in Revolt's thread?


Anecdotal evidence doesnt show anything.

If I went by anecdotal evidence I will have to tell you all atheists believe in somthing supernatural and that all black people are poor.

Thats just way not reliable enough.

You missed my point, anecdotal evidence seems to be a standard norm here on this thread for the other side of the argument as well. Besides, I've also got a study that shows More attractive women are less inclined to engage in casual sex, though I'm not sure how to 100% incorporate that into my argument.

I have indeed met a surprising many Atheists who still acknowledge some kinds of supernaturality and most Black people I've met have been fairly poor.

But the question is, would you be speaking honestly?

Me Myself

Back to my username
You missed my point, anecdotal evidence seems to be a standard norm here on this thread for the other side of the argument as well. Besides, I've also got a study that shows More attractive women are less inclined to engage in casual sex, though I'm not sure how to 100% incorporate that into my argument.

I have indeed met a surprising many Atheists who still acknowledge some kinds of supernaturality and most Black people I've met have been fairly poor.

But the question is, would you be speaking honestly?

Speak honestly about what? All the atheists I ve known do believe in sometng supernatural when I have asked them or after long casual conversation. All the black people I have personally seen are poor. If I drew conclusions from that, I would have to believe being black makes on inherently bad at money and that atheists always believe in something supernatural.

Bt the more reasonable inferences to draw from my very limited anecdotal exposures are that there is likely a cultural reason for why people with black skin tend to be poorer, and why -atheist I ve met (which mostly are limited by several demographics like socieconomic level and of course living in guayaquil) tend to have some belief in the supernatural.

To pretend being an atheists makes you have immidiately some belief in the supernatural is idiotic and to think that the son of a black man and a white woman will have less money than the white woman had as he grows up is similarly idiotic.

This is because anecdotal evidence is very far away from insufficient.

The quoted study is AT LEAST better than anecdotal evidence.

You have given no biological or psychological reason for your very extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is on you.


Wonder Woman
Honestly, this thread has devolved into one of the biggest facepalm worthy things I think I have ever seen. Congrats Shermana. Considering how many years of facepalm worthy threads I've been witness to, that's quite an accomplishment.

My deepest regrets are sent to Sunstone for the loss of his thread into this spiraling madness. Should he like anyone to speak eulogy I'd kindly offer one.


Honestly, this thread has devolved into one of the biggest facepalm worthy things I think I have ever seen. Congrats Shermana. Considering how many years of facepalm worthy threads I've been witness to, that's quite an accomplishment.

My deepest regrets are sent to Sunstone for the loss of his thread into this spiraling madness. Should he like anyone to speak eulogy I'd kindly offer one.

Well, I'm sorry if you don't like the studies that flat out back up what I'm saying in one way or another, but you're welcome to face-palm opinions.

And do let me know when the day comes that most upper-status men don't prefer virgins for mates.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Well, I'm sorry if you don't like the studies that flat out back up what I'm saying in one way or another, but you're welcome to face-palm opinions.

And do let me know when the day comes that most upper-status men don't prefer virgins for mates.

By studies you mean your anecdotal evidence? o_O

D you have yet put forth a study saying what part of our sperm is poisonous to women?


By studies you mean your anecdotal evidence? o_O

D you have yet put forth a study saying what part of our sperm is poisonous to women?

No, by studies I meant that more attractive women generally don't have casual sex and seek out monogamous relationships.

I gave a hint about my theory that it's similar to why married couples end up looking like each other, possible DNA-changes that make the woman appear more like the man, how's that? I have no studies at this time to prove it, but perhaps one day there will be. It simply has not been studied. Like I said, maybe I'll be able to get conservatives to donate to such a study when they're not busy funding anti-abortion campaigns.

Me Myself

Back to my username
No, by studies I meant that more attractive women don't have casual sex and seek out monogamous relationships.

Bt that is the opposite of what you said. You said sex made women uglier, not that uglier women tend to sleep around more.

Sure, maybe it is more common today for women who dont feel as beautiful to seek for affirmation by having more sex, but even then you would just have a lot of beautiful women (whether ey are a bug group percentage wise or not) that still have sex around because they simply enjoy sex.

