Part-One of this post ( Balfour Declaration ) . Now before someone come with that Anti-card etc etc etc . Don't even try it because it old , And it's only used to side step the truth .
The Bear is symbolic of the 26th President of the U.S. Theodore ( Teddy ) Roosevelt ( 1858 -1919 A.D. ) . He was the first American President to declare war with the Arab Nation . He also firmly established secret agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) and the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) . His mouth is said to be like a lion because he spoke loudly in an arrogant voice . And with his determination to prove himself right , he had the U.S. join forces with Britain and France against Muslims for the occupation of Morocco . President Roosevelt received the nickname ''Teddy '' because he loved bears . A cartoon sketch was made depicting him as sparing a cub . ''Like a lion '' also refers to the Jews who cliam to be descendants of the tribe of Judah .
They are Jebusites of Kena'an , Kana'an , Canaan . They are the ones who say they are Jews and are not ; '' I know thy works , and tribulation , and poverty ; ( but thou art rich ) and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews , and are not , but are the synagogues of Satan '' ( Revelation 2 ; 9 ) .
And it states in Revelation 13 ; 3 , and I Quote ; '' And I saw one of its heads as having been slain to death , and its deadly would was healed And all the earth marveled after the beast ''.
On March 30 , 1981 A.D., Ex -President Ronald Wilson Reagan authorozed the establishment of the Church of Satan . While he was the president , an attempted assassination was made on his life by John Hinckley Jr . Reagan sustained two gun shot wounds to the chest , and much to the public's amazement , this 70 year old man recovered from these otherwise fatal shots . This incident made Reagan one of the most impressive of all the U.S. presidents .
Revelation 13 ; 4 , states '' And they worshipped the dragon whichgave power unto the beast ; and they worshipped the beast , saying . Who is like unto the beast ? Who is able to make war with him .
The whole world submitted to the rule of the United States who gave power to Euro-Jews through the establishment of the State of Israel in the Balfour Declaration in 1917 A.D. Notice Israel is not called a Country or Kingdom , it is called a State because it is an Extension of the United States . Zionism , a political movenment advocating the return of the Euro-Jubusites -Jews to Palestine had been born in 1895 A.D. When a Viennese newspaperman , Theodor Herzl , published a pamphlet entitled '' Der Judenstaat '' The Jewish State '' . It first setence read . '' The Jews who will it , shall have a states of their own .
Balfour and Prime Minister David Lloyd Geoorge , wanted to right centuries of wrongs done to the Jebusites ( Euro-Jews ) by European Christians . As reparation , they offered Palestine . They offered it because they had been charmed and their conscience was stirred by the Chairman of the British Zionist Federation . Dr Chaim Weizmann. They offered it because , by the standards of this imperialist age , if you captured territory from an enemy , you do with it as you pleased . In 1917 A.D., it pleased Britain's rulers to give the Jebusites ( Euro-Jews ) a national home in lands they had won from the Turks .
In 1922 . the Sykes - Picot Agreement was codified by the League of Nations . Palestine and the other Arab -populated Turkish territories became mandates , or in the native words of the League , '' sacred trusts of civilization '' that were supposed to reach independence under Europen tutelage . The League assigned Lebanon and Syria to France ; Iraq , Palestine and Trans-Jordan to the Jordan River , from Palestine and gave it to Prince Faisak's brother , Abdullah , to rule under the direction of a British president .
To be continue un-less it become ( Sab-o-tage / Off the topic ) .