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School bans Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches


Premium Member
I wouldn't be suprised if some of these government run schools ban BLT's just because some religions frown upon the eating of pork. Certain people might be offended by watching others eat beacon, or ham, or BBQ'd pulled pork smothered with melted cheese... damn I'm getting hungry, it must be lunch time. :drool:
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Depends Upon My Mood..
who will eventually wipe away all the terrible slights and hurts they received at the hands of their own barbaric and ignorant parents,

My mother was not ignorant and barbaric..along with bologna sandwiches she was a wonderful cook...Of course being from the south we did eat a lot of fried things...But my mother cooked us home made food every single day unless we had leftovers..Beef burgandy stew...chicken and dumplings..fried beef liver..pork chops..fried chicken..chicken fried steak in tomato gravy...roast beef ..barbeque chicken ..steaks....ham and potato casserole..fired cat fish ..fried shrimp ..salmon patties...not to mention fresh cooked veggies ...(home made creamed corn ..corn on the cob) green beans ..butter beans...lima beans ..okra . ..fresh tomatoes..peas..home made mashed potatoes...broccoli casserole ..cauliflower ..sweetened beats...salads with Italian dressing.....baked beans ...home made corn bread...baked cheese grits..bacon ..scrambled eggs...oatmeal ..home made mac and cheese...for sweets mostly she made cakes..or pies ..like home made apple pie /peach cobbler..Boston cream pie ..key lime pie....pop overs..etc...

In my case my mother was not 'barbaric" ..she cooked with love and she cooked hard...I think I had eaten at McDonalds (or any other fast food chain) maybe half a dozen times in my life by the time I was 13.

I will always appreciate my mother for how she cooked for us.And I only listed about 1/50th of what she prepared for us growing up and even later as adults when we came over....


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I prefer turkey sandwiches, myself.

I do miss bologna on white bread with mustard and tomato I have to admit.(with a good sprinkle of black pepper)One day I will have one for old timey sakes...

I wouldn't be suprised if some of these government run schools ban BLT's just because some religions frown upon the eating of pork. Certain people might be offended by watching others eat beacon, or ham, or BBQ'd pulled pork smothered with melted cheese... damn I getting hungry, it must be lunch time. :drool:

My mother was not ignorant and barbaric..along with bologna sandwiches she was a wonderful cook...Of course being from the south we did eat a lot of fried things...But my mother cooked us home made food every single day unless we had leftovers..Beef burgandy stew...chicken and dumplings..fried beef liver..pork chops..fried chicken..chicken fried steak in tomato gravy...roast beef ..barbeque chicken ..steaks....ham and potato casserole..fired cat fish ..fried shrimp ..salmon patties...not to mention fresh cooked veggies ...(home made creamed corn ..corn on the cob) green beans ..butter beans...lima beans ..okra . ..fresh tomatoes..peas..home made mashed potatoes...broccoli casserole ..cauliflower ..sweetened beats...salads with Italian dressing.....baked beans ...home made corn bread...baked cheese grits..bacon ..scrambled eggs...oatmeal ..home made mac and cheese...for sweets mostly she made cakes..or pies ..like home made apple pie /peach cobbler..Boston cream pie ..key lime pie....pop overs..etc...

I am so hungry right now.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
My mother was not ignorant and barbaric..along with bologna sandwiches she was a wonderful cook...Of course being from the south we did eat a lot of fried things...But my mother cooked us home made food every single day unless we had leftovers..Beef burgandy stew...chicken and dumplings..fried beef liver..pork chops..fried chicken..chicken fried steak in tomato gravy...roast beef ..barbeque chicken ..steaks....ham and potato casserole..fired cat fish ..fried shrimp ..salmon patties...not to mention fresh cooked veggies ...(home made creamed corn ..corn on the cob) green beans ..butter beans...lima beans ..okra . ..fresh tomatoes..peas..home made mashed potatoes...broccoli casserole ..cauliflower ..sweetened beats...salads with Italian dressing.....baked beans ...home made corn bread...baked cheese grits..bacon ..scrambled eggs...oatmeal ..home made mac and cheese...for sweets mostly she made cakes..or pies ..like home made apple pie /peach cobbler..Boston cream pie ..key lime pie....pop overs..etc...

In my case my mother was not 'barbaric" ..she cooked with love and she cooked hard...I think I had eaten at McDonalds (or any other fast food chain) maybe half a dozen times in my life by the time I was 13.

I will always appreciate my mother for how she cooked for us.And I only listed about 1/50th of what she prepared for us growing up and even later as adults when we came over....

I think you're missing the over-the-top, and hyperbolic nature of my response to Mystic for the purpose of humor. Try not to take every comment as a personal affront.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh ma gosh now Im flashing back "nastalgia" we didn't even have a microwave until I was about 9.Not because we couldn't afford one..(even though I think they were about $600 and they were about the size of a large screen t.v and weight about 200 lbs LOL)..