Even if and when they just have sex in monogamous relationships, they can have severak before marriages.


Bt that is the opposite of what you said. You said sex made women uglier, not that uglier women tend to sleep around more.

You know, we're talking about "implications" of the data.

The implication that attractive women don't sleep around as much kind of is the same thing that uglier women sleep around more. Like I said, I'm not 100% sure how to incorporate that into my argument, but the data definitely supports my point. Whether it's the sex that makes the women ugly and the lack thereof (with multiple partners) which makes the attractive women prettier I cannot say. The data simply suggests that Attractive women are not sleeping around as much. Why could that be? What could that mean?

Sure, maybe it is more common today for women who dont feel as beautiful to seek for affirmation by having more sex, but even then you would just have a lot of beautiful women (whether ey are a bug group percentage wise or not) that still have sex around because they simply enjoy sex.

But the hard data suggests that beautiful women are nonetheless more likely to seek monogamous relationships and avoid casual sex. In your logic, the only explanation is that ugly women seek casual sex as a way of affirmation. The thing is, we don't know if it's the sex making them uglier or the ugliness making the sex. Either way though, the data affirms my point: There is indeed a corrolation between being beautiful and having less sex (with multiple partners).

Even if and when they just have sex in monogamous relationships, they can have severak before marriages.

Yes, but I'd place my bets that it's with far less partners.

Me Myself

Back to my username
You know, we're talking about "implications" of the data.

The implication that attractive women don't sleep around as much kind of is the same thing that uglier women sleep around more. Like I said, I'm not 100% sure how to incorporate that into my argument, but the data definitely supports my point. Whether it's the sex that makes the women ugly and the lack thereof (with multiple partners) which makes the attractive women prettier I cannot say. The data simply suggests that Attractive women are not sleeping around as much. Why could that be? What could that mean?

But the hard data suggests that beautiful women are nonetheless more likely to seek monogamous relationships and avoid casual sex. In your logic, the only explanation is that ugly women seek casual sex as a way of affirmation. The thing is, we don't know if it's the sex making them uglier or the ugliness making the sex. Either way though, the data affirms my point: There is indeed a corrolation between being beautiful and having less sex (with multiple partners).

Yes, but I'd place my bets that it's with far less partners.

A psychological relationship between percieved attractiveness and amount of sexual partners may have some sense, whereas the belief that there is some bological reason for them to change by having sex with more people currently makes absolutely no sense.

The correlation would still be similar to the relationship of "black peple steal" where you have more robbers at are black on countries where they are descendants of slaves and suffered racism for ling and still today, thus you have social reasons for them to be(in general but not as a rule) poorer, and given increase of need makes people do desperate things, more likely to steal.

There you have some factors that have an INDIRECT relationship, by which it would be completely silly to think being black makes you a criminal. Or to the least, it would make such affirmation blury and easily misunderstood.


Wonder Woman
Goodnight sweet thread that once had some semblance of sanity to it. You will be fondly remembered as a thread that could have gone somewhere had not the train gotten derailed into no-man's land...never to be seen again. Goodnight, goodnight, parting is such sweet sorrow...

*btw, this whole judgment of "ugly" women vs "beautiful" women based upon how much sex a woman has...just frickin sick


Goodnight sweet thread that once had some semblance of sanity to it. You will be fondly remembered as a thread that could have gone somewhere had not the train gotten derailed into no-man's land...never to be seen again. Goodnight, goodnight, parting is such sweet sorrow...

*btw, this whole judgment of "ugly" women vs "beautiful" women based upon how much sex a woman has...just frickin sick

I'm assuming you think it only had sanity when you were bashing on beliefs of people who believed in ideal of Virginity before marriage? I imagine that fun would sink once the subject of high status men preferring virgins entered the equation that you basically felt the need to deny.

I'm sorry if you find it "fricking sick" to have a valid debate on a subject. For some reason, objective arguments on gender issues brings out venom in people when opposing views are brought up.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Ehm. No the problem is that this is indeed the silliest perspective I have heard in RF. from someone I am sure is not a troll.