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Saving Yourself for Marriage?


Wonder Woman
Well yes that's the conclusion of the Psychologist. It's a rather stupid conclusion. Perhaps I can find a more modern study that actually looks at the science involved.

I'm just talking about the data here.

It makes sense though. Is it only a "stupid conclusion" to you because it isn't your conclusion? Because it doesn't agree with you?


It makes sense though. Is it only a "stupid conclusion" to you because it isn't your conclusion? Because it doesn't agree with you?

No, because then we'd have to explain why long term friends who regularly eat together and room mates don't look like each other over time. It's simply a very flawed, short-sighted conclusion that is a hasty scramble to explain the data.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I'm seriously really not understanding what this has to do with it. Are you saying that seeing each other every day causes such facial changes? I disagree with the conclusion of the researcher, I'm just using his data.

The reason they have similar looks is something akin to facial body building.

You see, our face has muscles as you know, and when we use it to express our emotions, this muscles are "working out" . Gven this, with the years our emotions shape our faces.

If you spent a lot of time with one person, you tend to copy hir emotions due to empathy (the less empathical you are towards that person the less this will hppen though) . Given that you copy the emotions, you are both "working out" similr facial muscles in the face.

Given that both are working out similar facial muscles, you end up having more similar faces.

So, the reason the look more like each ofher would be the same reason why to people going to the gym doing the same routine would have thier bodies look like each other more as the years go by and they follow the exact same routine: their muscles re being trained the same way so their shape becomes more similr.

Given that this is the reason this happens, sex is no direct causation. So it has nothing to do with sex really.


I'd like to see some examples of platonic (non-married or relationship) long term friends who end up looking like each other because of this facial exercise of similar emotions. Any studies?

Me Myself

Back to my username
No, because then we'd have to explain why long term friends who regularly eat together and room mates don't look like each other over time. It's simply a very flawed, short-sighted conclusion that is a hasty scramble to explain the data.

If they have been friend for 10 years, they do.

Its the ctual explanaion.

Though you can also complete it a bit by saying that we tend to look for pele withore or less similr faces to our owns too. For example, in experiments where they take a guy's face and just change minimal things to make it more "femenine" (eyebrows, chin, etc) and then compare the faceext to a lot of faces of good looking women, the guys generally pick as the most good looking woman, the one that is really theirs. Women do the same.

So many times you have some similar facial attributes already and THEN the facial body building.

This makes sense.

The sex thing you say, is so low on e range of suppositions that calling it an hypothesis would be generous.


If they have been friend for 10 years, they do.

Its the ctual explanaion.

Though you can also complete it a bit by saying that we tend to look for pele withore or less similr faces to our owns too. For example, in experiments where they take a guy's face and just change minimal things to make it more "femenine" (eyebrows, chin, etc) and then compare the faceext to a lot of faces of good looking women, the guys generally pick as the most good looking woman, the one that is really theirs. Women do the same.

So many times you have some similar facial attributes already and THEN the facial body building.

This makes sense.

The sex thing you say, is so low on e range of suppositions that calling it an hypothesis would be generous.

They do? I look nothing like my close friends.

So anecdotal it is?

Me Myself

Back to my username
They do? I look nothing like my close friends.

So anecdotal it is?

For how much years have you been seeing your friends every day?

Its not anecdotal. It has been noticed the simiilarities come mostly frowrinkles and the enhance with the years.

Your assumption it happens because of sex is just a guess with no direct support.

The emoathic muscle prosal othe other hand explains how and why it happens and is thus more acceptable that "sex because they are probably having it and I dont know why that changes their face"


For how much years have you been seeing your friends every day?

Its not anecdotal. It has been noticed the simiilarities come mostly frowrinkles and the enhance with the years.

Your assumption it happens because of sex is just a guess with no direct support.

The emoathic muscle prosal othe other hand explains how and why it happens and is thus more acceptable that "sex because they are probably having it and I dont know why that changes their face"

Speaking of guesses with no support, I want to see some studies or even heck, a blog, discussing this alleged phenomenon.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Excuse me, did I not specifically say "Platonic, Non-married, non relationship"? We're talking about close friends here to supplement what is already being hypothesized about married/relationship couples.

You do understand the facial body building hypothesis is superior to "I dont know why or how but I think its sex" even as a guess, right?

One of the articles said they have found similarities between long term friends but doesnt give details.

I wonder why you expect aore rigurous study towards a reasonable hypothesis that woul explain the phenomena thatowards your completely unsupported hypothesis that offers no explanation at all.

Facial mimiquing explains how it happens. "Sex" in your guess hasnt done at so far.