But because..."what the hell do you do with a microwave"?My father gave her one for Christmas...Then we figured out about "instant grits" and "instant oatmeal" .and my mother used it to 'defrost" meat..and heat up her coffee...LOL!!And in reality that's really all its good for in the end...(warming over left overs of course)..

I have a picture (Christmas picture) of it wrapped up ...and my baby sister sitting on the box and the rest of us all gathered around it...


Depends Upon My Mood..
I think you're missing the over-the-top, and hyperbolic nature of my response to Mystic for the purpose of humor. Try not to take every comment as a personal affront.

Fair enough ..sorry if I took you literally when that was not your intent.Some do mean what you said literally...Forgive me for misjudging your intent.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Y'all ever had a "pear salad"? I think its a southern thing.Crispy(cool) Ice burg lettuce leaves on the bottom..sliced fresh pears on top of the leaves..a "dollop" of mayonaise on top of that and sprinkled generously with cheddar cheese...

Sounds stupid ..but you might be surprised how good that taste together..

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
But we didn't have stacks of kid carcasses piling up back in those days, so what did change?

Peoples' exposure to, and susceptibility to, constant barrages of hyped-up, panic-inducing scenarios.

That being said, if I had a kid with a peanut allergy, I'd probably sleep better knowing there weren't going to be any peanut products at their school. ****** happens, and I don't know if the small risk of a life-threatening situation is worth some kid eating a peanut butter sandwich instead of a baloney sandwich.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Wouldn't it be easier to simply teach the little turd not to touch other people's food, and not to place stuff in their mouth that they're allergic to, rather than insist that everyone else refrain from enjoying the foods that they like? It is a rather ridiculous expectation and an undue sense of entitlement. This is about as bad as parents who drag their screaming, crying, loud, obnoxious urchins into a theater or restaurant.

Nope. I explained my position that it is different than entitlements. We're talking about something potentially lethal. I don't require parents to bring in gluten-free, sugar-free food since those situations are not life-threatening.

But we didn't have stacks of kid carcasses piling up back in those days, so what did change?

Nobody is sure what has caused the spike in diagnoses. But it's been enough for airlines to ban peanut products from their flights. Do you have the same issues with airlines too?


Active Member
School official's need to do what it takes to safeguard student's including a nut ban. The potential death of a student with such an allergy trumps any concerns about freedom and convenience any pbj lovers may have. A nut ban would stop those parents from complaining about minutia as well.


Active Member
Another example of unnecessary identity poltics: My parents gave me pbj as a child, so therefore nothing is wrong with it. That's how I was raised and I have no critical thinking skills or ability to modify that. Also, I believe in God for similar reasons.


Premium Member
If the parents were genuinely worried, wouldn't they teach their kid the importance of washing their hands, keeping their nasty fingers out of their mouth, their hands to themselves, etc? If their kid is handling other children's food, or the other children themselves, then that's something they need to address with their child, rather than expecting the school to force the other children to make nonsensical sacrifices.

This reminded me of a situation that happened to me in pre-school, way back in ancient times. This snot nosed little girl wiped her snotty nose with her hand and then reached out and grabed a cookie from my lunch plate with that same hand. I might have been a p.o.'d little guy, but I didn't make a fus, I let the little twurp eat the damn cookie snot and all - I wasn't about to. :p


Depends Upon My Mood..
If the parents were genuinely worried, wouldn't they teach their kid the importance of washing their hands, keeping their nasty fingers out of their mouth, their hands to themselves, etc? If their kid is handling other children's food, or the other children themselves, then that's something they need to address with their child, rather than expecting the school to force the other children to make nonsensical sacrifices.

Their fingers are not more "nasty" than yours and yes I think most parents teach their kids that..the reality is we (all of us) without really thinking about it might touch our mouths with our hands..or rub our nose (not pick but rub) just like I just while typing this I scratched my eyelid because ..well it itched a little.

And its not a "nonsensical" sacrifice to not bring peanuts or peanut butter to school.However its "nonsensical" and unrealistic in fact to teach adults..let alone children to NEVER bring their hands anywhere near their mouths ,nose ,or eyes unless they wash their hands first.

That is like saying.."don't EVER scratch an itch until you wash your hands first".If you are being stung by a mosquito ...STOP wash your hands ..then scratch it ...Or hell ..don't scratch at all...


Depends Upon My Mood..
This reminded me of a situation that happened to me in pre-school, way back in ancient times. This snot nosed little girl wiped her snotty nose with her hand and then reached out and grabed a cookie from my lunch plate with that same hand. I might have been a p.o.'d little guy, but I didn't make a fus, I let the little twurp eat the damn cookie snot and all - I wasn't about to. :p

Right ...thats gross ..and I bet she was "taught otherwise" ..and so were you ...but kids will be kids..that's why the invention of the flu shot...:p