You do understand the facial body building hypothesis is superior to "I dont know why or how but I think its sex" even as a guess, right?

No I don't understand that.

One of the articles said they have found similarities between long term friends but doesnt give details.

Ah, no details.

I wonder why you expect aore rigurous study towards a reasonable hypothesis that woul explain the phenomena thatowards your completely unsupported hypothesis that offers no explanation at all

You asking why I would expect a study that confirms the denial of my own hypothesis? I'm not sure what you mean.

Facial mimiquing explains how it happens. "Sex" in your guess hasnt done at so far.

Ok, as long as you understand it's just one unsupported guess over another. But like I said, maybe one day I'll get the Conservatives to donate money for my study when they're not busy throwing money at anti-abortion campaigns.

Me Myself

Back to my username
No I don't understand that.

Ah, no details.


You asking why I would expect a study that confirms the denial of my own hypothesis? I'm not sure what you mean.

Ok, as long as you understand it's just one unsupported guess over another. But like I said, maybe one day I'll get the Conservatives to donate money for my study when they're not busy throwing money at anti-abortion campaigns.

There is a great difference between a reasonable guess and a random guess.

You decided that sex makes them ugly "because"

The study says that long term exposure to someone makes people more alike because of facial mimic of the muscles given empathical relationships.

A hint: the guess needs to have some kind of explanation as to why it makes sense.

I could say that virgin women are more beautiful because religious people are more beautiful. I would need something to back that up to say I didnt pull it out of my butt. If only, some kind of explanation.

You havent given an explanation.

You say at sex makes people look alike but you dont know why.

Do you understand e difference?


No problem. I think I was quite clear about that. But it doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else on the other side, strangely.

It's cool, if you want to believe that virgins aren't more attractive than non-virgins in general, that's fine. Maybe one day I'll be able to find enough Conservatives who want to pay for a study to test my hypothesis and see if my myriads of observations aren't all a big series of flukes, when they aren't busy paying for anti-abortion campaigns.

The other side is asking for proof of your claim. The burden of proof does not shift when your (obviously biased) anecdotal perceptions of women and men fails to hold weight for anyone else. So there is nothing to be done other then to categorize your claims as baseless and obviously biased.


I'm not sure how exactly this plays into my theory, (it does somehow but I'm not sure the precise particulars) but apparently there is SOME basis to the idea that more attractive women have less casual sex.

The Most Attractive Women Have the Least Casual Sex * Hooking Up Smart

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Well there you have it folks.

I haz a study!!!

That study talks about people who are unattractive as being more likely to engage in sex, and those who are pretty are more likely to stick to exclusivity.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the claim that anyone gets less attractive after adding an additional sex partner.


You missed my point, anecdotal evidence seems to be a standard norm here on this thread for the other side of the argument as well. Besides, I've also got a study that shows More attractive women are less inclined to engage in casual sex, though I'm not sure how to 100% incorporate that into my argument.

I have indeed met a surprising many Atheists who still acknowledge some kinds of supernaturality and most Black people I've met have been fairly poor.

But the question is, would you be speaking honestly?

To even pretend to suggest that that study is suggesting what you have suggested seems to be incredibly naive or dishonest.


You know, we're talking about "implications" of the data.

The implication that attractive women don't sleep around as much kind of is the same thing that uglier women sleep around more. Like I said, I'm not 100% sure how to incorporate that into my argument, but the data definitely supports my point. Whether it's the sex that makes the women ugly and the lack thereof (with multiple partners) which makes the attractive women prettier I cannot say. The data simply suggests that Attractive women are not sleeping around as much. Why could that be? What could that mean?

So then the study has nothing to do with your point.... though I felt like I've stated this too many times at this point.


That study talks about people who are unattractive as being more likely to engage in sex, and those who are pretty are more likely to stick to exclusivity.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the claim that anyone gets less attractive after adding an additional sex partner.

The conclusion supports one thing or the other:

Either uglier/less-attractive women seek more sex with multiple partners (Casual sex), or sex with multiple partners makes women uglier. It can in fact bolster what I'm saying in either regard.

Throw in the fact that Upper Status man de facto prefer virgins, and perhaps the less "experienced" women are seeking exclusive relationships with the upper status men perhaps as a third conclusion?

To even pretend to suggest that that study is suggesting what you have suggested seems to be incredibly naive or dishonest.

I'm assuming you believe it's the "Uglier women psychologically seek casual sex to console themselves" argument? Cause that's really the only alternative other than option 3, which is to placate the virgin-seeking Upper Status men. Try again?
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